Tuesday, August 31, 2010

THIS AND THAT...............what's going on in Sue's World

Every now and again you run out of things to Blog about.....Come on.... You all
Know you have been there....
Ready to throw in the towel because you have just run out of things to say....
Oh....I didn't say Me...
I always have things to blog about....
As crazy as the post might be....
This is one of those posts......Let me begin with this beautiful Georgia Sky.....
Taken the other day while walking Boo.
The picture doesn't do this beautiful sky justice...
I really need a sun filter for the Nikon...
Okay....that was the lovely part of the post...
Now things go down hill from here...
I got an e-mail today announcing a
"Back To School Sale"
From 1-800-Pet-Meds?
Does the whole retail world need to cash in on kids going back to school....
I thought it was odd....

But Really on the Odd Front was this....
I was in TJMax yesterday when I saw a women dressed just like this women on the
She was in the clothing department buying skimpy little outfits....
Well....I'll assume she bought something....She had a whole armful of
Brittany Spear type get ups over her arm....
I wish someone was there to explain it to me....
She must not be "That" Modest at home..

On the way home I stopped at Publix to buy a Rutabaga....Oh Sue loves the rutabaga...
When I saw this sign....
Don't let the government tell me there is no inflation....
$6.99 for a 5 pound bag of Red Potatoes....
Are they Crazy!!

Okay...this is more like it....
This is why we Love Love Love the WalMart....

Speaking of food....let's talk cake....
This is a fabulous Bundt pan that daughter got me for
Mother's Day this year...
From Williams Sonoma ofcourse...
Isn't it fabulous!
This is how the cake turns out....
I had a few of the ladies over for lunch last week and made
a recipe Joyce gave me....
It's Blueberry Poundcake...
and it was delicious...
On t.v. last night....
On Showtime...
And replayed all week long..
"The Big C"
A wonderful new show starring Laura Linney....or as we like to call her
"Mrs. John Adams"
It's a funny....uplifting...quirky....show about a women with cancer....
and as it's described is a "women who diagnosis forces her to shake up her life and find hope...humor....and the light side of a dark situation"
Ms Linney is wonderful
and Oliver Platt is delightfully funny as her hypochondriac husband
who can't understand why his wife has kicked him out of the house....
She hasn't told anyone that she has stage 4 cancer...
the total opposite of depressing...
if you haven't seen it and you have Showtime I highly recommend it...
On the rental front....
City Island starring Andy Garcia was a wacky movie about a dysfunctional
family in New York....
If you enjoy watching a dysfunctional family but in a humorous way
go to Redbox and rent this movie....
It was recommended to me by another blogger and we really enjoyed it
So much so that we are planning on buying the DVD...
If your a Christopher Walken fan then this one won't disappoint....
Let me just say that he lives under the Boardwalk in
Atlantic City....
and he drives the "Sweet and Low" pink P.T. Cruiser
because if it's a free offer of any kind
He knows about it.......
My Kind of Guy....
Did anyone see Tom Selleck at the Emmy Awards Sunday night....
My Gosh the man looked like a Million Bucks....
I'm wondering if I got the Boss a White Tuxedo Jacket if he
would look atleast 1/8th. as good as Mr. Selleck....
I searched the internet for a photo
of Tom in said White Tuxedo to no avail....
where are the pictures??
This would be "Our Joyce"....
Miss Flour Power...
As most of you know Joyce isn't blogging anymore and we all miss her....
But she doesn't miss us because Miss Flour is off jet-setting to
Her and Mr. Flour Power left for Paris last Friday evening for their
38th. Wedding Anniversary....
when I spoke to her Friday morning....
She was concerned about forgetting her four years of French from H.S.
in true Joyce fashion she had me laughing the entire time I had her on the phone....
She said all she remembers is....
"Where is the Pencil"......And...."Can I be your friend"......
I'm sure she will charm the French with her rendition of
"Bon Jour"
With a New York Accent....
And last but not least.....
For all you "Housewives of New Jersey" Fans.....
Theresa who still swears the Family Manse is not going into
is going to be mighty uncomfortable living in this Palace with no furniture....
A property auction is due for October 2nd....
Everything is being auctioned off including her and Spouse Joe's Wedding Bands....
For a refundable fee of $300.00 you can get into the house to bid on
all that tacky tacky furniture
including their bedding.....
But there is no foreclosure according to Theresa....
Oh Sure.....and the Boss... if dressed up in a White Tuxedo Jacket....... would resemble
even in the smallest way Tom Selleck.....
Keep Dreaming Theresa.....


  1. Sue this was a very fun post! It's like talking to you at lunch! I drooled (yes I did) over Tom Selleck! I have always had a 'thing' for him and honey he is looking good! He will be back on TV this year...whoo hooo!!!!

