Monday, January 18, 2010

KING JULIAN........The Crown!!!

When your a Toddler and one of your favorite movies to watch
Over and Over and Over again.......
is Madagascar.....
And you Love King Julian and you ask your Mom
if you can have a King Julian Crown.....
And Mom is "One Talented Cookie"You get a King Julian Crown!!!!!

I was so impressed that daughter hand made this hat for
Miss "B"
I had to share it with you....
and after our three weeks in Jersey
We have all come to love wacky King Julian......
over and over and over again....


  1. Wow! What fun and how talented!

  2. The hat is amazing and what a lucky little girl to have such a talented Mom who sews. Miss B is so adorable!

  3. Daughter did a great job on that fancy hat! Miss B looks so sweet in it too.

  4. This precious one is just adorable every time I see her .... good job!

  5. Okay, your beautiful daughter us officially the most talented lady I know! I love this...Miss B is one lucky sweetie!!

  6. I love King Julian! He is my favorite! that hat is adorable.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. How adorable is that! She has so much personality too! Cindy

  9. Wow, how cute! She made it exactly like the one in the cartoon:>) By the way, I saw you have a comment in another language. You might want to run that through google translator. I got one too and when I translated it, it was "ahem" not something I kept.

  10. That is really precious! I hope my grandsons don't see it because no way can I crank something like that out! (and their mommies would say, "Ask your grandmother." :) )
