Saturday, August 14, 2010


Not to be confused with the Real "Fat" Housewives of Cobb County....
the blogging ladies of Atlanta got together once again for a wonderful
Brunch today hosted by the lovely
Cheryl of JoJo'sJoy'After picking up everyone's favorite baker.....Flour Power Joyce....
we found our way by some sort of miracle to Cheryl's house.......because Joyce might be able to bake
and Joyce might be able to cook
But "Our Joyce" is really bad at reading driving directions....
Joyce single handily put the "Garmin" in business..
As with all our get togethers the food was wonderful......
And plenty of it!

We had chicken salad....because at every Good Southern Gathering worth it's weight in
Well....Southern Stuff...
You gotta have your chicken salad...
and this was delicious...

And let's not forget Quiche....

And ofcourse Two Quiche are better then One...

You just can't have a party with out "cocktail weenies"

Another Southern favorite....
Cheese thingies.

No paper plates here....
we dined on real china and our drinks were served from silver serving pieces....
How fancy is that!!
Cheryl tied cute ribbon around each fork and napkin.....

Here is Sandie.....aka Chatty Crone and know the one who's bad with the
driving directions....
we all love you Joyce!
Here is Judy....Cheryl's old neighbor and something tells me her partner in crime...
we had fun discussing the Housewives of Jersey
and she was surprised when we all showed up bearing gifts for our
We had to explain that is what us Bloggers do.....
And we think it's a great tradition!
Sorry Cheryl.....and Sorry Hassan....
You know when a blogger takes a picture it's fair game to make it onto the blog....
Cheryl explained that her daughter wrote this on this message board
but used a Sharpie marker...
That won't be coming off any time soon....
Husband Hassan was in charge of serving drinks and did a splendid job...
We always end the day with a group shot.....
Our Hostess Cheryl....Mariella....GinaBeth...Judy.....Linda of A La Carte....
Georgia's Finest Tablescaper....Susan of Between Naps on the Porch....hiding in the back is
Joyce....Me....and Sandie...Holding me down on my shoulder because with my few extra
pounds that I put on eating Cannoli's from the Cake Boss I'm like a Balloon at the
Macy's Parade....
I could float away at any time....
Thanks Sandie for keeping me grounded....
A few scenes around the house....and on the "Veranda".....
Cheryl you can thank me later for calling your Deck a Veranda....

pretty hanging things....

And even prettier hanging things.....
How gorgeous is this chandelier....

I forgot to ask her where she got it but it was stunning...

There were pretty table arrangements...

it was like a bridal shower.....but with a husband.

More goodies....

when we left I took a few pictures of the wonderful neighborhood...
Every house had such beautiful gardens...

Flowers everywhere....

Flowering Trees....

I'm sure I can speak for us all in thanking Cheryl and Hassan for their
Hospitality and we all can't wait to do it again real soon..
A few people asked about the Quiche I made so here is the recipe...
Ham and Four Cheese Quiche....
"Artery Clogger on a Plate"
1 sheet of Pillsbury refrigerated pie crust at room temperature
1/4 pound of each
Extra Sharp yellow cheddar (I used Cabot)
Swiss Cheese
Asiago Cheese
Gouda Cheese
Grate all four cheeses and mix well
Add to the cheese 1/2 pound of good quality boiled ham....
Sliced thin and then diced into small pieces... mix well...
Put the cheese and ham into the pie shell.
I used a deep dish Tart pan with a removable bottom...
I give it a little spray of Pam before putting in the crust..
Mix together using either a hand mixer or your Kitchen Aid...
4 eggs...
1/2 cup of good mayonnaise....
1/2 pint container of heavy cream...
This is the part where the artery clogging comes in.
Carefully pour this mixture over the ham and cheese making sure it covers the whole
Sprinkle with a bit of parsley
Bake at 400 degrees for 30 minutes or until it doesn't jiggle in the center....
I use a convection oven so I bake mine on 375...
Let it set up atleast 15 minutes before cutting...
I used to serve this with a wonderful cheese sauce drizzled ontop of each slice...
But in the interest of my heart which is getting old....
I no longer do that....

