Friday, December 10, 2010

Popular New York Socialite gets Arrested........

This is only second hand information as I was home on my couch this past Tuesday
But while our local Bloggers were touring the Governor's Mansion
There was a little incident concerning some Brash New Yawker trying to Steal
the Governor's Cookie Recipes....
Some people you just can't take anywhere...In the process of being "Cuffed" by this burly gentleman the other ladies
started snapping their trusty cameras
because we all know that Bloggers never leave home without their
Oh look who it is.....
My friend and fellow Northerner
Keeping a low profile since she stopped blogging a few months ago......
We're all surprised that she's allowed to leave the house...
The Original "Miss Flour Power"
has more fun then Ten Bloggers combined....
Here she is about 2 weeks ago strolling the aisles of IKEA looking somewhat
like a normal shopper....
This was moments after she got into an altercation with some jerk who tried to run into her car out in the parking lot.....He was coming "in the out" at a high rate of speed
AND he was on his Cell Phone when he almost hit Joyce's Car....
Not happy with this.....she pulled up along side him when he got out of the car and
Gave him a bit of that Great New York Attitude....
Upon entering the store he stopped her again by the
Hot Dog concession....
Did I mention this guy was a real jerk....
The kind that you say...."There is no way anybody is married to this guy"
More words were exchanged and he threatened to
have HER arrested for disorderly conduct......
You would have all been so proud....As she held her own against this
I was proud to call her my Friend right there between the bags of chips and the
Frozen Swedish Meatballs....
Don't you just love when a women stands up for herself....
Not one to be deterred by a little fight.....
She was later seen trying on Lampshades as hats.....

Her she is suggesting she buy these soccer balls to put inside the back of
a pair of sweatpants for an upcoming trip to Vegas....
You know for when TSA body searched her...
They almost made it up underneath her sweater as "Faux Boobs" until we both realized at the
Same time that IKEA might think she was trying to
well......conceal them.

I can't say that I have ever been out with Joyce when she doesn't make me laugh
from the minute we see each other until the day ends....
We are both two crazy 60 year olds....
Doing what we do best...
Just having Fun...
I like to think of us as "The Two Lucys"..
Sorry I missed out on the arrest....
And believe me the above picture describes her to a tee!!


  1. Love the post but I really LOVE the title.

  2. The Ga. state patrol officers were sweet as can be but kept a close eye on the cookie recipes. Thanks to everyone from the volunteers, security folks, the cookie bakers, the decorators, the students in the choir and orchestra for making the day very enjoyable. And, thanks to our governor for opening his home to the people of Georgia one last time.

  3. What a fun post...everyone needs a friend like that!

  4. I was there at the Governor's mansion (missed the Ikea trip) and yes Joyce was trying to walk out with that coveted pecan cookie recipe...What a fun day.

  5. Totally forgot how much we laughed at Ikea that day with those lamp shades and all the TSA ideas. Funny how they don't seem to mention TSA much on TV.

  6. Yep, those cell phone cameras really come in handy. I forgot to bring my regular camera, but luckly the phone took a decent picture. I was lucky the officer didn't arrest ME ! He was upset because I called him a security officer! Can't blame him!
    Great post, Sue!

  7. Great post Sue - sorry you missed the Mansion tour. Glad you and Joyce had such fun at Ikea. Looks like you had a ball - not two balls!


  8. I have never tried the Jello Pumpkin Spice – but I’m going to Nashville for the holidays to be with the daughters and they expect me to cook - so I’ll try it. I saw 42nd Street on the Marietta Square a few years ago. So you came to Marietta? I live about 6 miles from the Square. I went to the Governor’s Mansion last year – here is my post: . Next week, unless it is too cold, I’m planning to go to Roswell to visit one of their plantation houses. Stay warm and be merry.

  9. Tywanda!!! I hope the guy in the parking lot had flashbacks from "Fried Green Tomatoes!" He should know better than to mess with you and Joyce!

  10. Okay, you just admitted to being 60, so isn't it about time to change your profile. LOL!!

    An outing with you girls must be so much fun.

  11. You all just have too much fun your I would love to spend some time having some of that fun with all of you & Joyce.
    What a great day and tour. You do get around me darlin'.

  12. The noive of that guy! :) Good for Joyce , she should have him arrested for talking on his cell and going out the wrong way!
    You could have all hit him with your pocketbooks!
    Looks like a fun trip.
    Merry Christmas, to all you NY/NJ transplants in GA!
