Wednesday, February 17, 2010

WEEKEND MOVIE PICKS........2 winners and a loser

The weekend is fast approaching and I am here to save you time and money
before you go pick out that Blockbuster movie for
weekend viewing.....
First off you should be using Redbox......because nothing says a bargain like
a Dollar First Run Movie Rental.....
We love the Redbox because they are popping up all over the place...
In stores.....7-Elevens......
We love it because you can reserve a movie by going online at
Then just stop by your designated location you choose and pick it up....
Best can return it to any location.....Even in another state!!
and how can you beat renting a movie for $1.00.....
Let me tell you how.....
You can rent this dog....
Daughter warned us that it was not even worth a dollar....
And she was pretty much on the mark....
it had about 2 funny scenes that lasts about a minute....
And Kristin Davis should be ashamed of herself for portraying
Jon Favreau's wife.....
and he should be ashamed of himself for being shirt-less through half the movie....
Save your dollar or your $5.00 or your movie on demand.....
Amelia was a much better pick.....
Hillary Swank.....although I am not a fan......was very good as Amelia Earhart
Richard Gere was even entertaining as her husband George Putnam.....
of the Putnam publishing empire....
A good story but ofcourse we all know the outcome......
Certainly worth a $1.00 for some cold weather
stay at home entertainment.....
It might even be worth the $5.00 fee that Blockbuster now charges.....
and all I have to add to that is
Redbox is going to put them right out of business.....
But if you ladies want to see a really really good flick
Then Rent This.......

"Coco........Before Chanel......"
Starring Audrey Tautou
This is a fabulous movie even though sub titles are involved.....
I seem to actually be able to follow along better when I can read sub-titles then without.....
And the scenery and the costumes are just beautiful....
It opens with Coco as a child and takes you through her life up until she becomes
the famous fashion designer we all know for those fabulous black and white
suits.....and she started out as a hat designer.....
Who knew?
Oh....I'm sure daughter knew.....
As daughter is a huge fan and if you all remember Miss "B" dressed up as Coco
for Halloween this year when she went to the opera....
pearls and all.....
This movie will not disappoint.....sub-titles and all......
And if you haven't seen this favorite you might want to pick this up too.....
Wonderful music.....
Great scenes in Paris....
and the ever favorite Garden Gnome!!
A very amusing story and again with sub-titles but one of the best movies ever....
And just one more.....

Can you tell I am an Audrey Tautou fan....
If you have seen and enjoyed Amelie but have not seen
"A Very Long Engagement"
You will love this just as much.....
It's the same type of wacky movie that Amelie is and if you pay attention you will
find it extremely funny.....
Both "Amelie" and " A Very Long Engagement"
are not available at the Redbox but can be found at Blockbuster and Netflix....

So I hope you have a great weekend where ever in the country you live.....
Hopefully you will have no snow.....
some warmer weather...
And maybe a big bowl of popcorn.


  1. Thanks for the recommendations. We LOVE Redbox too. So efficient, so cheap. Mimi

  2. I'm with you on Redbox, it's great! I thought Couples Retreat was somewhat funny but crude and I zonked out through Amelia. Glad I only paid $1 for either of them. I have never seen an Audrey Tatou movie, maybe I'll give one a try:>)

  3. Thanks for the movie reviews. I love Audrey Tatou and the Coco movie should be here today from Netflix. I'll put A Very Long Engagement into my queue. I love having movies to look forward to!

  4. We use Netfix and love the fact that they come in our mail box. Hubby is a big movie buff so we see movies constantly. I was not crazy about Amelia but only watched it because you know Richard is my favorite guy:) That Hilary sure has a mouth full of horse teeth but then again Amelia was no walking beauty either. I was shocked to find out that she had an affair.

  5. Thanks for the recommendations, Sue. I just watched Amelie and really enjoyed it. Think I'll go for Amelia next. Have a great weekend.

  6. I have seen those red boxes but never thought to use them. Thanks for the recommendations!

  7. I'll be sure to avoid "Couples Retreat" now...blech! I will be watching "Coco" though...sounds like a great movie. I think you should do reviews more often.:)

  8. I'm so glad I'm not the only one who was disappointed by "Couple's Retreat"!!! It never "got going!!"

  9. Definately going to check out the Coco movie, the french one looked pretty good too. So glad I did not go to the theater to see Couples Retreat! Our Kroger has a RedBox now, in the front to the store.....that's the way to go. Thanks for sharing.....I too am a movie junkie! Lynn

  10. I have netflix but think I will try Redbox, I have started seeing them more and more places and so now they would be more convenient. Couples Retreat looks stupid so glad i'm not spending any $ on it. I will get Amelia sometime to try.

  11. I want you to go to my blog today and take the Prolific Writer Award - I love your blog, the way you care about people, and your stories - that are all different. Let me know if you take it. Sandie

  12. I saw Couples Retreat-totally agree, what a waste, except for the beautiful Tahitian scenery - some day I will go there - I really want to see Amelia-love Miss Hillary, and I have never seen those french films, I think its time to check out Redbox-there is one 2 blocks from my house at a convenience store!

  13. Oh I like subtitles -- they force me to pay attention so I don't wander off mentally and lose my place in a movie!

    Never heard of Redbox. Are there any in NJ do you know? Love the idea of dollar rentals. Used to only go to dollar movies, but they are a thing of the past!

    Enjoy the weekend. Best... Cass