And now for a few interesting Blogger tidbits....
My Jersey friend Deborah from the
is having a virtual yard sale....."You" can list things for sale on "your" blog then add "your" link
to her sight...this began today and will run through the 21st...
What a wonderful idea to get rid of stuff you know longer want and do it from the
comfort of your sofa....
No need for a real garage sale.
Go check it out I think it is a brilliant idea!!
And my other good friend
Miss Cheri from the Great State of Alabama....
I'll assume the people that live there think it's great....
she is having a great giveaway
a $40.00 gift card to the CSN stores...
so go by Cheri's and leave a comment for a chance to win....
You can tell her I sent you but please don't tell her the crack I made about where she lives..


  1. Hi Sue...Oh, pooh! I can't believe I missed another blogger get-together! I was tending the 6 month old while my daughter and SIL chased eight 10 years olds around the pool at a birthday party! It looks like you all had so much fun! And the food looks yummy! Maybe next time! Happy weekend!...hugs...Debbie

  2. You did a fabulous job darling on this blog. Great pictures. You really did the essense of our group. We had a lot of fun and your Quiche was out of this world - as was the rest of the food.

    Such an interesting group of woman there - it was so fascinating.


  3. You are so fortunate to have such great blogging friends within visiting distance.
    I can't get over the looks like a gourment buffet at a fancy smancy expensive restaurant.

  4. Sue, Thank you for being such a fantastic photojournalist! Generally my husband ignores my blog habit but he LOVED reading your post! I'm really going to make an effort to see the Housewives... I've been missing out!

  5. looks like great fun, friendship, food, and beauty within the home as well as outside. thanks for the pics and receipe. have a good Sunday. rose

  6. What a great idea you Atlanta bloggers have....getting together for food, chat and shopping - a perfect day!

  7. Sue you did a wonderful job capturing our Southern fun and our great blogging friendships! Cheryl's house and husband were indeed a treat for the eyes! Your Quiche was fabulous and I came home raving about it even if it is heart clogging, I would die with a smile on my face! Can't wait until the next get together!

  8. Sounds like such a wonderful time and you all look fabulous. The food looks soooooooooo yummy. Bloggers do have the most fun ever. Hugs, Marty

  9. Sue -

    Thank you for the sweet shout out for The Never Ending Cyber Highway Yard Sale Link Party. It will remain open for a week so hopefully you will be able to participate!

    You are blessed to have socials with your blogging buddies. What good food and company and no one flipped a table like the Housewives of NJ.

    Your Friend,

  10. What a lovely, fun party! Thanks for sharing.


  11. It looks like so much fun! The food looks wonderful, and a bet there was never a lull in the conversation! Wish I could have been there!
    looks like Jojo was a fabulous hostess!

  12. Everything looked so wonderful! I wish I lived close by so I could have joined in too!

    Have a Great Day!

  13. Well how jealous am I that you all get together so easily!? Your shindigs always look like fun and that food....oh my. I want it all!

  14. You Atlanta girls know how to have fun! Glad you have the opportunity to get together. Thanks for sharing all the photos. ~ Sarah

  15. Fun post and it really is such a nice group of ladies. Remind me never to put you down as a reference if I apply for a job at ATL airport in the air traffic control department. Ah, the reason I have a GPS in my car:-)

  16. Love the post, you did a great job telling all about the get together that I felt like I was part of it, minus the artery clogging quiche. Thanks for mentioning the give away on my blog.

  17. I'm thinking the Atlanta bloggers have it all but look at what the Texas Blogger are up to...all 400 of them!!!!!

  18. Oh what a fun day!
    Love the food, love the decor!
    I always love seeing bloggers get together! Have a great week Sue!

  19. This is a fabulous brunch party if I've ever seen one! Quiche and cocktail weenies and chicken salad, oh my! Thanks for sharing your quiche recipe, and for using Cabot cheese :)

  20. Sue, you did a great job. The pictures are wonderful. Sorry I missed it. Maybe next time. Have a fun week.

  21. What a must have taken all afternoon to ear it! It all looks so good too...looks like so much fun! :D

  22. Looks like you all had so much fun......wish I could have joined you. I was visiting my son in Dallas this past weekend. Let me know when your next luncheon is planned. Would love to join you all. Thx!

  23. I would have liked to have be a part of this wonderful event!! You ladies looked like you had a great time! Happy Blogging and it's always great to find a new friend!!!

    Smiles, Lilly
