Friday, August 6, 2010

HOBOKEN PHENOM..........The Cake Boss Lines

When I knew we would be in Jersey for the Boss' Birthday this year
I thought it would be nice to order him a cake
from none other then Buddy
"The Cake Boss"Not one of those fancy fondant things but just a regular
Birthday Cake.....
So two weeks before the big day I called and placed my order....
The Boss loves strawberry shortcake so I ordered a yellow cake with whipped cream
and fresh strawberries both inside and out.....
finishing it off with a
"Happy Birthday Grandpa"
I was asked to pre pay for the cake at what I thought was a very reasonable price of
and that included the extra charge for all the fresh berries that I requested....
we couldn't keep the surprise from the Boss as soon as he suggested we take a
trip to Hoboken on one of the days leading up to his birthday.....
He's a big fan of he was excited to hear what we had planned...
And then he asked me the dreaded question....
" do know about those long lines outside the bakery don't you"
"You know..... the ones that are hundreds of people long"
To which I replied.....
"What are you crazy....who would wait in a long line to go into a bakery....No...I have never
seen the lines......what lines?"
"Don't worry....we won't have to wait in any line..."
To which he replied....
"Are You Special?"

or just someone with alot of nerve....
We found our way to Washington Street....saw the bakery then looked for a parking spot....
Not an easy feat in Hoboken....there are no parking spaces....
With Miss "B" in tow we walk up to the store front and noticed alot of people
I mean ALOT of people....some were even in beach chairs....
I went up to the door where of Buddy's brother-in-laws....was trying to
keep Law and between getting his picture taken
The Boss.....daughter and baby kept their distance.....
I told Remy I had pre-paid for a cake and where do I go to pick it up.....
He told me to go right inside and walk to the back of the bakery...
I signaled the Fam with a flick of the wrist....
Hoping we all wouldn't get lynched by the crowd and in we went.....
You could barely move it was wall to wall people.....seeing what was in the cases was impossible...
We caught someone's eye and gave them our name and she said she would be right
back with the cake.....
Pushing my luck...... when she got back I asked if I could get some other items....
I guessed at what they would have since I couldn't see what was behind glass...
Cannoli's......assorted cupcakes and cookies for "B"....
I also treated the Boss to a tee-shirt and a travel mug....
We saw one of Buddy's sisters who was so nice.....she thanked us for coming and
we also said hello to brother-in-law Mauro....
Buddy was not in the house but it was a fun time in such a crazy place....
A real phenomenon...
As we left we noticed the line......
Oh...not just any line...

This line was the longest line I have ever seen.....Longer then any line
at Disneyworld....
It spanned two huge city blocks....

barricades where involved in front of the CVS to keep the crowds in line.....
The Boss estimated between 350 and 400 people....
In the heat.....
waiting for hours....
to buy a cupcake....
or a cookie....
maybe a glimpse of someone they have seen on t.v........
Did I mention they were only letting 2 people in at a time.....
So.....if your ever in Hoboken and want a Cake Boss cake....
Just call for your order and
be escorted right inside.....
the Jersey Way....
Ofcourse you can't live on Cake alone....
So we also made a stop at Buddy's favorite Italian Deli
A line out the door but no tourists here.....local folks in line to buy
what Fiori's is famous for....
Italian and Roast Beef subs....with homemade Mozzarella cheese....
On Saturdays you can get the sub dipped in gravy....
Think...."Italian French Dip".....
This is just half....picture two of these for $13.00
We bought alot of sandwiches.....some wonderful Kalamata olives
and ofcourse....
two and half pounds of freshly in house made
Mozzarella Cheese.....
$22.00 and worth every penny....
It got brought back to Georgia in the cooler and we have been eating
Jersey tomatoes with it.....tonight it went on homemade pizza...
and in the morning it will go into a
We didn't care for the roast beef sandwiches that we had read about online....
it seems they did a show about them on
"30 Rock..."
but we found them to be dry and in need of salt....
the bread...also made in house was a bit dry as well...
we took our sandwiches down to the waterfront.....
and if your ever visiting the area ladies and need to use the rest room....
Well.....just pop right in to the brand new
"W" hotel
just featured in New Jersey Magazine as having one of the best rest rooms in
the state.....
how many people can advertise that!!
The view from the park was pretty amazing...

The day was beautiful......

Hoboken will certainly be in our future travels....
lot's of restaurants....lots of shops....
good food and very nice people....
Who knew?
And who couldn't have a wonderful day spending it with
these girls....


  1. Of course, you got right in - did we expect anything else? If I had been there under the same circumstances, they would have said, "Sorry, old lady - get to the back of the line!" Glad you are back - missed you. Sally

  2. now I'm hungry after looking at all the amazing food...going to raid the fridge now!

  3. I want to travel with you....:-)

    All of the food sounds and looks delicious!!

