Sunday, August 29, 2010

MISS "B"....And Her New Designer Puppy.

Last I reported in on the puppy situation in Jersey I was showing off
The Grand Doodle Felix.....
Well that was then and this is now...
And this adorable face turned out to be.... in his past life....
A character out of a Steven King Novel...
Who knew such a cute puss could be one hair short of being Cudjo.....
Daughter and Family tried their best to pamper this pooch but to no avail....
He was on speed 24 hours a day....
And his playful puppy teething turned out to be "I want to bite your face off"
When your a Mom and you have a Toddler.....a puppy.....and you work from home
As a Lawyer...
when the puppy turns psychotic the puppy has to go....
So this Thursday Daughter.....Miss "B" and Felix took the 5 hour drive back to
The Farm in Virginia.....literally...
Back to the breeder who in *Her* past life must have been a
Because she's down there making designer dogs.....
Yup.....that's what they call them....
When you take two different breeds and you create an entirely new breed....
I hope she doesn't try to make a new breed by mixing a Pig with a
Breeder was cooperative with taking back Satan and daughter and B got to pick out
a new pup....
And here she is....
Miss Catherine Zeta Jones....
Or "Z" for short....
How cute is that face....
"Z" is a
That would be part Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and part Havanese.....
Daughter just keeps telling me that
Barbara Walters has a Havanese...

Just the perfect size for a Toddler....
Here she is in Miss B's bed...
Daughter reports that she's very sweet....doesn't bark.....appears to be house broken....
and as of today has not tried to bite any of the family or
terrorize Miss Kitty....
The Perfect Pet..

Plus every Pirate needs their own Designer Dog.....


  1. Now that is a sweet looking pup, hope "Z" works out for them. Sophie sure looks happy with her.

  2. So glad they could return Cujo! OMG that is scary when you get a dog like that and have a toddler...not a good fit. This little doll Miss Z looks perfect for Miss B!! See you tomorrow!!

  3. Such a cutie. Glad satan was returned for something much cuter and sweet.

  4. Oh dear "Z" sounds like a much better fit with the family. And little Miss B looks like she is very happy with her new puppy.

  5. Z is a cutey! My sister in Fl is getting a Havanese in October. I had never heard of them before she told me and now in a few weeks time I hear it from you too!

  6. What a beauty! Both Miss B and Miss Z!!!

  7. Now this is what I call a dog for a little one - Z is adorable. Z looks perfect. Some times you gotta try a couple to see how they react. Designer dogs have better personalities - less strung out.


  8. I wondered when we were going to see more pictures of what turned out to be 'terror dog'. Hope Miss Z is a better fit. We had a dog from terrorville for 15 years - a party poodle. She loved Bob and Mike, but would snap at Jenni and I at least 100 times a day. She died the month Mike graduated from high school. Guess she knew she was on borrowed time when he left the nest. Haven't had a dog since! Enjoy the week. Sally

  9. there was something really cute about Satan. But Z looks like a perfect fit!
    Come look at houses here at the shore....although the ones you looked at look beautiful.

  10. Glad it all worked out. That new puppy is so sweet looking. Cute pictures of a cute little girl and her new puppy. Made me smile!

  11. Sorry the first puppy didn't work out (that photo is so funny!).

    Miss Z is adorable (and so is Miss B). Hope all goes well.


  12. Sue, this is one cute puppy. Glad they could return the other one and bring this little home for Miss B. My close friend has a Havanese named Zoey. She is wonderful! The opposite of Z though as Zoey is all white. LOL
    Thanks for becoming a new follow at HFTS. Welcome. ~ Sarah

  13. What a cute puppy! Sophie looks so happy with the new dog. Looks like a perfect match!

  14. This pup looks like a much better puppy for Miss B

  15. That first dog looked might scary!! Wild hair, wild personality! oooh...
    Glad the new one seems to be working out- he's much cuter.
    We adopted a wheaten terrier that had been abused. On the surface, Brandon seemed to be a good dog. But he turned out to be quite the dog from hell. You can't have an unpredictable dog around a young child, so I sold him after he bit me on the leg. We ended up w/a cairn terrier who lived with us for 13 years. He loved to run out the front door when the doorbell rang. Most everyone learned to rush in while they could, because Dickens was always waiting to run between their legs out into the neighborhood. He never came when called. What is it with terriers? We still miss him, though...
    Glad Miss B is happy with her new doggie.
    xo Sue

  16. I'm so glad to catch up with you today Sue and read the good news that the wild pooch was taken back. I'm happy Sophie and the new pup have bonded so well -- both look adorable!

  17. Well Barbara Walters may have a Havanese, but your friend CASS has a CAVALIER and has had many of them!

    I don't see much (any?) Cavalier in that cute little pup -- but if it comes out in her personality and sweet demeanor, then she got the best part of the Cavalier!
    Dion agrees.
    And asks if she is single.

    BTW your granddaughter is SO adorable! And your daughter very wise to bring Cujo back to the breeder.

    How did I miss this post a coupla weeks ago?
