Sunday, June 27, 2010

WAKE UP!!!!!.......Your On Martha's Vineyard.

We just returned from 3 weeks with the Junior Family of which one week was spent on
Martha's Vineyard.....
We have been planning this trip since
And No where Not in any guide book did I read that the sun comes up at
5:15 a.m.
It actually starts getting light around 4:45 but I'm not one to nitpick.....I think in the fairness of vacation planning someone could have mentioned this.......

Here we are in line to get on to the Ferry for the 45 minute ride over to the island.....

Please indulge me while I complain a little because that is just what I do.....
There will be alot of lovely pictures following the vent.....

We arrived at our destination and proceeded to check in to our
"Gold Level" townhouse for the week.....
described as being newly remodeled and the "best of the best"
They Lied.....
As we entered the unit the smell almost knocked us over....
Think Skunk mixed with old fish....
When they remodeled the place they forgot to replace the furniture from 1970... and the Boss are pretty low maintenance but it was bad even for us.......
So daughter and father went looking for the
General Manager....
After about an hour we were redirected to.....
a beautiful newly done cottage on the grounds of the resort.....
Only problem it was only available for one night...
We should have just become squatters and refuse to leave....

There was a beautiful new shiny kitchen because Sue loves to cook
on vacation....

We were very Happy campers.....

Oh did I mention there was even a fireplace......

And then the next day they moved us here.....

Classy yes??
when was the last time you saw a Boom Box....
and we really loved the wires hanging from the t.v.
It was somewhere around Wednesday that we realized the couch was
infested with ticks....
Not a good thing...
So remember the name of the resort and if you ever go to
Martha's Vineyard Don't Stay There......
Now for some nice scenic pictures....

we had brunch here our first day......
Good Waffles....
pretty flowers....

And we got to rub elbows with an Academy Award winning actress......
Think Paul Newman's co-star in Hud.....

lot's of shops to wander thru......

Who knew?

great stairs in this little bookshop....

Somebody got a butterfly net and look what she caught!!

we drove down to the south end of the island.......

Where I spied this old worn lobster sign......

And this lighthouse......

There were scenic bluffs......

And a Dad with his daughter.......

I had read that parts of the island resemble Ireland.....

A proud and happy Grandfather......

The Edgartown Lighthouse
we had a professional photo shoot here one day.....

The Harbor at Edgartown.....

a lighthouse closeup....

blue rockers on a pretty porch...

There were pink roses everywhere....

We saw many a horse farm......
Infact we read that James Cagney's farm is on the market for a mere
Me and daughter drove out to Vineyard Haven one morning and saw
The Lightship Nantucket.....
We also drove through the gingerbread cottages of Oak Bluffs
but I'll leave that for another post...
a nautical fencepost.....

Lot's of old movie theaters.....

This was in Oak Bluffs....

Outside the Seafood Shanty were we had wonderful shrimp.....

Flags flying everywhere....

Just had to throw in this picture....
the kids were leaving for a fancy dinner....
We got to babysit Miss B....
Can you say Two Lucky Grandparents!!
Local Color....

we drove down to Menemsha one day for lunch at "The Bite"
I have never had such fresh seafood in my life...

Our last night on the island daughter suggested we take a sunset sail on
The 60 Foot Mad Max...
The night was perfect for a sail.....

Miss "B" insisted on a life vest....
Safety First!

The Jr. Fam......

We saw lots of other sail boats.....

And Mom got to take pictures of my favorite two subjects......

The sunset was stunning.....

The next morning we took the ferry out of Oak Bluffs to Woods Hole
for our drive back to Jersey....

Oh come on.....You didn't think I would do a whole post and leave out a picture of
me in some funny hat.....

when we got off the ferry in Woods Hole we saw a lighthouse in the distance....

So we drove up the highway a bit and found this touching memorial to
Neilie Anne Heffernan Casey
who died on 9/11
on the United Airlines flight...
And ofcourse I had a beautiful picture of the lighthouse but forgot to add it and
I don't know how to add it to the end so trust me that it was
a very nice lighthouse....
I hope you enjoyed our little family vacation even with it's bumps and bruises.....
Next time I will show you all the pretty houses on the island....
No complaining.....just houses....


Linda @ A La Carte said...

You got some beautiful photos. Such a lovely family and so much fun to take a vacation together.

Julie Harward said...

I loved the blue rocking chairs...and such a cute little grand daughter! Looks like a nice vacation! :D

Jeanette said...

It looks like you had some great family time!
I have a give away this week that you might enjoy would love it if you stopped in.

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

That looks like an awesome trip to me Sue! I was on Martha's Vineyard once, many moons ago. What a gorgeous place! Your granddaughter is a cutie! And have you lost weight? You look so slim!
Thanks for sharing!

Jojo said...

Sue, It looks like a wonderful trip (well, except the scary accommodations)! What a great family vacation memory and beautiful photos captured it all!

Joyce said...

Thanks for the tour of the island and review of the condo and photos of the Jr. family. Your GD is just adorable!

Ellen said...

Looks like you had a wonderful vacation, in spite of your accommodations. Miss B gets prettier all the time.

Next time you're in Jersey, we must do lunch!

Cathy said...

Your photos are wonderful, Sue. I visited Martha's Vineyard years ago and you brought back some lovely memories. What a beautiful family you have. That little Miss B is a stunner.

