Thursday, December 22, 2011

CHRISTMAS IN NEW YORK.................scenes about town.

I just got back from a very short week in NYC......
Seven days in the Big Apple
felt more like two...

I snapped a few pictures about town.....
It didn't seem very Christmas-ie this year....
But it was all about being with my girls!!
We did a little shopping but we also saw one fabulous Musical.....
Called "Pricilla Queen of the Desert".....
Ofcourse Woody Allen
Stephane Wrenbel a Gypsy guitar player out in Brooklyn.....

I got to see Daughter's new residence....I was amazed just how many dogs
people have.....It seemed everyone had one or more.....
Which I can't even imagine having one while living in an
apartment....but our Miss Zeta seems very happy
And Miss B finally realizes that it's an apartment....
For weeks and weeks she called it "the hotel".....

A lovely little park right across from her apartment.....

with an intriguing blue door....

and an interesting light fixture....

And this magnificent entrance door....I can only imagine how gorgeous the
apartment is on the other side...

We are happy that daughter settled into a nice area of town.....
Sutton Place....
Miss B is a real city gal.....

On the door of a townhouse on 58th. street

Another Townhouse floral display.....

The window of Bergdorfs....

Joyce told me how terrific their window displays were and that was an
They were all animal related and very over the top.....
the best of all the big department stores...
we went to the Christmas market in Bryant Park.....

where there was an ice rink.....and tons of gift and food booths....
A bit pricey.....One food booth wanted $5.00 for a
Chocolate Chip Cookie....that would be one cookie......five dollars?

we wandered through the big library....isn't this ceiling amazing.....
and hit up the gift shop....
In fact we had very good luck shopping for gifts at all the museum shops ......

the week with the girls flew by.....
Sophie took this picture of me...
I think she'll turn into a photographer like her mother...

How is this for advertising,,,,,,
which brings me to this years "Miss B" calendar.....
It will be my next post and I think it's one of the best yet....
Someone asked me as Sophie gets older what possible type of calendar would be done....
Daughter came up with a very clever idea....
It has something to do with this car....
So we will see you in a few days....
It won't disappoint......

Merry Christmas!!!!


  1. I know you had a good time with your girls. So glad that your daughter is in a good apt. I always look forward to Miss B's calendar! I can't believe it's almost Christmas! hugs, Linda

  2. Those windows are fabulous! You lucky duck, to have a week in NYC at Christmas time. Merry Christmas to you, and all the best of the New Year!

  3. So nice to have a girl weekend in NY at this time of year!!! Looking forward to seeing the calendar.

  4. So Daughter and Miss B have moved to NYC, huh? How did I miss that? You, me, and Joyce will have to meet there one day. Can't wait to see this year's calendar. Have a wonderful holiday in your beautiful new home!

  5. Can't wait to see the calendar. Enjoy the next week or so in your beautiful house -- hope the girls are visiting!! Mike will be home today, so the real meat & potato cooking starts today. No more --"You're old, have a cookie for supper!!!" Not really, you know I do cook; but still not my favorite thing to do. Take care, Sally

  6. It sounds like you had a wonderful visit with your daughter and granddaughter. Your daughter and Miss B are both very pretty. You took some wonderful pics to share with us. I so appreciate it. I've never visited NY and it's on my list to do so. I love that door at your daughters apartment. It has incredible detail and it's just lovely. How cute of Miss B calling the apartment a hotel. Ican understand that. :) I'm looking forward to the calendar. Merry Christmas!

  7. I wonder if we were in Bryant Park at the same time. I love it there and enjoyed the browsing and the people watching.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  8. Looks like you had a great happy for you...We will keep Christmas in our heart all year long!
    glad you had balmy temps too! See Woody Allen must have been a whoot! Guess he was napping...
    Merry Merry ya'll !
    Jennifer from Joisey

  9. Oh Sue, sounds like such an adventure! So happy to hear that you and the girls enjoyed a wonderful week together. I hope you and the Boss have a wonderful holiday! Can't wait to see the calendar of Miss B. Christmas hugs to you, Sue

  10. Nothing better than Christmas in New York - Merry Christmas Sue to you and yours!

  11. Thanks for all the photos of a fun trip. Your daughter and granddaughter one is precious. Wishing you and yours a very happy Christmas with lots of good cheer!!!

  12. Oh my goodness I really wish i could have gone with you - it looked like so much fun to be with the girls in New York. So much life there and excitement. Hope all is well for your daughter.
    Merry Christmas to you - have a blessed Christmas.

  13. Sue, Looks like you had a fabulous time in NYC. Glad your daughter is living in a good area. Loved your photos and I'm still shaking my head at the $5.00 chocolate chip cookie. I knew NYC prices were high, but that's ridiculous.
    Looking forward to seeing your new calendar. Hope your Christmas was the best.

  14. Wonderful post Sue!
    Your daughter and grand-daughter are adorable and it sounds like you had a blast!
    Take Care and Happy New Year too!

  15. "The hotel," lol. A girl after my own heart. How I long to live in a full service hotel! :-)

    I am SO happy to see the ladies settling in to their new home in the Big Apple!!
