Friday, February 12, 2010

BEDROOMS TO DREAM IN..................

Before you start this post go get yourself a cup of tea......go to the bathroom....and be prepared
to get inspired by some very special bedrooms......
Commentary by a backseat decorator.....
In honor of Valentines Day....
I have always had a love for balloon shades....I think they should never go out of style.

Cute look....
But once you realize that the twigs hanging above your head are pure
dust collectors it's not so cute.
Love all the tartan plaid....Would have liked to have seen some of it
in Red....I actually wore a red tartan ball gown to daughters
wedding.....Think...Charlotte from Sex in the City when she went to the
Scottish Ball......only 50 pounds heavier!
Now this is "Sue"....the red white and blue....
the flag pillow...
the checkered headboard...
I love it.....but...
I would have gone with a different quilt
The famous "Shabby Chic" look....
a little too shabby for me...

Gotta love anything red......My new red chest would look
great in this room.
Wallpaper is coming back....I like the green painted windows

Love Love Love this one....I am a big fan of trim on window
Just a wonderful classic look.
A nice clean look.....I used this picture when I re-did our bedroom...
Only of course I used a deep red.
More still goes great in older homes with slanted ceilings.....

This one reminds me of my mother......
She was a big fan of Lily of the Valley and it grew wild in our backyard in
New Jersey....
Okay....who has a bedroom that looks like this?
I labeled this....
"Spectacular Bedroom"
This is a fun one....The only thing I would change is the trunk at the foot
of the bed....I would think an antique humpback trunk would
go better with all the curvy lines of all the other pieces....
This yellow room in lovely.....
I would do away with the fabric hanging on the clutters the
room a bit too much...
Red and yellow....with a touch of black...
A great look.......and as they say "every room should have something black in it......"

Yellow and blue....another favorite combination.....
The painted bed is so very European....

What little girl wouldn't want to dream in this pretty room......
Sophie....Have I got a room for you...

A beautiful Colonial.....
This would look wonderful in daughter's house from
Very simple metal beds painted red with blue quilts make for a great
beach house guest room....I would have put that
Lighthouse rug in front of the beds....not on the side of just one....
Another great beach house room....

Blue with brown....
This one reminds me of an old boarding house room that you would see in
an old movie....complete with the suitcase under the bed....
Seen in Country Living
This strays away from their typical Country Room....
I don't know if you would have sweet dreams in this one....
Have you noticed many more twin bed rooms showing up in magazines

I love this room....
But then again I love stripes.....
along with dots....plaids...and checks.....
Another simple yet classic look....I like the use of wicker
along with the sleigh bed...

That yellow wall will certainly wake you in the morning!!
maybe a tone down on the color....
And I must say I am not feeling that chandelier over the bed...
And for the Grand Finale!
Hope you enjoyed some of my favorite bedrooms.....
doesn't it make you want to do a little


  1. Okay. I can't decide which one is my favorite. I think I could sleep in all of them.

  2. Thanks for the decorator's tour, Sue. I love all the white furniture and lovely window treatments. I agree that every room needs a touch of black, even if it's a very little touch.

  3. Great Post...I didn't want it to end!!

  4. The shabby chic one looks right out of Grey Gardens. There's probably a squirrel nest in the walls somewhere. A little creepy.

    I have different criteria for selecting my favorite. First, I eliminated all of those that don't have a reading lamp right beside the bed. Those 60-watters don't count. The bed can't be too much of a pain in the butt to make every morning. Must be cheery and light. Nothing to set off allergies.
    Therefore, put my name on the blue one with the red trim on the window treatments.

  5. Hi Sue! Love seeing all these wonderful bedrooms. I saw several that I would move right in too!

  6. Beautiful bedrooms. I have noticed more twin beds showing up in magazines. I love my magazines...Kim

  7. Funny, every comment you made or every one you really liked were my sentiments exactly, now this is scary that we think alike here. LOL

    Thanks for the tour.

  8. Sue, you and I are on the same page. Loved all of these. I love wallpaper, and I also love stripes, plaids, and checks. To me, if it's classic, it doesn't go out of style. :-) These rooms are wonderful, and I saw several that I would love to have here. So neat!


    Sheila :-)

  9. Fun post!!!Wallpaper is the best because it can stay up forever (especially if you do not size the walls properly):)
    I have to go with the red twin beds with the beachy theme for my little guys. Wouldn't it be great if we all had a mansion so that we could have all of those rooms under one roof? Off to buy a lottery ticket!

