Friday, February 4, 2011

The 2011 Frugality Awards..........and the winner is!!

No......Not this Boss....
"Our" Boss....
Here he is doing his best Tony Soprano imitation somewhere on
Sullivan Street in NYC....

So why is he the winner of the Frugal Award of the Year....
Well.....the last thing the Boss would be is Frugal...
He's a one man campaign to Bring back the Economy from the Brink....
His toy soldier collection rivals that of Malcom Forbes...
He couldn't buy just one 100th. Anniversary Harley Davidson he had to buy two....
He loves to shop shop shop....
Bu there are certain things that he hates to spend money on...
Actually gets upset when the time comes to replace certain
things.....He finds it a waste of money....
And he feels like the retail cost is a rip-off....

And this is his biggest pet-peeve.....
The infamous printer cartridge...
You all know how much they cost when they need to be replaced....
For a color and black and white cartridge your talking well over
Yes....we have tried the whole refill the old cartridge route and it never fails....
they leak....

A few months ago we bought a new Canon printer at Walmart for a mere $40.00
And it works like a charm....
Actually way better then the previous expensive model we had......
but we print alot and we found ourselves last week needing new cartridges....
The Boss refusing to pay more for the cartridges then we paid for the
Printer had a great idea.....

we went back to Walmart where the Canon printer had a price reduction down to
That's right about $20.00 less then two new cartridges....
I thought at first he was crazy to buy a whole new printer just to get new cartridges
thinking he would have to re-install it and that takes a little bit of time....
Nope.....Here he is just opening up the front of the new printer
and there was a plastic bag with two nice new cartridges....
And yes, they do last as long as the individual ones you buy...
He simply popped the new ones into the printer we already have set up and
it works like a charm......
Not only saving about $20.00

When we die and they come to find out bodies.....Instead of a house full of
They will find a garage full of brand new printers.....
Minus the ink!


  1. That is funny and way crazy that the whole printer with ink is cheaper then the replacement cartridges. Amazing.

  2. Before we had such a monster - no economy... We couldn't threw it away - it practicaly new... So it lives in its box :))) And we've bought another :)))

  3. Tell the boss that the reason I got Pa an iPad for Christmas is to keep from printing things for him to read... now he has to read them on the pad, but he's already asking how to make it print! I'm the frugal one around here. The way I shop for a new printer is to check out the price of its ink. A rule of thumb is the cheaper the printer, the more the ink costs. Right now I have a printer that came free with the computer so you can guess how much those cartridges are!

  4. I gotta say, something I never would have thought to do but leave it to The Boss. Those printers will be up on eBay in no time, you need the garage space for the bug! Don't let him get away with the "Here read this Valentine while we're in the store so I can save $3.00 by not having to buy it." stunt. He's already met his 2011 frugality quota!

  5. Actually, that just doesn't make sense ... go figure.

  6. Oh...he and I would get along JUST fine and Dandy! I am the same way...I hate those awful things..and I think what happens with the refilled ones is that they don't seat right after they have been filled~thus the leakage.

    Sounds like a fun guy..not many men that like shopping! He can do mine for me.

  7. OH that's too funny but smart too!
    I too have bought new printers instead of the cartridges but never thought of just taking them out to replace the old ones.
    Cute pic of you two too!
    Happy Weekend,

  8. Clever boss. Think you should take the new printer and donate it to charity so that you then get a tax deduction:-)

  9. My friend may just win this one! Got this email this morning:

    Soooo, you know you're a cheapskate when.....

    You break your jaw tooth on seasalt and the surgeon wants $500.00 to pull it so you schedule the surgery like 3 weeks out so you can go home and work on pulling it yourself. And you do.

  10. I'd throw the new printer on Craigs list for $10 or $15 and be done with it too. It's outrageous the way the printer companies price the ink. They must be making a killing. Good for the boss, but you won't be able to get that model of printer forever.

  11. Who would have thought...not me for sure. Now you not only get ink cheaper but you can sell the new printer and make money or like Joyce said, donate it and write it off. Sounds like a win win to me.

  12. Now that's a new way to save money.

  13. What a dahling picture of you too! I agree ink is soo expensive. We have an Epson & I love to be able to print from my lap never know when you'll need another printer!

  14. Gee Sue - that is smart really - wonder if you can sell the others on EBAY? I wouldn't even have thought of that!


  15. hahahaha Love it! I have to agree with the boss. 50 bucks to change your ink?? Craziness. Mimi

  16. Wow- the Boss is truly a genius! It is amazing that the sum of the parts is greater than the whole. What a racket!
    I have a Dell printer and I thought I was saving money by not buying the more expensive ink when I placed the order. Turns out that it doesn't last as long and it ended up costing me more because I had to order more even sooner! Maybe I should have ordered a new printer instead!

  17. Hahahahahahaha!!! I'm still laughing! This is the funniest post I have read from you in a while. Great writing.

  18. LOL That is so true! It should be a crime what they charge for ink! It's outrageous, that is smart to just buy another printer...LOL Then you can resell the printer (minus the ink) LOL Thanks for making me smile!
    Have a wonderful evening!


  19. maybe we can meet up at the beach or bwalk sometime w the grandkids...Uggs are sooo warm...I know bikes must be kept indoors usually in the garage in jersey! just sayin'!

  20. LOL! My husband keeps the same ink cartridge going until it is so faint we can't see anything printed and by then there is a new, better, printer on the market we can replace the old one with. It really is such waste in the end, isn't it?

  21. Genius! Now all the Boss has to do is list it on Craigslist and recoup half of what he paid for it! He can wear his scarf and fedora, and tell people "They fell off the back of a truck. Ya know what I'm sayin?"

    Your Friend,

  22. We to do not like to pay such high prices for cartridges. My husband found this on the internet AND IT REALLY WORKS. When your printer tells you it is time to replace, just pull out the colored ink cartridge and put a piece of sotch tape over the opened window that you see on the bottom where the cartridge touches the paper to print.
    Put it back in and the printer thinks it is full again. Yes, you will eventually have to buy a new one BUT there is lots of ink that we had been wasting because the printed showed it needed new ink.
