Monday, February 8, 2010


Everyday I have a ritual that I follow when I wake up......
After taking out the Boo Dog I jump into the shower......
When I get out and I dry off............ I cover my hair with a towel......
I slather Kiehl's Sodium PCA "Oil Free" Moisturizer on my face and neck....
Then goes on the Cover Girl (been using CG for 45 years).....Tru-Blend #4
a little Cover Girl professional loose powder #110....
Then comes the CG #542 lip stain in Brazen Raisin......
I think that name suits me.....
The gray......I'm mean dark brown.....head of hair gets blown dry.....
A little spritz of perfume.....
If Boo is no where around on goes the Clinque Aromatics Elixir....if not
I use Donna Karan's "Cashmere Mist".....
Now I do this whether I am going out for the day or staying home with the Boss.....
because even after 40 years you should look good even if your cleaning bathrooms all day.....
So what's the Menopause part your asking yourself......Okay I'm getting to that.....
Yesterday I got up and followed the above daily routine.....
Except I do leave the house on Sunday mornings to go food shopping......
I must have forgotten to wake up before going through all those above steps
When I went to put on the CG liquid make-up in the little pump bottle
this is what I put on my face instead.....
That's right.....cold and wet
Dry Idea deodorant......
I must have been having a brain cloud as I wasn't distracted by anything.....
When realizing what I had done......and thank goodness I realized!!!
I quickly washed it off the left side of my face and since no one was watching....
I just wrote it off to
"Another Menopause Moment".


  1. Sue so funny! I have those moments every day!

  2. And was your left side drier than your right?

  3. Oh Sue,
    So funny and I can so relate! About a month ago, hubby and I were eating at the Olive Garden. I hurried to the bathroom without even thinking and when I came out, I kept wondering why they had put urinals in the Woman's bathroom. Then it struck me, OMG, I'm in the Men's. I hurried out and just met one very surprised guy as he was coming in. A Very Menopausal moment! Hugs, Cindy

  4. So funny. My Mom sprayed toliet bowl cleaner on her hair instead of hairspray once. Me? I can't keep my kids' names straight.

  5. Am I laughing...darn right. Do I need to come and take care of you girlfriend? On second thought, better not, I have those moments and who knows what could happen and then if we put Joyce in the mix we could really have Marietta laughing. WE could embarrass our children and be front page news.

    Hysterical post.

  6. I am so RELIEVED! You do it too. I worry about myself sometimes. The other day I was getting gas and I swear it wasn't working - called for help - the man came out in the rain - and of course - it started right away for him!!


  7. You do know that I can so relate to that, don't you? As I've slowly lost my estrogen, I've slowly lost my mind. A couple of years ago I drove out of the gas station still hooked to the pump. Kind of an expensive and very embarrassing moment! Mimi

  8. How funny! Don't you just love those menopausal moments!!

  9. Maybe you need to have your eyes checked! Too funny:)

  10. Oh my gosh Sue! You make me laugh, but only because I have those moments too:>)

  11. That is soooo funny. I am laughing at your menopause moment. I have plenty of those so I can sit here and laugh at yours.

  12. Sue, I am new to blog land and did not know about the get together. Looks like y'all had a good time.

  13. At least you wouldn't have had to worry about "face sweat"! I say one too many hot flashes took over the ye old brain. :)

  14. What if you do silly things like that BEFORE menopause? My luck, I'll put the laundry in the fridge....and the milk in the dryer.


  15. Too funny...and familiar! Ouch!

    Actually I have more of an evening routine than a morning one. ("Dressed up" for me is putting on a bra!) Recently, my husband asked, "New nightgown?"

    I informed him (rather indignantly) that I'd worn it dozens of times. Later, when I looked in the mirror I realized it DID look different.

    I'd put it on backwards.

  16. Hahahahaha.... now don't chalk it up to menopause, Sue! In the past, when I was WAY younger, I've done such things as sprayed hair spray under my arms (remember spray deodorants?), and mistaken a tube of cuticle cream for toothpaste. I've tried to shampoo my hair with conditioner, which by the way does NOT work, and I am sure there are plenty of other boo-boos I'm guilty of. Hmmm, deodorant on the face? that might work for hot flashes, though -- you may be on to something!

  17. I came over from Joyce's to read about the tea (looked like all ya'll had a great time) and read this first. A few weeks ago I sat down at my computer with my first cup of coffee for the day. Took a sip and gagged. I mean it was awful! Stupid me tasted it again and no it didn't taste any better. Made a fresh pot and the same thing. Wasn't until the next day that I realized I had filled my Sweet n Low bowl with baking soda! I don't keep anything in the original box, but still, you think I would've noticed or at least figured it out sooner! Glad I'm not the only one doing such things! Cheers!

  18. Too funny. I'm sure the only reason I haven't done that myself is because I keep my deoderant and my make up in different drawers.

  19. It just keeps getting better and better doesn't it???
