Wednesday, January 20, 2010

LUCKY ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2009 was a wonderful year for me.....I opened up my horizons in the blog world and have
been so fortunate to meet such wonderful people.......
I think back to the first thing that came in the mail over a year ago and the Boss
was so confused why a perfect stranger was sending me something.....
That perfect stranger was Laura from the Shorehouse Chic and she sent me a
book that she thought I would enjoy reading....
In with the book was a note saying when I was done reading it to just send it
along to someone who I might think would enjoy it too....
And a friendship was born.....Some time after that I met Cheri from Geer Gathering......
Cheri lived right here in Georgia and after meeting for the first time we became the
best of friends........Cheri just moved to Birmingham and I really miss her....
Right before leaving for Jersey for the holidays this beautiful
"Boo" charm arrived in the mail.....
How perfect a gift.....
But her friendship is the real gift.....
But things continued coming.....
When I arrived at daughters a box from Italy was waiting for me.....
You probably all know my dear friend Eli.....Andrea's Mom.....
It was truly Christmas!!

Eli is a fabulous artist and I was so thrilled when I unwrapped this.....

Even more thrilled when I got back to Georgia when I said to the Boss.....
"Oh My's me!!!!"
I was so taken a back with everything she had sent that I never noticed that she actually
painted me......a much younger me.....but me none the less.....
When I told Eli about this she said....
"Well I'm glad you noticed".......
She also sent along gifts for Miss "B"......
How adorable is this ornament.

and this beautiful sweater with hand painted buttons......

In the box was also some things she painted for my October birthday

And how is this for a gorgeous picture frame.....

I love her Poppies......and both the frame and the picture she sent me
a few months ago have a place of honor on my bookshelf....

A few days later these arrived......
Gee sure know how to make a girl feel good.....
I know I know......I use that term "girl" loosely....
Ellen.....being the extremely talented Ellen from
Nouveau Stitch....

Miss "B" LOVES Miss "E"!!
Here she is with Ellen's version of the popular "Ugly Dolls"
Only her version is very far from being Ugly....
How cute are these letters....
You can go to Ellen's Blog right now and see exactly how she made these......
She has the step by step directions.....
Daughter hung these in B's room over her Fireplace Mantel......

Along with tons of other goodies I got this hand painted plate.....
The "Michigan Mints".....which she sent to the Boss are enjoyed nightly by us both!

Since my Blog is named after the area of Paris where I would food shop daily when I spent the summer there with daughter
I thought it be great using the plate to house one of my favorite things that I would buy at the
Parisian Markets................a big hunk of cheese!
This dish towel will never be used......Way Too Cute.

Back at home and continuing to celebrate the holidays......this time with old friends....
My friend Helen who used to live in the cul de sac came for lunch and brought me this....
Miss B's birthstone.
Neighbor Necie came over and brought me this pitcher.....
Ofcourse I thought it was a lobster until she corrected me that it's a shrimp....
Okay...same thing only smaller.....I love it!!
Sandie....."The Chatty Crone" also came and she must have known that
every Italian Cook loves garlic....
She brought me this great gadget that dices it with ease.......
And it all comes back to the beginning.....
Shorehouse Chic Laura....
being a lover of all things Miss Liberty.......Oh Wait....that's me too....
Laura sent me this fabulous frosted glass lady.....
Thank You Laura....
We really have to take a trip together one of these days to see the Lady in the Harbor
and get our picture taken....
Maybe in one of those green foam crowns?
One final thing from a special person.....
Not a blogger and not an old neighbor...
The "SIL"
Thank you for not only the spa gift card but for giving me "special time"
with the daughter...
Whenever we give something to SIL I always sign it...
"From Those People"
When I got home from the trip and unpacked I noticed how he had signed the card....
"That Son In Law".....
He's one of us...


  1. made a haul lady! What awesome {and talented :-} friends you have! I'm so happy to have found you and Rue Mouffetard. Just when I think I've seen or heard it all, you come up with yet another tale or memory that tops 'em all!

    It's a pleasure to know you, laugh with you and, .... er, diet with you.


  2. Oh what a wonderful post of memories and thank you for the kind words and friendship. I have to add... you sure did make a haul of fabulous gifts, lucky you.

  3. Wonderful! Really,,all of it..I wondered about your blog name. You lived there??
    What great friends you have!

  4. You must have been a very good girl this year. Look at all those presents! Lucky you. Mimi PS Love the hat. She's sure a cutie. PPS Does your friend Eli ever sell any of her cute things?

  5. That is incredible and it speaks volumes as you what a friend you have been to others. Wonderful post about blogs and friendships.

  6. What wonderful friends you've made. I'll never forget how helpful you were to me when we were planning our trip to Paris. I do think Eli has captured you perfectly.

  7. Aren't friends the best! They make us feel so special and loved. I can't wait to meet you as I'm a Georgia blogger also.

  8. Beautiful post Sue!As far as I'm concerned all deserved! Thanks again for that day when you wrote me your first comment... now you're my AM! With love. Eli

    to Mimi Sue:
    Yes, I also sell items that I painted, it's my job.

  9. Lucky indeed:>) Between friends made and gifts in the mail you must be smiling all the time. Isn't blogging great?

  10. You really scored! But as you said the friendship is the true gift.

  11. How wonderful people in blog land are! You have truly made some great friends along the way. I loved seeing all of the wonderful gifts you received.

  12. You are living proof that wonderful things happen to wonderful people!!!

  13. Sue, all of these lovely gifts bestowed upon you are given because of the wonderful, funny, great person that you are and everyone is reflecting back how great you make us all feel with your blog.

  14. No Man is a Failure who has Friends - and you are no exception.

    I'm back in town -


  15. All wonderful gifts Sue! You deserved each and every one fro bringing so much joy to everyone.

  16. No one deserves such a glorious bounty more than you sweet lady...and I am totally drooling over each thing!! You are such a joy and I will forever be grateful that I know you...and WILL meet up with you, in person, someday soon.
    Yup, I will. Now I KNOW that sounds like a threat but I prpmise I will behave. Okay, so I might not but hey...
    And tha precious Sophie just makes me smile each time I see that face. Oh my.
    Everyone loves you so because you are amazing...and dear and just a hoot. We all love ya.

  17. cute. :-) And OMG...we should totally go to Libby in our green foam crowns! That's a FANTASTIC idea!!

    That kitchen painting is absolutely incredible. I love it! What a talent Eli is. Wowza.
