Tuesday, September 28, 2010

This.....That....and the Other.

Before I leave for the big trip back to the Motherland....
I thought I would leave you with a few
You know....just a few things in my wacky life...
Seen while driving the other day down Shallowford Road...
One big cloud hiding the sun....

Saw this movie over the weekend....
It was the Boss' treat as he was home watching Sunday Football....
He even sprung for the nacho combo with large drink...
Cute movie....
Betty White had all the best one liners....She's a real hoot....
but the best scene in the whole movie was when the
brides ex-fiance comes to the rehearsal dinner and gets up to give a toast....
Jamie Lee Curtis is not aging well.....lots of wrinkles....
and Sigourney Weaver was looking fine until she fell into a pool and got her face and hair wet....
Not a good look for her....
Don't race to see this one but it's certainly worth renting when it when it comes out on DVD....

Bruster's makes the finest
Key Lime Pie ice cream....
Complete with clumps of graham cracker crumbs....
I was thrilled when we pulled away from the drive through to find that the girl included
a Spoon!

Last week I found myself almost purchasing this magazine.....
I was mesmerized....

And then I came home to find the Boss babying the Boo....
He said he was complaining of Cold Paws...

But not before stopping at Tuesday Morning and standing in the aisle with another
women with us both wondering what in the world this was??
I finally could stand it no longer...I went and got the cashier...
It seems it's for "shots"...
Okay I don't drink....the other lady didn't drink....
we still found it fascinating....
The cashier said they sell tons of them....
I don't know about that....this and two others were on clearance...

And as the week went on things got worse....
Do you really want to see your hairstyle being sold as a Wig at the Wal-Mart for

So that's the "This and That"
And now for the Other....

I went to see the foot specialist today at the encouragement of
It seems my right foot joints are collapsing....
Yes.......you heard that right....
I have a collapsing foot...
That's something you don't hear of too often...
More tests will be done to find out why but in the meantime....
I figure I have too much weight resting on 60 year old feet....
So I thought it's time to go on a serious....really serious diet....
Not one to panic....
I wanted to make the most of my last day before I start tomorrow....
On the way home from the doctors office I stopped and had
two Krispy Kreme Doughnuts...
Lemon and Raspberry...
I brought home a Philly Cheesesteak from Jersey Mike's Subs.....
and the Boss took me out tonight for
At Sonny's BBQ by the Big Chicken....
Where I had a fine dining experience of 1/2 BBQ Chicken.....Baked Beans...
Fries.....2 pieces of Garlic Texas Toast and a large Tea....

Tomorrow.....Let the Dieting Begin!!!


  1. LOL LOL LOL oh tay! ...oh! that was the wig next to yours.
    My feet are collapsing too. I blamed it on them being too far from my brain

  2. I like the day before your diet better then a diet that is for sure! Sorry your feet are collapsing! I have issues with mine also. Just wear some special shoes and I'm pretty good. Take care and enjoy your trip and Happy Birthday! Couldn't resist. We will do lunch once I get back from my trip!

  3. LOL me too (the dieting) I just love to eat too much! Thanks for heads up on the movie and I hope you can get your feet to be well....loved the cloud picture too..have a fun trip! :D

  4. PS...something we have in common..we have owned 6 goldens. This one of my daughters will be white..it's parents were both super light! ;D

  5. Have a great trip. Just love all the thises and thats! Now the foot thing sounds like you need to take more time off your feet!

    Let's plan a lunch when you get back.

  6. When you're in the Motherland, give me a call. Maybe we can meet for lunch, breakfast or what ever.

  7. Sue, you are too funny!! but I'm sorry about your foot. I have issues with my feet too, one of them being they are really ugly!

  8. Oh Sue,

    How I adore your posts. You always make me laugh! Thanks for telling me where I can find my Rue Mouffetard Blogger Halloween Costume. See how popular you are?
    On another note, besides dropping some weight, can anything else be done for your falling foot?
    Enjoy your visit with your girls!

    Your Friend,

  9. This and that posts are the best! What a wonderful eating day before the diet. Good luck - it's always hard. I need to work on mine this winter in preparation for the trip to Europe in the spring. Gotta keep up with the teenagers, and my feet hurt sometimes, too. Have a good trip - when will you be back? Sally

  10. Have a wonderful trip! I need to be dieting too....

  11. Hope your foot feels better real soon! Hey I saw my hairstyle there too......that's too funny! Thanks for the movie tip. I do love Betty White. Have a fun trip. Lynn

  12. Yes honey our feet wear out. I have the same problem. I do my ecercise for my feet and soak them and baby them. Like you said they have carried us many a miles.I hate this part of life when we break down like a car.


  13. Hi Sue,
    I just came back from Ohio and a long weekend with SusieQ. She suggested I might like your blog ...and how could I not like a woman who is not shy about her love of eating :)? In Ohio I came across "homemade noodles over mashed potatoes". I didn't try it because I honestly think it is something you would only eat in the privacy of your own home, but I bet it is tasty...I assume it is covered with gravy...yummm!!

  14. Your pictures are fabulous! I especially like the one you took at Wally-world. Too funny, and creepy all the same. Hey, at least you know you're "in style" this season right?!

    I sure hope you are able to remedy this collapsing issue with your foot.

  15. I just love love love this blog.

    I just went to see Eat Pray Love and I loved it - that was your last movie review. It was awesome. So I will plan to see this.

    The key lime ice cream looked delish.

    Love Tom Selleck too.

    Boo cold?

    And I love your lasat meal! Yum.

    So what is going on with your foot girl?


  16. Oh no no no! There must be some other cure for collapsing feet. Duct tape?
    That key lime thing looked good!
    Loved your this and that, esp TOM!

  17. Very fun Sue!
    You just made me hungry too. hehe.
    Have a great trip!

  18. Oh dear, sorry about your feet. Mine are flat as pancakes and cause me all sorts of problems and pains. Sounds like you enjoyed your "day before the diet starts."

  19. behind in reading blogs. i saw the same movie thought it was cute. sorry about your feet .take care rose
