Thursday, September 30, 2010

ALL DOGS GO TO HEAVEN.......BOO....8/23/1998 TO 9/30/2010

OUR BOO.....
AUGUST 23, 1998 - SEPTEMBER 30 2010
It is a sad day in our house today....
We took Boo to the kennel yesterday and he collapsed as we took him out
of the car...
We brought him back home and he spent a peaceful night eating
cherry ice cream and lots of cookies....
We took him to the Vet this morning and he
passed away peacefully at 9:15....
We love you Boo and we will Miss You.....


  1. I have no words except you were so lucky that Boo picked you. RIP Mr. BOO!!! Pleas say hi to Aspen for me.


  2. Oh Sue, I am so sorry. I can't help but sit and cry for you; it is so devastating when we love our pups so much. What a beautiful pup Mr. Boo is.

  3. Ohhh, how sad! I know how that feels my friend, they really become part of the heart and family! God bless Boo and may there be cookies in Heaven or he will be so dissapointed! Sending you my biggest HUG!

  4. Sue, I'm so sorry. I know the raw hurt of losing a beloved furry.

    Bless you for giving Boo such a loving home, he was a very lucky dog and I know you must feel so lucky to have had him as a member of your family. He was a beauty in all ways.

    Sending you gentle hugs. ((hugs))

  5. Sue - I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved Boo. Write down everything you can remember about him ... I did this when we lost our last dog and it was comforting and enhanced the memories for me.

  6. I am so sorry to hear about your dog.

  7. Ahh Boo is beautiful My heart and prayers reach out to your family today -there is truly nothing like the love of a dog. I bet he was a good heater on cold winter evening :-) Hopefully you can sit around this evening and remind each other of the silly things he did.

  8. Oh, my dear AM, I'm crying. I wish I could be there and hug you.
    Other friends of yours have already written that, but me too I can't help to think that he has been a very lucky dog to have you as parents and you to have him as big furry boy. He will be always in your hearts.
    Thanks God you were still at home and not yet away.
    All my love

  9. I am new to your blog. So sorry for your family's sad time. We have 3 four legged family members.
    They bring so much pleasure to our home and life!
    Sending you a hug. Sharon

  10. I am so sorry you lost Boo. What a beautiful dog. May wonderful memories comfort you.


  11. Ah! Sorry to hear this. I'LL be think about you today Sue.

  12. Sue I am so sorry to hear about Boo. Sending you big hugs....

  13. Oh, I am so sorry, Sue! I understand how much joy our furbabies can bring. I know he will be missed. I am sending you a hug...((((((Sue))))))...♥...Debbie

  14. I'm so sorry for you and your family. I'm sitting here crying because I know exactly how you are feeling and it is horrible. They are such members of our family, our precious pets, and it is so hard when they pass.
    Rest in peace beautiful Boo you will be remembered always!

  15. So sorry to hear of your loss. Our pets are our family members and I know how deeply you are hurting. May you find comfort in knowing Boo had a wonderful home.

    I wish I had the link for the Rainbow Bridge poem.


  16. Sue, I'm so sorry to hear about Boo. Pets become such a huge part of your lives. We had to put our Lexi down in May. She was a bischon and just precious. Sometimes we think we can hear her walking thru the house. We were so sad the first couple of months. But at least she is no longer in pain. Boo was a beautiful dog and looked so loving in all the photos you posted. Thinking of you.....Lynn

  17. Sue, I am so sorry you have lost your baby, Boo. It is so hard losing a family in peace, Boo.

  18. Oh no! I am so sorry that you lost your faithful Boo

  19. I'm so sorry to hear about your beautiful Boo! My heart cries for you! What a wonderful experience to love a dog and be loved by that dog!
    Shelia ;)

  20. So sorry Sue, Boo was a wonderful part of your family. I enjoyed hearing about him. He will be missed.

  21. I've been there a few times where you are at now. I am so sorry.

  22. Boo certainly left a paw print on your heart. He was lucky to have you guys as his parents. So sorry Sue!

  23. Oh Sue - as I have personal met this wonderful dog - who would never hurt a flea - and who you loved and took care of so well - I know you are hurting and John too.

    I am so very very sorry.

    (HUGS) and prayers.


  24. I am so sorry... He looks so lovely... Big cyber hugs for you!

  25. Oh Sue, now this is something I wish we did not have in common -- the loss of a much-loved dog. We lost 3 dogs in 5 years; it never gets any easier and I still miss them.

    I'm sending cyber hugs your way, and will lift a glass to your dear Boo tonight, in celebration of his life with his wonderful family.

    I'm so sorry. Cass

  26. Dear Sue I am so sorry that you have lost you wonderful sweet gentle Boo!! I was lucky to have met the big fellow and I know he will be missed. Hugs to you and lots of love.


  27. I am so sorry for your loss. (((HUGS))) to you and your family in this time of sorrow.

  28. I am so sorry for your loss. Boo was a beauty, may he RIP. I lost 2 of my furbabies this year so I know the pain you are feeling. ANd all dogs do go to heaven.

  29. so very sorry...I know he will be missed...take care! Jennifer

  30. I didn't know Boo, but I cry just reading about others losing a beloved pet. So so sorry for your loss. Sending a big hug.

