Wednesday, June 30, 2010


We love looking at houses and while on the Vineyard we had the chance to
see some wonderful homes....
Let's go on a walking tour of
Shall We....This is the traditional
New England style part of the island...
weathered siding....lots of picket fences......lots of houses with names....
American Eagles over many a door....

Frilly Fences down alley ways......

Let's not forget flags.....

And lot's of wicker....

lovely arched garage doors....
brick driveways...

And even an old V.W. Bug......

little courtyards.....

With brick walkways.....

And a Whale or Two........
How great are those shutters on the arched windows above....

Gas lights to welcome you.....

Okay......Time to hop into the back seat of the mini....
Go ahead theres' plenty of room....
and drive up to
Oak Bluffs where they have Gingerbread style homes everywhere you look....
Me and daughter snuck away one morning and drove along the coastline
until we reached Oak Bluffs....
About 9 miles from Edgartown....
After stopping in at
"Back Door Donuts"
and getting some ham and cheese croissants we drove around looking for the
cottages that are so famous.....
No......this wasn't quite what we were looking for.......
So we pulled over to the side of the road
when a policeman pulled up along side of us.....
He appeared to think we were up to no good....
That's right......two women from Jersey driving a Mini Cooper and eating croissants......
Yes.....we're dangerous....
He directed us down a dirt road......threwn with broken beer bottles.....
We drove off and found our own way to the cottages.....
we were getting close...

Here we are.....

streets made for driving a mini......
Tiny Tiny......

lots of hanging baskets

pretty colors on porch railings.....

and on old rocking chairs.....

someone likes purple.....

bright yellow with touches of blue....

so close to the street you could reach out and touch them....

Fancy porches above.....

and some Adirondack chairs....

Not too much red trim....
pastels seemed to be the color of choice....

but they all had flowers everywhere.....

You had better like your neighbor.....
they were very very close to one another....

there were even smurf size houses...

and little houses that went along with big size houses....

we saw star fish on window ledges....

one of only two American flag sightings.....
Seems the folks in Oak Bluffs aren't as patriotic as those in Edgartown.....

and the landscaping lacked some tender loving care......

but the trim work made up for it....

They reminded me of the doll house we made for daughter when she was little...

And then there were clever ways to display flowers...

It was getting time to drive back before the boys started looking for us....

And here is the perfect house to end with and wish you all a
Happy 4th. of July.....
Happy Anniversary to Millie and Siggy....the "folks"
where ever they may be....
If you missed last years tribute to them you can read about them
It was my most popular post of the whole year.....
Have a Great Weekend!!!


Joan said...


Linda @ A La Carte said...

That was fun to look at all those great houses! Love gingerbread trim!

Julie Harward said...

I think all homes should have names...mine is; "The Olde Farmhouse". I loved the older portion reminds me of Park City, Utah. I would so love to see all of this in person...thanks for sharing it! Come say hi :D

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

Thanks for sharing these homes with us. I love the ones in Edgartown.

Debbie said...

Thank you for taking us on a tour to see all these wonderful old homes.
Loved it.

Cathy said...

Wonderful pictures, Sue. I've seen those pretty little cottages and you've captured their character perfectly. What a great place for a vacation.

Salmagundi said...

Hi Sue! What fun to have you back with a great tour. Glad to hear you had a great trip without too many mishaps. And now, you say, you are headed back to daughter's in the bug to babysit. I would think an airplane ticket would be in order!! So happy to be back in touch with you. Take care, Sally

a quiet life said...

oh i am so glad you share so many, i adore walking and clicking away, i can pretend i was there!

Cheri said...

I LOVE the brick driveways and walks plus the arched garage kind of house.

Rose said...

your photos gave a good picture to me on an area I may never beable to visit. Love the styles. thanks

Anonymous said...


Thank you for taking me along on your tour of Edgartown and Oak Bluffs. I love the architecture and details of the homes. The arched garage doors, cobblestone driveways and court yards are stunning.
I read your most popular post about your parents. Such bittersweet memories. Sending you hugs.

Your Friend,

Come Away With Me said...

Thanks for the tour around Martha's Vineyard. I enjoyed seeing all those houses...wouldn't mind living in the whale house! And the hanging baskets and colorful paint is very pretty on some of the others, will the Victorian gingerbread decor. That was fun.

Jojo said...

I'd be perfectly happy in Oak Bluffs...ahhhhh

Country Girl said...

Beautiful! Loved the walking tour. This is a place I've always wanted to see.

Linda said...

Thank you for the home tour of Martha's Vineyard! I think I've fallen in love with Edgartown! Hopefully I'll see it for myself one day!

Kat said...

Love the gingerbread, great pictures. I mailed your book to you today that you won. Enjoy it.

Chatty Crone said...

Oh my goodness - you did see a lot of wonderful homes there. All different and charming.

Thanks for the tour and I love the last one - the red, white, and blue!


The Quintessential Magpie said...

Looks like you had a good time looking at houses! I love the ones in MV. I wish we had gotten to spend more time in Oak Bluff looking at the ones there. We were in Edgartown most of the time and only there a few days. But I enjoyed seeing the different architecture. This brings back a happy time for me. Thanks for sharing, Sue!


Sheila :-)

Donna said...

Hi Sue,
Your blog's name caught my eye, so I just had to stop in! I LOVE Rue Mouffetard! Thanks to hubby's job with the airlines, we get great flying benefits, so we go to Paris each May, and stay at a cute little hotel about a 10 minute walk from there. It is one of my favorite areas of Paris! Oh how I would love to got to Martha's Vineyard! Thanks for sharing such wonderful pictures. Love those bright colored houses with gingerbread trim! And the porches are wonderful, too!

Sue said...

Oh Sue- I loved the tour you took us on. These houses are so amazing, even the simplest of them. I love the styles. Maybe one day I can see them in person. Happy 4th of July!
:-) Sue

Cass @ That Old House said...

Hi Sue! I am SO jealous that you were able to spend time on the Vineyard. Howard and I were there in '08 for just ONE DAY, on a cruise stop. I loved Edgartown; it reminds me a lot of the north fork of Long Island, only more compact. And more expensive!

We didn't get to Oak Bluffs -- but there is a similar former summer colony not far from me here, with fabulous "cottages." I should take pics and blog about it!

And I also think homes should have names. I've been thinking about naming ours "Bob." Whatcha think?


Peg said...

Thanks for the tour. The yellow one with all the gingerbread trim is my favorite! Hope you have a great Fourth!

{Bellamere Cottage} said...

Oh Sue...What a fabulous tour.. I loved seeing all of the sweet architecture. So different than we have here in the NW. And, it looks like it was a beautiful day to cruise the Mini too...

Have a wonderful and safe 4th!

God bless AMERICA.


Parsley said...

What lovely pictures!

I read on Anne's blog you might want to join the recipe exchange. Goody!

Here's the link:

KBeau said...

Your pictures are great. Thanks for the tour.

Kathleen Grace said...

What delicious little houses! I love the fun colors and all the pointy windows, house drive bys are one of my favorite things to do when I am somewhere new. Always something interesting to see:>)

Rhondi said...

Don't you just love all those colorful cottages in Oak Bluff? A photographer's dream... I have spent a day on Martha's Vineyard once but the Cape definitely has a lot more places to go to and things to see as well more beaches. I love all the family photos too.