Friday, June 25, 2010

A WHITE ELEPHANT AFFAIR.................

So.....I made it back from Jersey in one piece and today was the day
those crazy Atlanta Bloggers
got together again for tea.....good food and good conversation.... The last time we ate at Tea Leaves and Thyme
Linda said she would love to celebrate her 60th. with all the ladies....
We enjoyed the tea room so much that day that we decided to
come back for not only her birthday celebration but
Necie's as well....
Rose is here!!!
Let the fun begin!

they have the best lemon curd and clotted cream
to put on their delicious scones...
luckily these were right in front of me!

We had some new ladies join us today....
That is Kathy smiling at the camera...
she is a nurse by day and an antique dealer at the famous
Scott's Flea Market here in Atlanta on the second weekend of the month...

The lovely Cheryl
who is better known as JoJo

JoJo's Joys

"The Tablescaping Diva of the South"
"Between Naps on the Porch"
we like to think of Susan as our own local

Sorry know if I take your picture it's getting posted....
Rose just got back from fun does that sound...

we weren't too rowdy but come 2:30 we were asked to leave
as another group needed the table....
I think we could have stayed another few hours.....

Sandie had the idea for us to have a White Elephant exchange....
we started out slow but as soon as one of the ladies
wanted to swap for a different item we all started swapping...
at times it got a bit heated
especially when Rose wanted my item and I refused to give it up.....
I think I have mentioned before that I'm a big cheat
when games are involved....

The food was so good...
This was the special of the day...
pecan encrusted chicken breast over a salad
and their mini scones....
The quiche was also a big hit..

You can't have a birthday celebration without birthday cake!!
this was a delicious
white chocolate with raspberry...

back row....
Cheri came all the way from Birmingham.....
Lynn who has a wonderful gift shop right across the street from the tea house...
April.....our new friend...
Necie.....the neighbor who keeps threatening to start her own blog...
and Susan....


We had great stuff for our exchange...
everything from this purple Eiffel Tower that went home with Kathy....

To a set of three polka dot bowls....
I lost track of who took these home as they passed through many hands...

Everyone did get their own
"White Elephant"
to take home...
what's better then white chocolate!

And the other side of the table...
from back to front....
We found out afterwards that it was Rose's birthday the day before....
So a Big Happy Birthday Rose.....
next time do what I would have done....
stand up and say....
"Hey, it's my birthday too where's My Cake???"

Cheri.....Lynn and April....
April is in the process of starting her own blog....
She wanted to get some tips from the pros....
but when we get together we seem to talk about everything but our
The tea house gift shop even had
a White Elephant tea pot!
Our good friend Joyce
the tea pot collector
couldn't make it today...
We missed you!!
After lunch we went across the street to Lynn's lovely shop
House and Garden Boutique

where it seems the theme for the day was Friends....

And what great friends they all are....

We had a very Happy Day....
and you all know that we will be doing this again real soon!!
Next post on tap....
The infamous vacation trip to Martha's Vineyard....
It's nice to be back!


  1. Glad you are back...and this looks like a fun time! :D

  2. Thank you Sue! WE had such a great time today!!! Good food, good friends and great animated conversations!!

  3. It looks like everyone had a great time, glad you are back.

  4. I'm so glad you're back AM. I miss you so.
    The tea-party looks amazing. You had great time together.
    Hope that your Jersey trip was good and you enjoyed every day spent over there.
    Have a great weekend.

  5. Welcome back, Sue! What a fun time you all had. What I wouldn't have given to have been there to meet you all. Some of my favorite bloggers were there. Lots of stuff going on here, so it wouldn't have worked for me. I hope I will get to meet you in person in the not too distant future. If I can't get there, think about a trip to St. Augustine!

    So glad you're back!


    Sheila :-)

  6. Well, if Cheri can crash your party all the way from Birmingham, then maybe I will too some day.

  7. You all really know how to have fun. What a wonderful way to celebrate a birthday too!

  8. Glad your back Sue. I am so sorry I was not able to attend. Everyone looks like they had a wonderful time.

  9. Hi Sue, thanks for mentioning our shop in your blog post. I had such a fun time yesterday! And what a nice break it was to sit and have lunch with some new friends. I look forward to the next blogger luncheon! Thanks again for inviting me to join this fun group!

  10. You're all lucky I wasn't there because I WOULD have walked out with those bowls!

    I thought I heard something on the news about Martha's Vineyard being overtaken by New Joisians. Did you leave anything still standing?


  11. Hey you do cheat when playing games - I stole those plates, then you stole them from me, and when someone wanted them from you - you said no! lol I'm glad you got them though.

    You did a fabulous organization of this party - as usual. Thanks.

    I had such a great time - meeting all the gals and talking. We are getting go be a big group and this is the thing - everyone is awesome!

    And then going to the House and Garden Boutique and getting a discount was a great way to end the day.


  12. Sue, thanks sooo much for organizing this fun event! It was so great getting to see you and the others! The White Elephant gift swap was a hoot! Love what I ended up with!

  13. Welcome back! It has been very quiet and everyone has been well behaved without you to encourage rowdiness, LOL!
    Of course, Joisey is still reeling!
    I see you made it to CTS!
    Can't wait to hear about your trip!
    I was in CTS tonight. Had to attend a Mass nearby and why not stop in and return 65 bucks worth of buyers remorse purchases and then spend 125! But that's really only 70!
    Still all in the car.
    Looks like you all had a great time! I think I need to make a trip to Atlanta sometime!

  14. my computer is now working so i enjoyed the photos. it was great meeting everyone. love the white elphant. it wasfun. can't wait to do this again. thanks for inviting me. have a slow sunday and rest.

  15. As always, it was good to see you, Sue, and seeing others and meeting new friends. Thanks for getting us all together. Tell "The Boss" it was really nice to meet him and I told Jay I thought they would get along great.

  16. Sue,

    Welcome Back! I missed your great sense of humor. You always seem to have a fabulous time at these 'blogging workshops'! You do realize when I decide to host one in NJ we will be sipping martinis not tea. I am curious, what was it you refused to give up for the exchange? Looking forward to reading all about your vacation and seeing your beautiful photographs.

    Your Friend,

  17. Hi Sue! welcome back..looks like your tea was a hit. I'm looking forward to your humorous posts.

  18. Hey Sue,
    You did a GREAT job organizing this shindigg...Had so much fun! Truly the hostess with the mostess!
    Yup... Sandie called you out, I have to say....but I wasn't going to steal them from ya...just have a little fun. You were so sweet to have brought extra gifts, so thank you!

  19. Looks like a great time! I envy all you Atlanta bloggers and the get togethers you girls have. Thanks for sharing the photos. ~ Sarah

  20. Despite your comment, you and your hat are adorable!

  21. Looks like you all had a great time!

  22. Loved all the photos of the get together! You are all so lucky to be able to have lunch together so often!

  23. It looks like you guys had a BLAST!

    Hope to see you Sunday for my weekly meme, "SUMMER SUNDAYS". It's all about what summer means to YOU!

    - The Tablescaper