  4. One of Betsy's bridesmaids lives in Hoboken, small world. I watch Buddy at times and thought if I ever get up that way I would stop in but hubby would NEVER have the patience. I'll just take you with me, Sue.

  5. You and I would NEVER wait anywhere, Sue! I like to breeze through places exuding authority.... Lines? Hah, I scoff in your face. What a fun excursion. I thought that the lines and crowd of people I've seen in the bakery while watching the tv show were all for show. I stand corrected... Glad you had fun.
    hugs, Sue

  6. What fun! Thank you for sharing your trip to Hoboken and The Cake Boss with us.


  7. Sounds like such a fun trip.....I really enjoy the "Cake Boss" show. I've just recently started watching it. Great photos.....oh that cheese looked sooooo good!

  8. I had no worries about you getting in girl. 350 to 400 people to get a cookie? Wow.

    Looks like you had another fabulous vacation - as usual.

    The pictures were beautiful.

    And you grand daughter looks like her beautiful grandmother!


  9. Happy birthday to the Boss:>)
    I have to say though, what is in those cakes at Buddys that are worth getting in a line like that? Crack? No cake could possibly be that good. Glad you went to the head of the line.

  10. Sue with out a doubt you got right in!! The cake sounds so good. Love the look of that cheese you brought home. Looks like a wonderful trip! Happy Birthday to the Boss!

  11. Boy! i love cake, but i may not be that dedicated to stand in line to go into a bakery. I have to admit that seeing the tv show there's talent . the hugh sandwich looks good, it's toughbeing on a diet. Rose

  12. I love that show! I wondered what it was really like. I've wondered how much they charge for some of the big fancy cakes they make. I have a little connection to Hoboken. When I was a little girl we had some neighbors who were my parents best friends from there. There last name was Rotondi and every summer they'd bring Mama Rotondi out to California for a visit. We loved her! She always had "gravy" simmering on the stove and she made the best little Italian rolls. I'd kill for that recipe. All the kids in the neighborhood would beg at her door when she made them. Glad you had fun and Happy Birthday to the boss. Mimi

  13. Teehee - well done! Those cakes sure look tasty - and what a beautiful famille you have x

  14. This post really made me laugh!! You have such chutzpah....I love it. I remember when my Dad owned a bakery in Queens, NY, there was a line out the door and down the block every Sunday morning. That was in the day when all bread, cake, cookies pies and rolls were bought at bakeries only. People would wait in line for their morning rolls. I haven't watched this show, but I will check it out. Happy birthday to your husband.

  15. pictures of the birthday cake??????

    Glad you are back, things were too quiet in the neighborhood.


  16. He had to ASK are you special????

    The cakes are really that fabulous? I don't suppose you've talked them out of any recipes. . . ? The line is unreal!

    Pictures of your girls are delightful, as always.

  17. You certainly know how to get what you want! What a special treat for the Boss too. Sounds like your trip was a lot of fun.

  18. Who knew? I did! Hoboken home of brownstones and great steak houses -- Arthurs, Dino & Harrys. Also a great ferry to the financial district. Looks like a great time was had by all. I have never been to the Cake Boss' bakery (I usually go to Ferrara's in Little Italy) but I will do as you did and order ahead in lieu of waiting in that line. If that doesn't work I'll tell them I know you. Fiore's mozzarella with Jersey tomatoes ... sounds delicious. Glad you enjoyed your time with your girls!

    Your Friend,

  19. OH! I so enjoyed your post ... though I must confess when I hear NJ and "Boss" in the same sentence, I think Bruce! Photos are really great, I feel as though I was there too.

  20. Okay. Now not only am *I* envious but Grace is as well! She and I LOVE the Cake Boss. Our friends Barb and John went last year...loved it. Lines and all!
    The sandwich WAS on 30 Rock. Guess who the guest star was on that episode?? Old Brian himself! *laugh*
    I think we will have to go to Hoboken! I am trying to talk Bill into a Fall trip (to meet our adoption friends) in that area. Cheaper to stay there than in NYC (well, unless we stay at W!)and we can take the train in. AND we can see The Cake Boss!!
    I think I need to travel with you...we would have the best time...: )
    Missed you!! Good to see your pretty girls in the pictures! Miss B is getting so big! Already looking forward to her calendar this year!

  21. had to jump back, thanks for your comment on my blog re nature. you mentioned getting emotional re a dog. i get emotional, maybe hormones. it maybe we just have good hearts and we show it. take care .Rose

  22. Okay...I know nothing of this Cake Boss person but he must be pretty amazing.

    Every time I see a picture of Miss B I am imagining her shouting directions at you. "Shoot me from my good side!" "More ambient light!" "You're in my frame!" This one is gonna give Miss Streisand a run for her money I think.


  23. Great post! Loved reading about the cake! Miss B is just too cute!
    I really think you have to move back to NJ!
