Saturday, May 8, 2010


The one thing I really love about blogging is that you get to see how people live all over the
You can have a tour from the comfort of your own home and visit fairs.....and....shops..
gardens.....and restaurants.....Thrift stores and everything in between...
My personal favorite has to be
from Once in a Blue Moon.....
if you have never been to Jain's blog you need to pop over and take a look....
She lives in Northern California in what I call Heaven on Earth.....
and when I see her beautiful pictures it takes me there if only for a minute....
So today I decided to take you on a little tour of where I live.....
and our little town square on a Saturday Morning.....

They just began to have a Farmers Market on Saturday mornings on the Town Square....
I normally would not be up before noon on a Saturday but today I
set the clock.....put on my baseball cap.....put the top down on the Bug...
and off I went hoping for something akin to the street markets in New York....
Hoping it would be like the food markets in Paris would have been a stretch....
As you can see by the above picture a bit of disappointment came over me.......
It was only 10:00 a.m. but this man said he came with bushels of
stuff but everything was gone....
I refuse to get up any earlier then 9:00 just to buy some tomatoes!!
and I wasn't about to pay $1.00 for one onion.

there were wild flowers for sale...
some sad looking fruit....

I overheard one lady buying flowers at this booth say that she would be driving them all
the way back to South Carolina....
They just didn't look like they would make the trip out of
Cobb County.....

the Square has lots of cute restaurants and they all have outdoor tables....
the weather was beautiful....70's with a slight breeze...
perfect for having breakfast al fresco....

They recently renovated the old movie theater and they
have local talent perform here...

On July 4th....
you can buy a ticket for $5.00 and sit on the roof to watch the fireworks...

Another bistro....

Now your talking my language....
very fairly priced at $2.00 a piece they looked delicious....

The lady that was operating this booth asked me why I was taking pictures....
You all have heard that before.....
When I told her I write a blog she asked if I would mention her shop...
Now that's a good business women!!
She is a "Cake Artisan"....
and operates
located at 137 Church Street in Marietta....
where they make custom cakes....decorated cookies and gourmet cupcakes...
All things a women cannot live without!

I wondered if these were going to a Mom or if she was just
Treating herself....

This booth was selling all things honey.....
these candles were too cute.
They also had a real live bee hive behind glass...
but too many kids were standing in front of it to be able to get a picture....
But you get the picture....

And then there were dogs.....
How cute is this guy....

these little guys had straps around their snouts which always makes me sad...
But I guess their owner figures better safe then sorry....

Can you tell this one was completely harmless....

and this one was a snippy little thing...
I should have brought Boo....
Boo's head is larger then this entire dog...
And when the weather gets nice down South out comes the
Lemonade Stands!

Marietta is celebrating it's 175th. birthday this year....
and we have spent 25 out of the past 175 here.
Time flies when your searching for that good piece of pizza...

We have been eating here for as long as I remember....
Shillings is very charming on the inside and makes a heck of a
Club Sandwich...

And I discovered that they have opened an adorable new Toy Store...
Just in time for Miss B's upcoming birthday...

I wandered inside where they had the infamous
"Ugly Dolls"
Adorable sock monkeys....

I have to drag the Boss back to get one of these...
I love the colors...

If you got tired or wanted a little tour of the surrounding area this was the man to see...

and ofcourse there was art work....
Being a bit disappointed with their "farmers" selection of fruits and veggies..
I'm hoping as the season continues the selection will improve...
I headed back to the Bug....
And on the way home I stopped at my favorite weekend haunt....

I have been coming here for the past 25 years....every weekend
for my tomatoes....

And my fresh herbs....
Can you smell this wonderful Rosemary plant through the screen?

Owned by a very "grumpy" man the Boss can't figure why I love coming here....
they sell all sorts of fruits and vegatables.....plants...and let's not
forget......The Boiled Peanut.
Certainly not upscle by any means....
But you always get the freshest produce for a very good price...
Oh and let's not forget they sell pretty paper lanterns as well....
So that was my Saturday Morning out and about in
Marietta, Georgia....
Next time I'll take you on a tour of all the wonderful antique shops off
the Square....there are a ton of them....
And that is really the main draw of the Town Square...
well worth the trip from anywhere...
So until then...