  10. I enjoyed the bedroom tour, and wanted more. Thanks for sharing.

  11. Hi Sue-- Our tastes are very similar - I could live in any one of those bedrooms! Went to the ortho guy yesterday for 3-week check up. Everything is great with the shoulder - great range of motion; but no heavy lifting or housework for another 3 weeks. I wish Bob would run the sweeper - getting a bit think around here! Take care, Sally

  12. Me again! I meant to say thick (not think) around here. Guess shoulder doesn't do spell check. Sally

  13. Great pics! I agree on the shabby look one.
    I wouldn't mind sleeping in any of them.
    I did not know that about the touch of scuff marks on the walls from the gkids count??:)
    I love Lily of the Valley..not so much on the walls!

  14. I have almost finished my huge mug of coffee! The spectacular lodge bedroom is my favorite ~ and I find myself liking the look of wallpaper again. I am also a fan of plaid ~ anything plaid.

  15. Sue I love the wonderful bedrooms you showed, they are all so full of inspiration...Love the party with you and all the girls, how fun, wish I lived in that area so I could come I am a new follower of yours and I will be back to see again, come for a visit....Phyllis

  16. Sue, you should ask permission first before posting pictures of my guestrooms. Geesh!

    OK, not really, but that blue one, room number 9 with the gorgeous dust ruffle and the window treatment trim, is exactly the room I would pick if I were redoing the guestroom. Lovely!


  17. Oooohhh! These are LOVELY, I may just have to pull up a chair and stay all day. Wait, on second thought, I think I'll come back with a suitcase :)


  18. All of them are gorgeous. I think I need a beach house...Mimi

  19. YES! It does make me want to decorate. I haven't "done" the bedrooms properly here, except for the smaller guest room!

    Wonderful pictures, great inspiration. I think the one with all the quilts and the "too much" yellow floral bed hangings is Alexandra Stoddard's. I agree -- the bed hangings are a wee too much!

    I love wallpaper, but Howard has sworn off installing it, and it's almost impossible to find anyone who will do it now! When I get tired of the red dining room, I'd love a beautiful yellow hand painted chinese wallpaper.... yeah,that will happen! :-P


  20. Thanks for the tour, Sue! I love looking at inspirational photos. I'm always in need of ideas and inspiration. Where did you find those "old house" photos? I'm getting ready to paint the dining room and I need to look at color ideas!

  21. Helloooo!

    Happy Valentine's Day -

    My favorite would b e the one near the bottom - the all white - kind of classic.

    You say every room should have a piece of black in it?

    And wallpaper is out of fashion - huh?


  22. Are you kidding? Everything makes me want to do a little decorating:>) Love your observations and I agree with most of them. The branch being a dust catcher, oh yeah. Of course, quite often if you look at some of these gorgeous styled rooms with a practical eye you realize they wouyld be a pain to maintain!
    Hope you had a wonderful Valentines day Sue!

  23. What beautiful rooms. I'm loving the use of the color red!

    I wanted to drop by and say thank you for signing the card that Joyce had at the tea. It was very sweet for you all to think of me!

    My hubby was stationed down in Atlanta for 2 years. He was there alone during most of the year, but the kids and I would come down for the summer months when they were out of school. He had a lovely apartment with a great pool and I felt very spoiled sitting by that pool every day watching the kids swim. Too bad blogging wasn't the thing about 4 years ago! I would have loved to be at this tea. I never get to do anything like this, most of my friends up here are always too busy or struggling with issues. Hmm, I think I need some new friends!!! Thanks again!

  24. Great the ones with the wallpaper and slanted ceilings. Did balloon shades go out...ooops. Oh well, they are staying in my guest room! :-)

  25. Hi Sue! :-)

    I haven't been over to visit for soooo long... I've missed you.

    What a wonderful collection of bedroom pictures.....I'm planning a blue master right now so many of the blue ones really appealed to me. I loved the cottage blue and white one.

    And, I especially loved the one with yellow walls, blue accents and the painted bed. DELISH!

    Hope all is well in your neck of the woods....


  26. They are all beautiful bedrooms Sue! I would live in any one of them. My bedroom is so small I can't rearrange the furniture. After 33 years it is so boring!
