Wednesday, October 20, 2010

"SURPRISE"..........A Letter from My Friend.

Once upon a time there was a Georgia Blogger named Sue who was turning the Big 60!
Now Sue said she wanted no fuss for the big occasion and her blogging friends said Hogwash!
The Blog gals always look for any excuse to throw a party and Sue's 60th. is one party the blog gals all wanted to celebrate.....Plans were made far in advance...There was much chatter going on about the exact date of the party....So much chatter on emails and phone calls that the blog gals were causing more chaos over at Yahoo and AT&T then Nancy Pelosi causes in D.C.
The Plan was to pin Sue down to a definite return date from the "Motherland" to visit her daughter and her littlest clone sweet Sophie.....Joyce tried and tried and one day when they were out to lunch with Cheryl to find out a date...Sadly no return date was uttered by Sue....Usually Sue utters quite often about all sorts of nonsense but that day Sue's lips were sealed....After many e-mails and sneaky ways of finding an ETA back to Georgia a date was finally set with a few days to spare.....
Joyce decided to tell Sue the party was a Halloween luncheon.....Betty (aka Joyce) was hanging out playing with flour for a month to create some edible treats for the surprise 60th....
All sorts of cookies and cakes and a meal of Pumpkin Lasagna were prepared to satisfy Sandra Lee's (aka Sue) discerning pallet....The Amazing Tablescape, which would have made Susan from "Between Naps on the Porch" envious, was set a week before the big EVENT......
Between moving and house hunting...Cheri was searching for the perfect crown to adorn Sue's locks at the birthday bash....Gals rearranged schedules...including some of Sue's home town be there on time....Cards were collected for a month from bloggers both here and afar....
Everyone wanted to be part of Sue's 60th. birthday celebration....
Ah....the best laid plans of mice and men were not to be....Rose sent Joyce an important FYI...An e-mail from Sue arrived in Rose's e-mail stating Sue's return from the Motherland was going to be delayed....Joyce and Cheri immediately investigated this information and sent Sue some bogus e-mails inquiring Sue's exact return date....Sue's response sadly confirmed the party was not to be....
Knowing this crazy group of Bloggers it was not surprising that everyone laughed about Sue missing her own Surprise Party....Guess you can say the Surprise is on all of us....
Moral of the Story is never plan a surprise party.....As they say in Joisey....
"Just Fagetabouit".....
Sue.....I wish you a Happy 60th. Birthday....

Not only did Joyce plan this wonderful party in my honor she took the time to contact all my blogging friends who surprised me with wonderful cards from all over the
Country!!.........and Canada!
The one above came all the way from my dear friend Eli in Italy.....
I want to thank everyone who took the time to think of me on my birthday and to send your best wishes.....I was truly touched by your kindness........
And to Joyce and Cheri......You guys are the best and I am very grateful that through the
Magic of Blogging we have become friends.....
Because of events due to the passing of our Boo we decided to extend our trip rather then return to a Boo-less House...
I am very sad that I missed the party.......
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


  1. LOL! Well Sue, you sound like me. I probably would miss my own party too!

    I was one of the bloggy friends that sent a I can say it here ....

    Hugs and Kisses!

  2. Sue I knew I would miss your party since I am in Texas with my Mom but I have a
    'card' and treats for you when we finally get together to celebrate!

  3. Okay, now I can sing. I've been waiting! LOL!

    Happy Birthday to YOU!

    Happy Birthday to YOU!

    Happy Birthday, Dear Su-ue,

    Happy Birthday to YOU!

    Yeeeehaaaaaw... Happy 60th and may you have 60 more! Hope you got my card in the avalanche...


    Sheila :-)

  4. The big 60 too! Happy Birthday too..cute way to write it all up, very nice! :D

  5. Well, Lord love ya, gal. I am too new to your blog to have even known you had a birthday...let alone been invited to the one 60 gal to another- Happy, Happy Birthday. Looking forward to much more fun here on this site! Hugs- Diana

  6. Wow......!!! sounds like you are incredibly loved! Happy bday to you!

  7. You missed your own party -- well, at least that makes it very memorable!


    60, huh? How time flies when you're having fun!

  8. As usual, you are such a hoot, Sue! Only you would miss your own party! Welcome to the 60s! Hope you are having a great week!...hugs...Debbie

  9. That card from Eli looks like you. I hope you got my card in that HUGE sure have lots of good friends who didn't want to miss the chance to wish you a very Happy B-day.

  10. That is one amazing card that your blog pal from Italy made for you. She certainly is a talented artist because that card looks just like you. Glad you liked all the 30 plus beautifu cards from so many blog gals who wanted to participate in wishing you a Happy 60th. Maybe next year we will try for another party but honestly we will give you the date first:-) Fagitaboutit!

  11. Happy 60th Birthday Sue! I feel a little guilty now for sending that silly card, because I know your heart was still breaking over the loss of Boo, but I hope it gave you a little laugh. You have such a bunch of good friends there in Georgia and now you know you have friends form all around the USA Canada and Italy!

    Eli's card is so pretty!

    xxoo, Pat

  12. Don'cha know 60 is the new fifty?!

    Sheesh, they should have just done it the Jersey way and slipped you something in your drink. :)

    This could only be funnier if I was able to make it down to Atlanta for the celebration and you where up here! :/

    Kudos to Joyce for trying and for contacting all of us.

    Happy Belated Birthday!

    Your Friend,

  13. Happy Birthday Sue! You have some really wonderful friends who contacted us far and wide to help celebrate!

  14. I'm glad you are back! I can't believe all that work and then you pushed back the date you were leaving. Lol Only you.

    You are so loved -


  15. Hi Sue

    I see my vanilla envelope on the bottom of the pile of your birthday cards.

    Sure wish we knew that we passed each other today at Country Living fair

