Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Gone......but he will never be forgotten.

We have the best Vet in the world.....
And I wanted to share this with you all....
When Boo became ill unexpectedly we decided to bring him home and wait until
the following day to take him to the vet that has taken care of him for years......
He wasn't in any pain so we knew we had atleast another night to baby him....
When we got back from Jersey in the mail was a wonderful card from
Dr. Barnwell and his staff at the Hwy. 92 Animal Hospital in
in the card was a note saying to stop by the office because they had something for us....
Dr. B had made an imprint of Boo's paw in clay.....
I don't have to tell you how we all teared up when we received it....
What a wonderful keepsake to be given...
The Big Guy is gone but his leash will hang by the front door forever......
For Taking care of our Boo in his life and at his death...
Thank You Dr. Barnwell....


  1. OK, now I can't see to type...That is a sweet thing for a vet to do..God bless him. I know how you feel my friend..these big guys sure can get in our hearts, I know that. God bless you..sending you big hugs :D

  2. OMG Sue, what a very thoughtful and wonderful Vet you have. You know he is truly in the right profession. What unbelievable gift that was for you and The Boss.

    Gotta go and get a kleenex. Sniff sniff

  3. I have always said that vets were the best people EVER, and this just proves it. What a sweet thing he did for y'all, Sue. This makes me weepy.

    I cannot bear to get rid of my dogs' crate. They loved it. It was there little nest because there were always cushy pillows and covers in there. Min Pins like to burrow. So it has sat in the middle of the libary for two years, and it may sit there always. I understand your grief, and I send you warm hugs...


    Sheila :-)

  4. I have tears in my eyes for sure. I know how you miss Boo but what a sweet memento the vet gave you. What a caring and wonderful thing to do.

  5. Sue,
    I am so sorry, I truly understand your pain, but what a great gift from your vet, so thoughtful.
    Big hugs,

  6. I know what you are going through...and I understand that Boo will be forever in your heart...God bless your vet and all the good ones we are blessed with..

    Our vet did that too...and put it in a little velvet pouch along with a card. I have it in my jewelry case. It's been 2 years and I still cry every time I look at it. When he told us Misty had to be put down he teared up right along with us. Hugs to you today- Diana

  7. That has got to be the sweetest gift a vet can give to their patient's family. I am a bit teary eyed after seeing the paw print.

  8. What a great vet to have Sue!
    I know your heart is broken and I hope you have a lot of good memories to comfort you.

  9. I have tears running down my face... how touching!

  10. You have the best Vet for sure. What a wonderful gesture...

  11. oh I got the chills. My vet did the same thing, along with a lock of his fur when my Stanley died.
    And no, we never ever forget them, they add so much to our lives!

  12. What a guy your vet is - that was the sweetest thing I've ever seen. I know you miss him though. I'm sorry for your loss.


  13. That is truly a loving kind gesture

  14. Wow. What a wonderful and loving vet and what a thoughtful keepsake for you.

  15. I put the link to the class on the post:


    Hope you sign up too!

  16. Awwww, that is so sweet! What a great guy to know how important Boo was to you.

  17. What a caring and thoughtful act of kindness. I can only imagine how much you miss your sweet Boo.

  18. Oh, Sue, what a wonderful little gift from your vet. I am so sorry for your loss.

  19. Sue,

    What a wonderful vet. Too bad most doctors don't have this bed-side manner.
    Pass the tissues.

    Your Friend,

  20. That was sweet! We are not pet owners, but it is nice to know you had a caring vet.

  21. Ok Now I have had my cry for this day.

    What a good vet for sure. I just can't stand the thought of my Sissy being gone.


  22. You remind me of Pa with your leash by the door. He has a collection of collars from many of his previous dogs that hang in our sunroom. That was a very sweet and thoughtful gift from your vet too. What a big paw your Boo had! I know you and the Boss miss him terribly.

  23. What a thoughtful and sensitive Vet. Made me get teary eyed too.

  24. That is so nice! I had made one of our Akita's paw before he died.

    It's really tough, isn't it!

    Laughed at your comment about your husband not traveling without you. I'd rather ride with my husband than drive--I'm asleep before we're out of the city limits. Satellite radio keeps him entertained and alert. If I'M driving, I like to have a mystery on CD playing--to make sure I don't get sleepy.

  25. Excellent idea! He's a one in a million vet for sure. Mimi