  1. I loved your tour of downtown Marietta - how did you know they do that and do they do that every Saturday morning?

    And what is your favorite place - Burger's Market?

    Happy Mother's Day and thank God for you.


  2. Loved your tour! You always take us to great places.Hope the big guy treats you well tomorrow..or is he like mine who says I am not his mother?

  3. Sue, thanks for the tour around Marietta. I may have to some day make that long drive and check out those antique stores. Have a great mother's day.

  4. That was so much fun and I never left my comfy chair!

    Happy Mother's Day to you!

  5. Great tour! I'm like you I enjoy seeing other places on the blogs. Sorry, you had to get up so early to find a $1 onion, though. Hopefully, the produce will improve as summer goes on. Have a wonderful day tomorrow. Do you have plans? As usual, we're going to Bob's mother's - she is still the queen bee!! I've done that for 51 years - someday I'm going to have Mother's Day at home doing my thing. Take care, Sally

  6. What a fun tour, Sue! I enjoyed going on this walk with you. :-)

    Looks like a great place to visit and to hang out which I'm hoping to do with you all this summer. Will we meet in Marietta or Atlanta? I hope, hope, hope I can come.

    And you know how much I love sock monkeys. He was SUCH a cutie! I adore them! Glad he went home to live with you.

    Sending you big hugs...


    Sheila :-)

  7. Hi there...thanks for your visit and kind words! LOL Yes they do keep me jumping! I love your blog and would like to add your site to my blog list! I think this looks like such a fun day! Your little Miss B. is so cute! And that big dog of yours, they use them here to keep watch over the sheep herds, they just live right with the sheep! Come say hi any time :D

  8. What a fun market. Thanks for taking us along.
    Happy Mother's Day! ~ Sarah

  9. Looks like a fun place. Had to laugh about finding good pizza in GA. It's like us looking for good Mexican food in Utah. We won't get our farmer's market until the middle of June. Have a great mother's day my dear. Mimi

  10. I loved this post. Maybe I'm just naturally nosey but I love to look around. I would have liked to visit every place you went on Sat. morning. Can't wait to see the antique shops too!

  11. It's great to get to the local farmers markets. I go to ours once a month or so. That rosemary did smell good. ;) My daughter likes to pluck ours and carry it around in a hat or bucket. Mmmmm good!

    Thanks for visiting at my OSL!

  12. These are sure hard times when an onion is a dollar. Reminded me of going to the Farmers Market at Vinnings/Symrna which was a total waste of gas. Remember the chef at the cooking school told us to go? It was maybe 4 people in a parking lot. I prefer to go to the Dekalb Farmers Market and think it is excellent. When in HH they have a farmers market right in the Mall which is unusual. Now the Marietta Sq. sure is pretty and enjoyed all the photos!

  13. Oh.....the cupcakes look sooooo good! I'll have to check this bakery out! Hope you have a fun Mother's Day!

  14. Beautiful pictures!!! I felt like I was there with you...x

  15. Fun tour Sue! I love the Marietta Square...can't wait for the tour of the antique shops next!

  16. When I read the words 'Marietta Square' my heart skipped a beat. Thank you for bringing back so many warm memories ... hope your day was perfect yesterday!

  17. Happy belated Mothers Day to you too. Love that bright colored sock monkey. We also have a farmers market you would think that living in the garden state, they would be selling local produce, but no...most of the stuff came from Florida and California. Marietta looks like a lovely place...I will have to visit the area one day.
    ♥, Susan

  18. Oh what fun you've been having! The Flea, the market..... Love taking your tours and seeing things through your eyes. I wanna see the south! Maybe someday.... Hugs, Sue

  19. Your town square looks like a fun place! Thanks for taking us along with you. Can you pass me one of those cupcakes?:>)

  20. Great post!! Made me wish I was there with you. I love doing things like this.

  21. I loved touring Marietta with you. You have a future as a tour guide :-). This was my first visit to your blog, but I was lured by some of your earlier posts and stayed far longer than I had intended. I really enjoy what you are doing here. I hope you are having a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

  22. What fun! I love Marietta! Have you be to Gabriels Restuarant? Paula Deen's cousin... I hope you can meet my sis sometime...Jessica! Great golfer, tennis player and Mom! She just completed first yr of the Empty Nest!
