Wednesday, December 15, 2010

THE SANTAMAKER.........let the journey begin!!

I had the Pleasure yesterday to visit the home of the One and Only
For those of you who might not know who that is.....It would be
Rose.....from the blog "A Santamaker's Journey"
I recently posted a few pictures of Rose's beautiful Santa's when I saw them for the first time
at Scott's Antique Market here in Atlanta....
I was in Awe of these gorgeous creations that are all homemade by our good friend
So when she extended an invitation to her home to see it in all it's Christmas
Finerary.....Well....Nothing would have kept me away....
Not Much commentary on this post....
The pictures speak for themselves....
Her talent goes beyond her Santa's....
She is the most creative person I have ever known...Her decorating skills are worthy of
and HGTV series....There is nothing Rose Cannot do....
So without further adieu.....
Have a seat and Enjoy
Pure Eye Candy......Rose Style
Too Cute....
This Hutch was magnificent....the picture doesn't do justice to it's massive size....
Rose painted it black and distressed it after moving into the house and finding that it
actually was a built in piece....
The above window was found at our local "Classy Flea"....she painted that to
match the hutch...and to add further height to a very tall wall...
I thought this was so clever....the half teapot and cup are mounted right on the wall...

My purse was not big enough to stash this inside....or today Rose would have been
wondering where it went...
My favorite decorating touch in the entire house....
She decoupaged the chair to match the plates..

One of dozens of Rose's handmade...hand painted Santa's....
They were everywhere!!

Did I mention she can also upholster furniture...

The Christmas tree was filled with.....Ofcourse.....Santa's!
Chair Bling....

Ofcourse there were Santa Plates....
The Kitchen range hood was even festively adorned...

Blue china was everywhere as well....
A mantel adorned with "Triplets"

In the Hallway....

I hope you enjoyed this little tour of the
SantaMakers Home...
Thank You Rose for your hospitality and for sharing your love of
Christmas with us!!
Happy Holidays!


  1. she real?! I have never seen such talent..just awesome! I love every one of those Santas and such decorating! (I loved that same plate too) :D

  2. No words to say! Simply amazing, incredible, gorgeous, fantastic... what else? Santa's wonderland...or, better, wonderhouse! Thanks for this post.
    p.s. have a good trip and a wonderful holiday AM!

  3. Fabulous! Rose is so talented and creative.

  4. Oh- I want to LIVE at Rose's house and just sit and stare at everything! What a talented lady...and I will pop to her blog and visit later. Hugs- Diana

  5. Now I'm jealous! Rose has a beautiful home and I bet that really did get everyone in the Christmas spirit. She really is so talented.

  6. Oh, how wonderful you were able to go to Rose's home. She has a blog but hasn't posted in forever. I have always loved seeing her creations and her home since way back to Rate My Space.
    Thanks for showing us.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  7. Wow! How beautiful. Rose is one talented lady!

  8. Oh my, this is just unreal. Everything is absolutely stunning. Thanks so much for the tour. Hugs, Marty

  9. Thanks for the Santa tour...they are exquisite...what talent. She has an eye for beautiful plates, too!

  10. Sue I am so glad you were able to visit and photograph Rose's lovely home and her incredible talent. Love her Santas.

  11. Wow...what a beautiful display! I volunteer at a local Christmas house tour and I think I got a few new ideas!!!

  12. Wow! Beautiful beyond words. Thanks for sharing.

  13. Two of my favorite bloggers together in one post. Her home and everything in it is wonderful. Can't you convince her to post more often - she has so much to share! How are things going in Georgia? Ready for the big day? Does it involve travel to the motherland in the red bug? The excitement is building around here. As usual (since I'm obsessively organized) things are ready, except for the cooking (oh my!). Going to make the peppermint bark tomorrow - will be thinking of you. Take care, Sally

  14. Well, you sure lucked out there girlfriend. Fabulous home and decorations. sandie

  15. Oh my stars and garters!! Her talent is, well, incredible! How lucky to have been able to be there and see all this beauty inperson! Thank you for sharing it all with us! A magical wonderlan come to life!

  16. I loved this! So glad you didn't get tired of uploading pictures. They're WONDERFUL!!!

  17. How beautiful! Rose is very talented. Upholster furniture! I just spent a bundle having mine done!

  18. Hi Lady!
    Thanks so much for devoting a posting on my home. I am very flattered by all of your kind words. Sorry I have been MIA ... I got a stinker of a cold and have been laid up in bed for the past 3 days. Have a wonderful trip to the motherland and go slap those RHNJ for me! Merry Christmas. By the way, your baking talents did not go unnoticed...Hubby gobbled up those puffs like there was no tomorrow!

  19. You have given us a treat showing us the Santamaker's home and talents. She is, indeed, a very talented person. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas,Sue!!

  20. Wow... what a treat to get to visit Santa's house! You Atlanta bloggers have SO much fun. Have a wonderful Christmas, Sue!

  21. Sweet Sue!

    Those santas are totally amazing! They look REAL!

    Wishing you and yours the MOST fabulous Christmas...

    See you next year!

    Huggies and lovies,

  22. Beautifully decorated home...loved the Santa tree! Merry Christmas Sue to you and your family and a healthy and happy New Year.

  23. Sue,

    What an incredibly talented woman! I too am impressed and admire the decoupaged chair that matches the plates as well as her upholstered chair, complete with monogram. Both are stunning!

    Your Friend,
