Sunday, January 30, 2011


What do those three things have in common.....Why absolutely nothing.....
Unless your spending a day with Joyce....
Yes.....everyone's favorite ex-blogger and Ms. Flour Power.....
Last Monday me and Joyce got together for some shopping and lunch.....
we started out at the new Anthropologie in Atlanta and who knew the day would turn out to be
photo worthy....
Ofcourse it would be.....nothing is ever normal when the two of us get together.....
It's like spending the day with Lucy.....
Only instead of being an "Ethel" to Joyce's "Lucy"......
I happen to be another Lucy.....
Infact I like to call us "The Two Lucys"....
Rose.....I think you would be the first to agree with that..
We moved on to a new pizza place that she had heard of called
somewhere near IKEA we had to stop multiple people to ask for directions....
And with each person....Joyce asked if they would like to join us for lunch....
even the Atlanta Cop that we stopped....
A little Dive of a Place we got there when they first opened to beat the lunch crowd.....
we are both Pizza Fanatics so we were excited to be trying what is called
the best pizza in town........
It was a recommendation from the Governor's Chef....
We first came across their dessert case.....right inside the front door....
They had these fabulous Sfogliatelle
An Italian pastry that has sweetened ricotta cheese inside....

All kinds of Cannoli.....
Made fresh every day and filled and dipped in your choice of
pistachio nuts.....pine nuts....coconut...white chocolate chips...or chocolate "jimmies"...
We opted for the pistachio cannoli and a sfogliatelle....

Joyce was told to get the real experience of the place you need to sit in the back room where the three brick ovens bake the pies right before your eyes.....A bunch of communal tables and a couple of unfriendly women who wouldn't budge to give us a seat at the picnic table....we gave them the "skunk eye" and moved to a table in the back of the room....

Here were the men preparing the pizza.....I couldn't get a good picture of them flipping the dough in the air....but alot of flipping was being done.....A real art...

This poor guy spent the whole time just pulling apart mozzarella...
They get their ingredients flown in fresh everyday....
I'm assuming from New one of the bakers was from the Bronx...

I said we sat in the backroom.....This is what we sat next to....'s Italian Ambiance!!

No silverware....Just pizza on a big old baking tin covered with brown craft catch the olive oil....
We opted for a Margherita pie...
Sauce....fresh mozzarella....and basil....
Nothing better...

We split two pastries....
I got nervous when Joyce asked for a straw when eating the Cannolli...
Yes that's right....she sucked the filling right out of the cannolli shell...
We were in "Food Heaven"....

Our tablemates.....They got one with the works...
But said that ours looked better....

Everybody's Italian Grandmother...

Everyone sits together.....
You grab whatever seat you can find....

Then it was on to the ASPCA of Atlanta......
This poor dog was not interested in whatever Joyce was selling....

"We just came from Antico where we had the best pizza.....You should have come with us....
It was right down the street....Maybe we can stop and take you next time".....

Talk about something that needs a hip and knee replacement....
This dog was so bow legged that you could have thrown a bowling ball thru his legs....

This little Guy was not impressed with his lovely accommodations.....He was howling up a storm....
The Atlanta ASPCA facility was unbelievable....
I couldn't get over how spotless it was....
A beautiful home for homeless animals.....Wonderful volunteers who were taking the dogs out
One on One for some play time in the yard.....
it was so clean that you never would have thought you were in an animal shelter.....
Kudo's to the Folks who run it!!
This was a Happy Guy....
Each dog has a large run with a little bed up off the floor to sleep on....plenty of fresh water and food......and toys to play with....
All enclosed with a Plexiglas fronts so they can see what's going on....

Ofcourse They had Puppies Too!!

This one was all head and legs.....

I'm a sucker for Black Dogs.......
This pup reminded me of my beloved Buster.....
He almost came home with me but he was a biter.....He tried to eat my purse!!
His label said he was half hound and half Schnauzer.....
Sandie asked why we stopped by the Shelter.....
We drove past it....I said...." you want to go see the dogs?"
to which Joyce responded....
It's fun to be spontaneous.......
Makes life interesting....
We left the shelter before one of us brought home a dog.....
So it was on to IKEA.....
Not much new going on here.........I stopped to look at this cute little glass and wrought iron
Table.....complete with 2 chairs for $99.00
If it wasn't so cold out I thought about bringing it home in the Bug with the Top
For my Kitchen....
But it was too cold out....And while I was looking this over
Joyce was doing this............
Music was playing so with her two rolls of shelf liner.....

