Thursday, August 19, 2010


The Boss decided to take a snooze this afternoon so I decided to do what I rarely do....
Take in a movie...
After seeing the trailer for Julia Robert's newest movie it looked like a real
Ladies Flick.....I mean who wouldn't want to spend the
Afternoon traveling all over the world in 133 minutes.Taking about a half hour to set the stage you weren't surprised to see
Julia looking as beautiful as ever.....How many kids does she have??
It was a pleasant set up for her travels to
Italy....India and then Bali...
You get to meet the men in her life before she takes off for a year of
traveling around the world to find herself.....
About 45 minutes into the movie and with Julia sitting at a Bistro Table
in Italy I was ready to get up and run home...
No No No......not because the movie was bad...
There were two reasons...
Julia was sitting eating a big bowl of spaghetti....I mean she was really enjoying
That Pasta...
You see I had left home cooking sauce and meatballs in the crock-pot.......
My mouth was watering watching her eat and I was ready to
go home and throw on the Spaghetti....
the other reason was less appetising...
If you have ever read my other movie reviews you know I like to smuggle into the
theater snacks and drinks....
Hey....who wants to spend $15. for a drink and a small popcorn in this economy..
So I'm sitting munching on my salted almonds when a piece of nut
got caught in my throat....
I was wondering how I was going to sit for over 2 hours with a nut part stuck in my esophagus
without coughing....
Luckily I had a large ice tea in my purse.....
Anyhoo....back to the movie.....
What a Lovely movie it was and I highly recommend it....

The first part....the "Eat" part ofcourse was set in Rome.....
What beautiful scenery....and the food scenes were better then in last years
Foodie Flick....Julie and Julia...or was it Julia and Julie?
She moved on to Naples which didn't look as good...infact who goes to Naples...
it looked pretty awful....
But the pizza her and her friend were eating looked amazing.....
and the scene where they are trying on jeans was pretty humorous....
We have all been there....
She moved on to India for another third of the year.....
the "Pray" part
Not someplace you would want to necessarily go to.....
the wedding scene was a delight for the eyes...
What magnificent wedding garb they wear....
And ofcourse "Love" was left for last....
Bali looked interesting and I now understand why I'm always seeing
people on House Hunters going there for that second home....
She meets Javier Bardem and ofcourse falls in love...
With Julia narrating alot of the movie....
with the beautiful scenery and wonderful looking food....
A happy ending....
and make sure not to blink in the last few minutes because you will miss
what happened to the other men in her life.....
I would give this movie a 10 out of 10....
So ladies....
leave the husbands at home watching over the sauce....
And go this weekend to take in a truly enjoyable
Just leave your Nuts at home....


  1. Thank you, thank you for such a wonderful review ... beautifully written I might add!

  2. My husband and I saw it last Friday and I liked and he said it was pretty good. I made him go since I had to endure the Predator movie with him. YUCK to predator or whatever it is called.

  3. I plan on seeing this movie this weekend--really looking forward to it! Thanks for a great review!

  4. Great review. I was thinking of going - now I have to go.

    And as beautiful a view, sometimes you just have to go shopping. And hey, I went shopping with the Queen of Shopping!

    Kathleen and I have said it before, you ladiers need to take a road trip to New York!

    - The Tablescaper

  5. I am reading the book now. I was looking forward to the movie and now I am even more looking forward to it!

  6. Good to know you liked it since I think we have similar taste. I'll probably wait til it comes to our dollar movie. You get admission $2.00, popcorn $1-$3 depending on the size, a drink for $1.50 in our refillable cup. Can't beat that for a cheap date! Mimi

  7. You sneak treats into the movie too...way to go sista! ;D

  8. I meant that I do it too! But you do it in a big way...I want to go with you next time! LOL

  9. Husband and I went to see it last Sunday and loved it too. Of course it didn't seem to bother husband that he was one of 5 men in the theater!!!

    Not funny but I had to laugh about the nut. I was just imagining the headline news-"Woman Chokes to Death During Eat, Pray, Love."

    You just crack me up!

  10. I haven't seen it yet but love the book and hope to get to the theater this weekend. I am happy to hear that the movie is pretty to close to the book. And Javier Bardem alone is reason enough for me to go and see it!!

  11. Thanks for the review!! I will try to see this!

  12. What a fun review and sounds like a fun movie. I'll really try to see this one. It's never easy as our hick-town movie theater's offerings are limited. Therefore, it usually means a trip to the city 45 miles away, which means schedules need to mesh, etc. etc. etc. How are things with you? Busy here for a couple of more weeks. Sally

  13. I've been wondering if the movie was any good, so I'm glad to get your review. Now I'm eager to see it! Laughed out loud about the food you smuggled in to the theater. I admit I do the same thing! :)

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  14. Oh I want to see this! Thank you for the review. I will leave the nuts at home, he doesn't like chick flicks much anyway!

    Your Friend,

  15. Thanks for the review on the sister is reading the book and says it's not that good. But the movie sounds wonderful and I'm glad that it is. I was a little disappointed after my sister's review of the book version. Can't wait to see the movie now.

  16. You certainly are a funny nut yourself:-) Will have to see this movie for sure. I have a purse that I call the "Cinema Purse" that holds a foot long hero and 2 drinks and of course candy. People in the movies probably wonder just where the smell of onions and pickles and hot peppers are coming from? Fun to turn around and watch the audience salivate:-) Thankfully I do not bring in any smelly cheese. I do have my limits:-)

  17. Great review, very entertaining. I look forward to seeing the movie!

  18. I knew I wanted to see this! Thanks for the review, I had to laugh when you said you had an ice tea in your purse, I do that too:>)

  19. sounds like a good movie. i would love to see the different countries. good review. rose

  20. I just finished the book a couple weeks ago and want to see the movie. I'm glad you liked it. sandie

  21. Thanks Sue,
    That sounds great! And I had to laugh because I always think about smuggling in popcorn or other snacks but never have the guts.
    You gave me bravery today!

  22. Thanks for a cool review, Sue! Its on my list...both book & movie.

    Why am I not surprised to find you with a large ice tea in your bag?? LOL You have a defiant streak, ya' know. Have you always been such a rebel??? *wink*

  23. Thanks for the review, Sue. I'm going to see it tomorrow and am looking forward to it.

  24. You are too funny! I am glad you didn't get all choked up in the theater. I haven't been to a movie since As Good as it Gets. Sme lady in the back spilled the gallon size Coke and it ran down to where we were sitting and puddled around our feet!
    And really, a shopping trip with me is priceless! :)

  25. hubby is out of town this week & I was thinking about treating myself to this movie, like they say they don't understand chick movies LOL now I want to see it for sure LOL

  26. I'm always up for a good chick flick, so thanks for the recommendation.

  27. I plan to see the movie, but I am laughing at the size purse you must have taken to the movie. A large iced tea? LOL!

    If you have never seen the movie Big Night, rent it sometime for a big time Italian food craving! OMG!

    AND, get City Island and watch it, not because of food, just because it's funny. Heck, you may even know where City Island is!

  28. I plan on seeing this movie this week...I loved the book and have been anxious for it to come out in movie...glad to hear you enjoyed it!