  31. Oh my! Tears in my eyes - not as many as are being shed by you, I'm sure. So glad he could enjoy his food to the end - must have some Italian blood (or New Jersey) in him. Cry hard and remember with fond memories! Take care of yourself. Sally

  32. Sue, I was trying to start catching up some with my blogging even though I'm a long way from blogging regularly, and I saw this! My heart goes out to you. I am so very sorry. This is such sad, sad news. Please know I'm thinking of you and sending you warm hugs.



  33. I am very sad to hear about Boo. The Commander and I will miss the big guy barking when we go out on our deck.

  34. Sue - I am so sorry for you loss. I'm guessing that Boo and Maxie are hanging out together, waiting for us at the Rainbow Bridge. Hugs.

  35. I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your beloved pet Sue!
    He was such a handsome fellow.
    Hugs to you,

  36. I'm sorry Sue...Hugs to you.

  37. I'm so very sorry to read about your beloved Boo. Our pets are our 4-legged children and are loved with all of our hearts.

    You will be in my thoughts in the days to come.

  38. I hope Boo enjoys doggie heaven and will make friends with our Dickens and our Duffy. They'll have endless romping and playing, with tummy rubs from God.....

  39. I'm so sorry, Sue. Tomorrow will be two weeks since we lost our wee Rosie and I really haven't been home to understand that she's not there.
    Your Mr Boo was a beauty!

  40. I am so sad over this and didn't even know Boo however I know he was a very good dog.
    I have been through that before and it hurts.

    I believe all dogs go to heaven or God wouldn't have saved the animals during the big flood. He loves dogs as much as we do.

    Sorry for you loss


  41. It's certainly a tough time when you have to let them go. We've had to do it a few times too. So very hard. But I'll just bet he had a great life living with you guys. Cherry ice cream and all. Hang in there! Mimi

  42. I'm so sorry to read about Boo. It hurts to lose a beloved pet and member of the family.

  43. Oh Sue, I know you loved that furchild like crazy! He sure looked like a very content, well loved baby. I hope that soon the pain of loss will ease and the wonderful memories of Boo will fill your heart.
    Our baby Duchess went completely blind this week. We're all trying to adjust.

  44. I wanted to thank my Wife for all the love and tenderness she gave to Boo over the years. Her love and care helped make his life special. Even though she often commented that he was "My Dog" because he would only come when I called him.....Boo never took his eyes off her each night while she prepaired a loving meal for us.
    I have lost my Pal, but I am still the luckyest man in the world to have such a wonderful wife!

  45. Sue, your knew it was coming, but gosh, that doesn't make it any easier, does it?! I know how you loved your dog!

    I'm glad for you that you were with him at the end.

    Big dogs leave big holes. I know all too well (she said, crying as she typed!) When our dog Howard died, someone sent me this essay:

  46. I know how hard it is to lose a four legged family friend...Boo was loved and given a very wonderful life...

  47. Sadness...utter sadness. We have been through this. I am sending you virtual hugs.
    ♥, Susan

  48. sorry about BOO. we've had similar situations and it sad and hurts. remember those great memories with BOO. rose

  49. Oh Sue I am so sad for you and your family. I loved the stories you shared about Boo. RIP Boo,RIP...

  50. So sad to read this. I know he will be missed.

  51. I am so sad to read that Boo passed on, Sue. It is so hard to lose a beloved pet. They are part of our hearts and soul.

    You all loved Boo so much ..and he knew it! I hope that brings you some comfort.

    {{{ hugs}}}

  52. I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet and beautiful boy. I truly hate the part of pet-parenting when you're forced to let go of your best friend. God bless you.

  53. My heart is broken for you. I so, so wanted to meet Boo face to face and give such a hug...
    My blogger was down for over a week so I am way behind. I feel just awful that I wasn't here earlier. I am so, so sorry for this great loss. I will remember Boo always...

  54. Oh Sue, I just saw this about your dog Boo and I am so sorry. He was a beautiful dog and I just loved it when I would see a post on your blog with a photo or story with him in it. Take care of yourself and I am so very sorry.

  55. Oh BOO indeed. :-( I just hopped over here after seeing on your FB page. I am so sorry...when I think about how some day we'll be without our Miss Maggie, it just tears me up. So I know how you must feel.

    Thinking of you...and I promise to get back to blogging (or at least blog visiting -- having a hard time carving out time because, um, my job is kind of bad. There, I said it.). Enjoy your 60th b-day weekend!!! xoxo Laura

  56. sorry. Your Boo looks like a really sweetie. It is so hard to lose a beloved family member and pets are family members.

  57. Oh Sue, I am sorry because I know how much we miss our beloved pets when they must leave us. Boo was a lucky dog to have a home with your family.

  58. I am so sorry. I got very behind on my blog reading and haven't had time to catch up. I'm so sorry to be so late getting to this message. Thinking of you Sue.

  59. Dear Sue, I'm SOOOO saddened to hear about Boo! I had missed this post earlier and saw something that made me realize you had a pet that died. :( Losing a beloved pet is just the hardest thing and I truly understand how hard it is for you and the entire family. We had a Sheltie that was 13 yrs old that we ended up having to put down after he became extremely ill. It's still hard., and he's been gone for 9 years. I have his pic on the frig with angel wings on him...His name was Starry! I'm sure Starry & Boo are in Doggie Heaven together. You take care...and I will be thinking of you and yours! May your memories of Boo keep him close to your heart always... Hugs, ~CC Catherine

  60. Oh, I'm so sorry. He was a beautiful, beautiful boy. We lost our beloved beagle last year.