She resorted back to her High School days and starting twirling them
Like she was in the Marching Band....
Luckily the aisles were empty...if not we might have both been asked to leave the premises....
And this is the part where the "Kitchen Timers" make their debut.....
While wandering around down in the Marketplace....I hear her hissing me to come over
to the aisle she was standing in.....
As I approach I hear ticking.....and it's getting louder and louder....
Yes that's right.....
She turned on all the kitchen timers......
And then quietly
slipped away....


  1. I would fit right in with your crowd, Sue. LOL
    What a fun day to share with a pal! tick tick tick....

  2. Pizza, Pups and Ikea! Great day! Take me next time! hugs, Linda

  3. Looks like a fun day, Sue! That pup looked pretty happy in your arms.
    I LOVE going to Ikea! There's a white sofa there that needs to come home with me.
    The lunch looked to be yummy.

  4. LOL! That sounded like the most funnest day! The pizza looked yummy and the puppies adorable.

  5. You naughty, naughty girls! LOL! Looks like fun, Sue. That's a good trick and one that I need to remember.

    That LBD (little black dog) was adorable. Are you sure you wouldn't want to go get him and maybe just give him a chew toy to chew on??? He's CUTE! I love black dogs, too, and black horses, and black cats. I have had all three. That's great to hear about how clean that facility is. The SPCA does it well.


    Sheila :-)

  6. Oh, and gee thanks for showing us those desserts. Do you know what you started??? ;-)

  7. What a perfect day for you and Joyce. Looked like fun - pizza - shopping - animals and being free. Love it.

    Love, Sandie

    Hey you should get a rescue dog from the place we got ours. Disco is wonderful and they are such grateful dogs. He is perfect.

  8. Oh-I love it when I have a girlfriend that is as nuts as I am ...and then we get together and something will set us off and we will just howl. I love a good howl, don't you? Well, I can SEE you do because you stopped by the Howl Factory. Love those sad..I would have wanted to bring them all home.

    What a wonderful day..and a fun blog to read. Hugs- Diana

    okay...I just looked down and your word verification is you just tell me that the computer gods don't have a sense of humor.

  9. OMG you two are definitely the Two Lucys...what a hoot.

    I would have love to have gone with you gals but I don't know that I could have done the Humane Society gig...I would have tried to take everyone of them home with me, even the bow legged one. I am sure the Humane Society would love me but hubby...not so much.

  10. LOL, Looks like a wonderful day out! That food looks wonderful!! I could just smell the aromas from the picture!

    The dogs melted my heart and I'm a sucker for dogs with the slightest bit of terrier in them. That black dog was adorable!!

    I would have liked to seen a picture of the person's face who was standing near the bin of timers when they went off, lol.

    So great to see others fully enjoying life! :-) Thanks for sharing!


  11. This has to be one of the best sorts of posts - a little of this and a little of that, all coming together in a big picture of a great day out.
    Two Lucy's, indeed!

  12. Isn't Antico great!!!! You girls are too much!!!

  13. Antico's pizza looked very good and their pastries looked even better!

    How could you resist one of those puppies? You must go back and adopt one!

    You and Joyce looked like you had so much fun in IKEA. I have not been to IKEA in ages. I always love their gadgets and decorative items.

    I have not seen the Kitchen Boss as yet-- thanks for telling me about it. I'm usually finishing dinner at that time of the day but I'll try to catch a show whenever I can :)

  14. You girls were lucky you weren't arrested! So fun! Mimi

  15. What a fun day for you and your friend...ummm...that pizza.!!

  16. I adore you!!! What a great day. That pizza looks amazing and I love that you know that they're called "jimmies!"

    New to your site. Love it here already. Can't wait to poke around some more.

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma What's For Dinner

  17. wow! what a day. very different but sounds like alot of fun and great food. take care rose

  18. Sue,

    What a great day filled with crazy antics. You had me at Cannoli. The pizza looks delicious. Do they deliver -- to NJ? The little black dog was adorable. Perhaps he was just teething and would be satisfied with a chew toy. I can't imagine anyone hanging out with you for a day and not having fun!

    Your Friend,

  19. I need to move there to have such fun adventures! Or, you could move back here and enjoy the snow and ice and sleet too!

    By the way, that IKEA shelf liner is awesome - I have it all over my house.

  20. That pizza restaurant sounds really good! I just love cannolis too! So I'll definately have to check it out next time I'm down in Atlanta.....what a find!

  21. Oh gosh, that pizza place looks WONDERFUL! It looks worth the trip...! We have an IKEA here and I've never been, but if they had a pizza place across the street...!

    I thought for sure you were going back for that cute little dog!