  2. WOW...a lot to think about! Yummy Tom, I like him too! Love the cake pan, wish I had one too. Funny about the TJ Maxx shopper...humm, I am now wondering what they wear under there! I love the post below...cute dog and darling little girl there :D

  3. Great post, Sue and very funny. I did feel as if you and I were chatting face to face, I could even hear your voice in my head. LOL
    Tom, my man, you are looking good.
    Have a great Labor Day weekend.

  4. Good post! Agree with it all. Why do we have to have dog stores at all? People always had dogs without Petco!
    Is that house out here in the Hamptons? I swear I have seen one just like it!
    I missed Tom the other night. The gkids were here.
    I hope Joyce is having fun!

  5. Your post always give me a good giggle to start off the day. Lucky Joyce - Paris is a great place to celebrate an anniversary. I had to wait till the 50th to go, but worth the wait. When are you going to get the Boss to take you again? I'm off to work on the estate sale - we're almost done, but will start soon having dealers in to shop before the actual sale. Take care, Sally

  6. What a great post......thank you, I needed to read something fun for a change. And I so want that poundcake pan.....what a gorgeous cake it made! Thanks for the photos, esepecially the one of Mr Tom..... very sorry I missed him Sunday night.....!

  7. well that just cheered me up.. which of course i needed today, since while I have been at work, I shook a juice drink and forgot to put the lid on it and now my butt is stuck to chair and my feet are stuck to floor and I have guava and banana pulp in my ear and some eyelashes are glued together and then the coffee maker went on via a timer which was odd as it was never set and then I unplugged it because it wouldn't shut off and even after I unplugged it, it kept running... *phew* *take breath here*... so what was I going to say.. oh yes right, thanks for cheering me up! LOL


  8. first of all, I'm going to William Sonoma tomorrow to get that bundt pan. Does the recipe come with it?
    Also, I love Tom Selleck and I love Andy Garcia (love him in the Godfather movies).
    love your post!

  9. Hi Sue...thank you for posting that picture of Tom Selleck...what a hunk!!! HE's just gorgeous!
    Great post...

  10. I was a little concerned when you started talking about running out of things to say...I was skeptical to say the least;>)This was a wonderful post, I agree with Linda, it was like chatting with you over lunch. I always enjoy our chats!

  11. I loved this blog - Linda was right - it is like talking to you to see what's up.

    Tom Selleck - how come men don't age like us? He has a new show coming out this fall. Can't wait.

    The women dress like that out - but I read that once they are home and take off their robes - you wouldn't believe what they are wearing under them. They are fashion plates. Sexy!!!

    Disco is not quite ready to go back to school - but he LOVED those biscuits - I have to get the recipe.

    The cake pan - makes deliciuos cakes too - not just pretty.

    And I am a Wallyworld gal.


  12. Love your blog and it's was such a deligh. Tom Selleck..still a hunk. I saw where the women in black you saw at TJ Maxx dress like the rest of the young women...only ay home. My niece in Kuwait said the stores are full of pretty girlie things.

    I have a bundt pan and I have an apple pound cake I make in mine.
    Keep these great posts comming as I am a new follower and I love it.

  13. Well thanks so much for catching me up! I did see Tom Selleck and had basically the same reaction. Have been wanting to see that movie, and so will pick up a copy tomorrow. Seriously odd sighting at TJMaxx...I honestly don't know what to think about that...perhaps she was buying the clothes to show someone what they shouldn't wear?

  14. You crack me up, Woman! LOL Talk about *hearing* you...you type just like I think AND talk! :-)

    I saw where you asked Cathy what happened to Jain's blog, Once upon a Moon & Food with Style. She's shut down both of them & is now doing just Food For Thought.

    Food For Thought

  15. Great post, Sue. Tom Selleck is still such a hunk. Enjoy the rest of your holiday weekend.

  16. Tom Selleck ranks right up there with Richard Gere in the hunk department.

  17. Helllllooooo!! Loved this post. First I want you to send me a piece of that cake. Looks fantastic and sounds absolutely yummy. Second, Tom Selleck will be a hottie in my mind till one of us expires. He's sooooo incredibly gorgeous. Lastly, Theresa is a mess. That show is like a car wreck I cannot stop watching, but at least it makes me feel better about myself!! Happy Fall Sue!

  18. Loved this post! So glad you liked City Island. I plan to buy it, too!

    That cake pan looks very Star Wars-y and the cake looks divine!

  19. I've alwasy loved Tom Selleck! Love that bundt pan and I have City Island on my list!

    So happy for Joyce!
