Monday, February 15, 2010

The Other Woodstock....................

One of the fun things about blogging is getting to see where people live around the country....
Little Mini Tours....
Due to a lack of other interesting things to write about I thought I
would show you Georgia's Own Woodstock....
Located in Cherokee County just Northwest Of Atlanta
it sits right above where we live in Marietta.....It is a cute little town and it's growing in leaps and bounds.....
Home of our personal favorite.....
The Open All Night Wal-Mart
Where people leave live farm animals in the front seats of your automobiles....
Yes....It's That Woodstock!
The downtown area is like stepping back in time.....
That's the old train depot that now houses a great little restaurant....

The towns folk even drive vintage cars.....
how cool is that.

And what would a step back in time be without
Betty Boop!

I'm just surprised the Boopster is still standing out on the street.....
If this was downtown Atlanta she would have been stolen
5 minutes after hitting the curb....
And every good Southern town worth their weight in grits
Has to have a gazebo.....

You can find really good New York pizza in Woodstock....
Who Knew?

Not bad Chowder either....

There are some really pretty houses....

This little sub-division
right off the town square looks a bit like New Orleans....

A beautiful array of houses with these wonderful
Perfect for big hanging baskets of flowers....
One of our personal favorites.....
Look closely at the column holding up the porch....
It's a big tree limb....
How cool is that.
More climbing flowers on a brick column.....

A beautiful arched doorway....

Flags flying everywhere.....

Look how blue the sky was this sunny fall day....
This photo was not altered....
Lots of stacked stone....

A very patriotic bunch....

And ofcourse there is shopping....
This is the House and Garden Boutique....

You can find all sorts of great things in this shop housed in
an Old House!

Plenty of Love to go around....

And BIG letters too!!

Pretty paper fans.....

And colorful Garden Girls....

This lovely little shop has everything....
Plus the Kitchen Sink!
The shop owner Lynn just started her own blog and you can find these
wonderful goodies at
Stop by and say hi to Lynn.....
Her blog is new and she could use followers and we all know how we love to
have and be followers...
Plus she said I got her hooked on blogs so I owe her....
Well I hope you enjoyed this little tour of
The Other Woodstock....
I hope I didn't get Joyce excited at the prospect of pictures of
Woodstock Woodstock....
Yes....Joyce went to Woodstock and she lived to tell about it.....
Even though it was her father that drove her there...
But that's a story for another day and
nobody tells it quite like Joyce....


  1. This was a really fun tour Sue. A friend of mine lives in Duluth, GA and she talked about this town (yours) as her parents had lived there. I visited her in Duluth many moons ago, so I don't remember a whole lot. Cindy

  2. Thanks for the Woodstock tour. I love the pictures of the homes you shared. Looks like a quaint town where everybody knows everyone. My husband restores old cars now. He would be right at home driving around there if he gets one finished.

  3. Sue, thanks so much for your post on Woodstock & our store. The photos were just beautiful and it painted a very enticing thought for all to come exploring in Woodstock! I so appreciate the exposure.....hope you can stop by the store again! I was thinking about starting a bloggers group at the store, for all of us with blogittis!!! I'll let you know how this pans out. I'm open for suggestions! Thanks! Lynn

  4. Years ago I had a friend that lived in Woodstock. We would visit once a year. Thank you for the memories and tears you brought rushing back. (She left in 2000, breast cancer) It was a wonderful trip.

  5. What a great little town. I love it. The houses are so pretty. Thanks for the tour. Hugs, Marty

  6. Dropping by before I'm computerless, Sue, and boy, am I glad I did. I enjoyed this tour. What a great little town!


    Sheila :-)

  7. Thanks for the tour - it is fun to see other places. How is the ankle? I think of you every time one of those skiers on the Olympics take a tumble down the mountain. But, I guess Georgia won't be hosting the winter Olympics any time soon so that you can compete!! Take care, Sally

  8. This is a cute cute town, which I had went there while in GA, maybe when I come and see you we can go. LOVE the arched doors and stacked stone, these homes are too cute. I think if we had looked there for a home I would have been hooked.

  9. Oh Woodstock is so cute. I will make a trip there. So close to me but who knew? Thanks Sue!

  10. Hi Sue! What a wonderful tour you gave us of this charming town. I always enjoy seeing places I'll probably never get to visit, and you made this trip such fun. Things are a bit easier for us these days; healing takes time, both physically and mentally. I now have a few hours a day to spend on me! And guess where I go? To visit my bloggy friends! Hope all is well on your end. I'll be back again when I can. hugs, Sue

  11. a lovely little town...I must visit.

  12. Who knew?? Looks like a nice place to visit.
    I will go check her blog..

  13. I do not think I ever visited Woodstock when I was up in Roswell??? I think they have a tea room up there so maybe we can do tea up there one day. The homes are so cute I wonder if I can convince the kids to move there:) Not a chance!

  14. Woodstock looks like a fun place to visit! It looks warm ... any place warm would be a fun place to visit right now after all the snow we've been getting. ack!

  15. What a cute little town! I would love to visit, but I would keep my doors locked at WalMart!

  16. Did you go to Tea Leaves and Thyme tea house? You'd love that. sandie

  17. Hi there Sweet Sue!

    I swear I was born in the wrong region....and in the wrong era, but we won't go into that...... :-) I've only been to New Orleans as far as the south is concerned, but I'm just yearning to see more.......What a wonderful little town.... I so appreciate getting my own little tour. Someday I'm just going to have to make it down there.... I love the architecture and all of the posies. Just yummy.

    Sending you big hugs,