Debbie said...

Thank you for taking us on a little tour of Martha's Vineyard. Beautiful pics!!!! Looks like everyone had a great time together.
Glad you are back.

Deb said...

Looks like you had a fantastic vacation. Too bad you had a bad experience with your rental. There's nothing worse than a smelly room.

Cheri said...

You are quite the photographer...lovely pictures. I have never been to Martha's Vineyard but I felt like I was right there. look great in a hat.

Too bad the accommodations were such a bust but it still looks like you had a good time.

The Quintessential Magpie said...

I wish I had known you were going to the Vineyard, Sue. I would have told you to look up my cousin! I did a post about his house there last year. He sold it and is renovating condos as his next project. He's an architect in DC, but he spends his summers in Edgartown.

What a nightmare about the sofa! ICK! And the smelly quarters. YUK! I have that marked down as a place NOT to stay. I'm glad, though, that you had fun sightseeing. Aren't the cliffs magnificent? I just love it there. And the flowers! GORGEOUS! Ms. O'Neill doesn't live too far from Dudley's former home.

Loved all of your family shots the best! Super pics of all of you!


Sheila :-)

P.S. I'm surprised you could get your car on the ferry without previous accommodations. We left ours in the parking lot and just drove with my cousin. Did you have to get reservations for your car??? Be sure and check out my pictures of Dudley's house and see if you got a shot of it! That would be a hoot, wouldn't it! :-)

Joan said...

Nice pictures. You have a gorgeous family. Hope you give the Vineyard a second chance at different accommodations :)

Come Away With Me said...

Looks like a fabulous time with your family, except for that glitch with the rooms.

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

I have been wanting to go to Martha's Vineyard forever and I want to go to Nantuckett and all over that area. I hope I remember the name of that place so we don't stay there.

Sue said...

Sue, What a fun trip you and your family had! Love seeing all the pictures. I'd love to take a trip to that area. Too bad about your accommodations. I hope you were comped something! You look pretty snazzy in the hat, BTW!
hugs, Sue

Jennifer said...

Love all your pics. I love lighthouses, rocking chairs on porches and sailing and the seashore. i have always wanted to go to Martha's Vineyard. Miss B and her parents look so happy! you and your hubby too!
Sorry for your bad experience. We stayed at a place like that @ Hershey Park.(We used an old book) a good reminder to check out reviews.
Sun comes at 5 this time of yr at the jersey shore. I get much to do so little time!

Chatty Crone said...

Okay - I've been busy so I am slow to leave a comment.

The smelly place and the fleas in the sofa - that would sure make me complain. What did you do to the fleas eventually?

The pictures you shared are just beautiful. It has a lot of color there and fresh fish to eat. Did you get to cook a lot?

Didn't recognize the actress. Who was it?

Your family is BEAUTIFUL. Love the three genereation picture.

Miss B - B must stand for beautiful! Your hubby sure looked proud.

And your daughter and her husband - they look really happy.

I think all in all it turned out to be a memory you will all rememeber.


Rose said...

why is it that sometimes places just stink such as your 1st night on vacation. overall it still looks like a good time and photos. love the light house. pautricia o'neal is the actress. age has come upon her and us. thanks for the trip. have a good day.

maryelizabethroche said...

I love MV!
But on our last trip our reservation number for the ferry wasn't listed...we waited in standby for 7 hours...
The hubby was far from happy, but I just finished my book and dreamed of all the lobster rolls I had eaten!
There's quite a few "iffy" places to stay there, sorry you were at one of them!!


black eyed susans kitchen said...

Your pictures are awesome and it just goes to show how some establishments can get away with sub-par accommodations. Looks like you had a wonderful time with your beautiful family.

FairfieldHouse said...


Thank you for sharing your family vacation. Your photographs are lovely. You have an eye for capturing details and natural vignettes. Your family is beautiful.

Your Friend,

PS Where would you suggest staying?

Kathleen said...

Wonderful pictures! I am glad you showed the Tick Pa;ace. MV is very expensive and unless you request a tick infested room I think they should save them for those who do!
I look fwd to the next installment!
Next year come to the Hamptons...lots of deer ticks, but we try to keep them outdoors!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I love Martha's Vineyard. We always go off season (late September) to avoid the crowds and stay in Oak Bluffs. The Chilmark and Aquinnah sections do remind me of Ireland.

You look great Sue and the family photos are so precious..especially Ms.B!

Peg said...

Looks like you had a wonderful vacation. Your photography is absolutely gorgeous! Sure you're not a pro???

Country Girl said...

My son was supposed to be there this very week! A friend of his from work has parents who have a house there. Unfortunately, the friend had to cancel out on the trip this week.

You should post your bad review on Trip Advisor. I can't stand it when vacation rental agencies aren't forthright in their advertising.

The drastic difference in those two places is ridiculous.

Susie Q said...

I have missed you so much...oye amd I envious! I would love to see all of this! Heck, I just want to go anywhere!! :) Last on Cape Cod area far too many years ago...thining we need another trip there!
And you saw Patricia Neal!!!
Your photos are very postcard worthy you talented lady you.
The photo of Miss B andher doting parents is glorious! That is a FRAMER for sure!

Miss B is just too adorable for her Grandma in that hat!

But gee whiz...what do you have against ticks?? Poor things...*snicker*
