Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A YEAR IN THE LIFE...............

"a gift from Eli Fugazza.....my friend in Italy......."

On April 14th. of last year I began one of the most fun journeys of my life.....Daughter suggested I start a blog.....She thought I had something to say and I haven't shut up since....

Thank you daughter and in the spirit of this milestone here is a *not* so brief look back at a year in the life of a blogger.....Early on I introduced you to the "Boss"....

here is our best impression of the Soprano's......

He loves those damn hats....

I invited you all to celebrate an anniversary and re-visit a fairytale wedding.....

I didn't tell you of my favorite of all time footwear....
I considered calling the blog........"Lady in High Tops".......

My very first post was untitled....."Fat and Skinny Had a Race".......named after a wacky poem that the "Boss" knew from his childhood....I got inspired after seeing the buying habits of both a thin women and a overweight women at the "express" line at the grocery store....
This post proved to be popular as it's one of the all time most looked at posts....
Who Knew??

And if I actually knew how to link you might be reading that first post right now.....
I then introduced you to the "Other" Boss of the household......
Boo....the Pyrenees....
To prove my point that the dog isn't all that fond of me...he actually locked me out of the house the other day.....I went out on the porch....he layed down in front of the door inside the house and then refused to move.....

You met
The Real "Fat" Housewives of Cobb County....
my dear friends....Sherry....Necie and Helen....
who didn't mind that I used this name in my post.....

We celebrated a first birthday!!
Happy Birthday Miss "B"

I had Adventures in Cat Sitting.....

Miss Kitty.....our Grandcat.

I discovered No-Knead bread baking.....

I baked an awful lot of bread

and I encouraged you all to do the same.....

I gushed about my admiration for Vinnie D'Onofrio

Hey, he's not as bad as Brian Dennehy (sorry Susie-Q)

Sophie met her Great-Grandfather......and if this picture had a thought bubble it would say....

"Who in the hell is this man and please tell me we're not related"..

I had the pleasure of meeting HGTV's Vern Yip at the Pottery Barn outlet up in Dawsonville..

He's as lovely in person as he appears on air....

I bet they didn't make him wait an hour to make his purchase...

and who could forget the husband asking....."Who in the hell is Vern Yip?"

I told you about the greatest stuff on earth...

Kiehl's Face moisturizer

I never miss a day.....

we went to my favorite event of all time...

The Cobb County Friends of the Library book sale

All Books $1.00!!!!!!!!!!!!

and there are thousands and thousands of them....

I tried out a new profession.....

uniforms aren't for me.
I decided I would rather stay home and sleep late.

We had squirrels living in our attic.....
They didn't want to leave...

They even thought about turning it in to a "Spa"

Miss "B" debuted her 2009 calendar of famous movie scenes..

Here she is as "Sophie and the City"

my favorite post of all time....you were all so kind to stop by and leave such wonderful comments about our girl....

I warned you all about the hazards of dry cleaning.......the hijinks's of both the Pottery Barn and Zappos....but got the most comments about the Big Ten fiasco....

I did get a letter from corporate saying the two employees were fired..

I made a quiche and entered it into the Pillsbury Bake-off.....

Not a Chance......

I discovered Tablescape Thursdays......from Susan at

Between Naps on the Porch..
I am totally hooked!!

I started taking you all on a trip to Paris.....

and I did more tablescapes...

I was invited to become a "Darling Baker"......I'm very honored to be in the company of such talented women....Thank you Jain for considering me for your very special group of ladies

and I made more food...........

and we ate more food.....

And the highlight on my year of blogging.....besides meeting all you special ladies out their in cyberspace was meeting bloggers in real life....

My new friends.....The Georgia Bloggers.....

The year has been amazing......I have met ladies that you would swear you have known your entire life.....the connections that you find between strangers is incredible from Laura at the Shorehouse...who is "me" 30 years ago......to Susie Q who is the only person *ever* to know what the movie "Since You Went Away" is.......Wonderful Sally in Colorado and crazy Nikki Crumpet who never fails to make me laugh with her hijinks.....and to dear Eli in Italy...my friend across the ocean...

and then there's Joyce.....Joyce knows what it's like to be married for almost 40 years and isn't afraid to tell it like it is....Plus she's from New York and you all know about New Yorkers....Right Daryl??

Thank you all and I hope you keep coming back for a very long time!


  1. Sue,
    Congrats on your 1 year anniversary! I so enjoyed reading everything about your previous posts. What a great idea and I so loved those state plate tablescape. Great Blog, Cindy

  2. Very neat post..The baby takes the cake:) Tutu and all.
    I agree we met great people on the net.It expanded my horizons in more ways than one.

  3. Congratulations on your anniversary! You've shared quite a year with everyone. It is wonderful how we can find such kindred spirits on the internet!!!!! :D Jewel
    PS "Since You Went Away" is one of our family's favorite movies! We watch it every Christmas season (since it ends at Christmas).

  4. Congratulations, Sue! I'll bet the year has gone fast for you. What a great way to chronicle it.

    I've been meaning to tell you that I love your title photo. That Italian deli is so cool. And Miss B - how cute is she?!?

