Monday, May 24, 2010


It's that time of of the year again when Sue shuts down the computer and gets done
what she has put aside all year long...I will be back at the end of June with all new wacky hijinx with the family.....great photo's...
and Miss "B" tales....
Also on the agenda on June 25th. is our Atlanta Bloggers Tea Luncheon...
So you know there will be stories to tell
and ladies in hats to see...
If your a blogger in the Atlanta area and would like to join us because we
Always have fun....
and our motto is "the More the Merrier"
please e-mail me and I will forward you the information...
See you soon!!


  1. Sue have a great JUNE! And I will be there at the tea with bells on - well maybe not bells, but a hat - maybe!


  2. Have fun!!!! Wear sunscreen.

  3. Have fun and I look forward to the luncheon at the end of June!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. WHAT? No Rue Mouffetard for a whole month! I'm going to miss you, girl! But the "getting some stuff done" sounds like a good idea for me too. This morning I've pruned every shrub in the yard... now I'm not sure I can get up out of this chair to go pull wallpaper off the dining room wall. September wedding = MOTIVATION!!!

  6. Spoil that grandbaby of yours, Sue!

  7. I'm gonna miss you too!!! Have fun and have a great time with your family!

    I love that pic of the lady reading in her hammock!!

  8. enjoy your time i plan to meet the gals in june. rose

  9. That hammock looks mighty tempting. Just a couple more projects for me to finish up around here and I'll be relaxing as well. Here's my list: Make full length canvas draperies for the screened porch (6-10' panels), build a farm table, survive the kitchen/breakfast reno, shop for new bedroom furniture, find the kids a house, move the kids into the new house, help redecorate the new house, weed the yard, cut the grass.... on second thought, can I come relax with you?


  10. What the what! End of June? Well who am I to talk, I can't seem to find time or topic right now for the life of me. Still, I'll miss reading your posts. Have a fun month off and hurry back:>)

  11. Good for you, Sue. Have a good break and we'll look forward to seeing you again in a few weeks. Wish I lived close enough to be a part of the group.

  12. Have fun on your break!

  13. Have fun being a Jersey girl for a month eating rolls and pizza and pastry and Italian ice and most of all spending time at the shore with your daughter and grand. Safe journey.

  14. Hey, don't leave without entering my drawing, Sue! LOL! Mr. Magpie's birthday is Thursday, and I'm going to give away a shiny object in his honor.

    I want to go to that tea SOOOOO much, but I can't!!! Take lots and LOTS of pictures, okay? I wish you were heading down this way. We could play this summer.


    Sheila :-)

  15. Is that Joyce in the bikini?
    Have a wonderful time..I know you will enjoy every minute of it!
    Go to CTS and spend lots of money!
    And most of all enjoy your family! well ..and some good NJ Italian food!

  16. Have a great blog-cation! Looking forward to the tea!

  17. What! Gone until the end of June!?! You will be missed but have lots of fun in the meantime! Talk with you soon.

  18. Hi Sue!! I'm slow in wishing you a fun and safe trip. I know you'll love being around your daughter and "Cutie Pie". I can hardly wait for you to return with new stories!! Sally

  19. Have a wonderful June, Sue. I am so sorry I can't attend the tea. Thank you so much for inviting me. Maybe next time.

  20. Sue, thanks so much for your birthday greeting to Mr. Magpie. He loved them, and I love you for remembering him. THANKS!


    Sheila :-)

  21. Have a great time doing whatever your heart desires Sue! Look forward to seeing you posts soon..Happy Summer!

  22. Enjoy your time off, Sue!!


  23. Hey~~I just found you, and you are taking a vacation! Well,dearie, have a great time off.
    Look forward to seeing your pics, and reading your posts.

  24. Have a great time and I will look forward to stopping by again! Have a great r and r!

  25. Hi Sue!

    Just popping in to say hello....I'm up to eyeballs in "stuff" too.... CLEANING....and posies.........then the CAR....YIKES....and finally, if I don't die first...the garage.


    PS.....have fun! And, I'll be waiting to see new pix of your gorgeous little grand-girl.

  26. Have a wonderful time Sue! I have been trying to catch up since I was traveling do often in May. I look forward to the lazt days of summer!

  27. I have really missed you Sue...and I have been an awful friend but I know you know how it is!!
    Things get crazy in the Summer don't they!!
    I hope your June is going great and we will all anxiously await your one tells a story like you!
    Sending hugs a plenty your way!

  28. You know I need to think about taking a break every June. As you can see, I'm just now visiting this post, and we're already at June 20. Shows you how busy I've been. Happy Break!

  29. Hey ... just noticed the date... you are hobnobbing with the Georgia Peaches today! Have fun!!!


  30. So here I was, lounging at the computer, and wondering, "Gee, where has Sue been?" and I decided to find out.


    Have a GREAT break! Have fun with Miss B ... and the Atlanta bloggers, too.

    Maybe on one of your visits to Princeton we can gather some NJ bloggers and talk one another's ears right off!

