Friday, April 10, 2009

WEEKENDS IN PARIS..........French Street Signs and other such stuff...

It's that time of the week again.....I have lost count as to what week this is....Between the bad finger and the broken toe I have been in a bit of a tizzy
Today's offering is French Signs....
Self explanatory in nature....
So I will spare you of my mindless ramblings.....
and for those of you who might not know Ann Lefler and her very funny blog please take a minute to stop by her newest post for a real bit of reality....
showing the way to the infamous "Trocadero"

We always follow the food signs.....

Only the French can make the entrance to a subway look appealing....

On the tracks......

Just seeing if your paying attention!!

Graffiti is Graffiti in any language!

My name is plastered all over town... I do have something to say.....
For years we heard the "Big Boss" talk about the Trocadero....never making much sense about what the Trocadero was....we just had to go see it for ourselves.....
The Big Boss went there during the war and I guess he was really impressed with it....
It's a maritime museum..
We never really toured the museum but we did go to the gift shop about 5 or 6 times during our stay.....Great nautical gifts....We did feel bad that we never paid the admission into the museum but we spent lots of money in the shop....So I guess that counts....

Another pretty Metro sign...

One of my all time favorite French shots...

See you next week when it's the "Main Event"
You really won't want to miss it....All I can say is
It was the highlight of my life....


  1. Great pictures, as always Sue!!!! I want to go to Paris!!!!! And this is only your fault! Hugs...

  2. I'm glad you're feeling a little better Sue!

    The signs are very pretty in Paris, especially the street signs. I guess graffiti is sadly a scourge everywhere.

    Can't wait for the main event :-)

    Buona Pasqua!

  3. Sue, Why does an ordinary sign look more interesting and attractive in French?! Love 'em.

  4. Finally. I have been meaning to thank you for visiting my blog, and to tell you that I have been enjoying reading yours. It is my fondest wish to visit France, and I am going to get there. Sue, you seem like a fun girl, and I suspect we have the same sense of humour.

    Cheers! Don't be a stranger....

    Sue in Florida
    gosh there are a lot of Susans and Sues in Blogland aren't there?

  5. Great pictures Sue and have a very HAPPY EASTER!


  6. I have a picture that I should have posted on my blog. It was painted on a restaurant in Nice and read, "Comfortable Food." I wonder if that's kind of like Comfort Food. You know, greens, cornbread, fried chicken and black eyed peas.

  7. Hi Sue...

    Oh oui, les signes de Français ! En France même les signes sont beaux! Such beautiful photos, my friend! I especially like that last photo of that charming street sign with the climbing ivy!!!

    Our very first experience in Paris...the first day we were there, we took the subway into the city...really not knowing where to go! We asked a lady on the subway where would be a nice place to get off and she directed us to the Trocadero! Climbing the steps out of the we were at the Tracadero, then walked around the side and out onto a terrace...ohhh my, before us were the most beautiful fountains and the Eiffel! I'll never forget that moment for as long as I live! It took my breath away!

    Thank you for sharing your Paris experience with us each always brings many fond memories to me!!!

    Warmest wishes,

  8. Love all the signs! One of my sister's best photo tips is to take pictures of the signs when you are touring. They make a great introduction shot in both web and print albums.

    The NJ Turnpike sign really highlighted what you had said earlier about how the French can make even a subway sign appealing!!!! SO true! All block lettering is just boring, I think we can learn somethings from the French. Thanks as always for sharing!!! :D Jewel

  9. I always thought the Tracadero was a bunch of guys wearing ballet shoes and not military uniforms. Live and Learn! Now those Jersey boys can certainly take a lesson from the French when it comes to signs. I wonder if Jimmy Hoffa is under the NJ turnpike sign? The hotel sign photo is adorable! I enjoyed your tour of all the signs this morning.

  10. Love the Paris street signs, Sue. I'll be watching for eye catching ones too.

  11. I *love* to photograph signs, especially those in places like France. Menus are fun to photograph, too.

    Hope your finger & toe are on the mend soon!

    Looking forward to the main event.

  12. How many times have you visited France? Looks like it has become your second home.

  13. Hi Sue the other Rue :)

    I love catching up with you! Your trip to Paris just thrills me to death :)

    I'm sorry about your toe... ouch!!

    Have an absolutely fantastic Easter weekend :)


  14. I love signs, I really do .. so this was extremely fun .. and I adore museum gift shops .. more fun then the museums .. come on be honest you know they are ..

  15. Whew...another wonderful tour. I LOVE the b/w hotel picture! That is amazing!!
    You know? For some reason, some graffiti just seems so did in Amsterdam and I find it that way in your Paris pics. If it was on the dside of my houseZ? Not so much! *laugh*

    Thank you for taking me along to Paris...someday I WILL see it...someday...


  16. This was such a cool post. I cannot wait to see the main event!!

  17. Hi - Thanks for stopping by my blog. What is your email address? I'm I have something to tell you about your trip to Princeton next week.

  18. Loved the pictures...and I laughed out loud at the Jersey turnpike pic! I hope you have a wonderful Easter!

  19. Always love your Paris pictures. Makes me want to go. Maybe next year. Target birds? I've been away from blogging for awhile. Trying to catch up. One set of our friends are STILL here! Help. Mimi

  20. awesome. even the new jersey turnpike looks fabulous in paris! hehe

  21. Hi Sue,
    Some really great pics and I love the hotel sign with the guy best. For the plates I think the secret is to use fabric. In fact, the better quality fabric came out the best. I smoothed out the glue from my pics quite well but I think if you did it with fabric you would love the results. Cindy

  22. Hi Sue! Oh, that was a nice little trip looking at Paris. We've been there a number of times, but I never tire of looking at the sights! Have a blessed day and
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  23. Hi Sue! Thanks for the sweet comments. They do look french don't they? I got them at Hobby Lobby. The store has a whole pull/knob rack of different ones. I wanted the white fleur de lis pulls but they only had one. So I went with those instead. Which now I love better. Hope you are doing well.

  24. Oh I forgot to tell you Happy Easter too. Our poor little ducks. Love all the paris signs you captured.

  25. Once again, great pictures. Four generations in our family have the middle name, Jeanne; so I saw my name all over Paris, too. My grand daughter loved my pics of 'Jeanne' - she couldn't believe her name was on Paris shops and signs. Looking forward to next weekend's post!!! Sally

  26. Tres interessant (sp)! Love the NJ sign...did you see the sneak peak RHNJ? Now , we're tawlkin'

  27. Great French signs Sue., and NJ---tricky Sue, I caught that! lol Seriously, loved the signs., I miss France... :( Thanks for taking me back in time. ;) ~CC Catherine

  28. Hi Sue...I love your French signs! Your photos are wonderful as usual. I need to go back to France now that I have a blog. I bet my perspective would be entirely different!! Have a great week...hugs...Debbie

  29. oh your blog is fabulous, i just read all the posts i have missed for the last month! you are so fun and talented and funny, with great pics, style and wit, its so darn enjoyable here! congrats on sharing yourself with everyone for a year too, i am so thrilled to have found you in cyberspace!