  5. Congrats on your bloggaversary. I must go back into you archives and catch up on your entries.

    So glad we are blog friends. I hope we can meet sometime when you are up north.

  6. Hi Sue! Congrats on your bloggerversary!! Amazing! It has been so much fun getting to know you through your posts and meeting you in person!! I hope you had a wonderful Easter!...hugs...Debbie

  7. Since I only discovered your blog a couple of months ago, I see that there are posts I am going to have to go back and read. My son was the one who suggested that I start a blog. In fact, my first post was about how my blog started.

    I have also been fighting squirrels in the attic, and I have done a couple of posts about them. Looks like we have a lot in common.


  8. Hi Sue!
    Congratulations on your one year blog anniversary! I think I met you somewhere midway and I've enjoyed every post since. I'll have to go back and read what I missed the first chance I get.
    You have a delicious sense of humor and can tell a story better than anyone I know!
    Looking forward to more of Rue Mouffetard!
    Hugs, Pat

  9. Happy Blog Anniversary Sue. I'm touched, you have written about me in the post! I'm very happy you wrote me a comment in January, so I have been able to meet you! Hugs Eli

  10. Happy blogger birthday, Sue. Who ever knew that starting a blog could change a person's life? Isn't it grand? Thank you so much for sharing your life with all your cyber friends and for your Friday trips to Paris.

  11. Congratulations!!! One year is truly a milestone. What a wonderful adventure you've been on and one that we have also enjoyed. I look forward to the next year. Hugs, Marty

  12. Wonderful post and now I more determined than ever to teach you how to post a link

  13. Wow, congratulations on One Year! And you wrote such a great review here for this post too. Now, the only question I have is....did you wear high tops with your wedding dress?

  14. That was a wonderful review of your first year - congratulations! My, my, I was overwhelmed that you mentioned me as part of your fun year - I know you are just trying to get me to enjoy cooking!!! Have fun on your trip to cat sit - I know you will. Is 'fun' your middle name? Sally

  15. Sue - happy blogaversary, I'm glad I discovered your humorous and charming blog.

  16. A year flashed by like a NY minute. Congrats for having the unique talent to make so many people laugh and smile. If I was Greek and had a twin growing out of my neck it would be you:) Thanks for writing about the humor in life, your amazing photos, your "Boss" stories and just being a Jersey girl. Now go out and find Jimmy Hoffa!

  17. Sue - Happy Anniversary! You have given us all a wonderful year with your blog.


  18. Congratulations Sue on your 1 year anniversary, I celebrated mine last week on April 9th...I love the way you summed up the year in your post....it is so awesome that we do meet wonderful women through our blogs, yet never really meet them in person....I hope to meet you someday.

  19. Happy 1st Blog Day to you!! You have been so fun for me to visit. You are one of the first ones I check out when I get home in the evening. I'm so happy I found you!!!

  20. Great post from your first year in blogland! Congrats!

    That squirrel massage looks pretty good to me after my long plane ride.:)

  21. First, Happy BlogAversary! This is a really good post loaded with so many interesting and fun things.
    Have you left for NJ yet?

  22. Congratulations on your first year milestone. Thank you for the trip down memory lane, I enjoyed it. Here's to another eventful year.

  23. Sue, Sue, Sue...I am SO glad you began blogging! My life has truly been happier and richer since we *met*! I think you aree absolutely wonderful in every way.
    This post is exactly why I have come to adore you! Fun, sweet, silly, vibrant, full of life, good food, beautiy, whimsy...and heck. Even *I* love Vincent. He is no Brian Dennehy of course but heck!
    I actually watched Since You Went Away last night in honor of your anniversay...

    Here's to years more, posts galore,
    recipes, tablescapes, Sophie escapades, your handsome husband, sweet Boo and YOU.


  24. Happy Anniversary! May I just say I LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. those curls on Miss Sophie. Can't get enough of them.

  25. What a fun look back! Especially since I wasn't here at the beginning. Great post...happy anniversary. And thanks so much for the kind words. I got misty! And of course we'll keep coming back...you make it so fun to be here!

  26. Happy blog birthday to you... we share another thing in common... besides the love of Paris... FUN!

  27. Sue, you make EVERYTHING fun! I truly enjoyed the recap of your first year in blogland ~ what a wonderful first year. Thank you for taking us along for the ride. :)

    Ms. Sophie in her tutu and meeting GGrandpa just CRACKED me up! She is such a darling cutie.

    Congratulations to You! And I'm so happy our paths have crossed in such a wonderful way. ((hugs)) & xo~m.

  28. WOW, I've enjoyed every one of your posts. You've got a great eye for tablescapes, you tell hilarious stories, you have exciting adventures, your Sophie is almost as cute as my grandbabies, and your recipes are simply the best. Congratulations...Mimi

  29. Congratulations on your anniversary! I'm so glad I found your blog.

  30. Happy Blogaversary- Now get over to Blurb and slurp your blog. I love mine. Hardcover, baby!

  31. Sue,

    Congrats on your one year blogaversary! What a cute post! It's been so much fun getting to know you and I'll forever be grateful for you telling me that there's a Nathans in our neck of the woods!


  32. what a great recap of your year. Congrats! Your favorite post, Miss B's calendar, was the first one I ever read of yours.

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