Wednesday, March 11, 2009


If it's Thursday it must be our favorite sport of the week!
Tablescape Thursdays with Susan......
Our Tablescape "Diva" at
Stop by Susan's site for links to everyone participating in this fun weekly event.
Do you remember when you received your very first Barbie doll? I do and it started out as the all time worst birthday of my life.......It was October 8, 1959.....Barbie had just come on the scene on March 10th of that year and she was the hottest thing to hit town....Every girl wanted a Barbie doll including me.....My birthday came and the folks did not get me Miss B....I was heart broken.
Then to make matters worse I was shunned by the neighbor friend who was younger then me...
Wendy Combs lived next door and was a semi-friend.....meaning she only had to be friends with me because I lived next door....
So that day she was going down to Superior Pharmacy with her "real" friend and I asked if I could tag along......I got a BIG FAT........NO!!!!
Boy, two disappointments in the same just didn't seem fair.
So off I went to my room and cried and cried and cried.....
About an hour later the doorbell rang and there was Miss Combs at the door....... box in hand......
Yes, that famous long narrow box......She went and bought me a Barbie!
All was well with the world......
So in honor of that famous Doll let's celebrate her 50 years of making little girl's birthdays

We decided on a game night and pizza party.....How many of you had that wonderful game
"The Barbie Game......Queen of the Prom"..........
I dragged out the game but couldn't convince the Boss to join me in a game.....
understandable. It's a "girly game".....

But he did agree to eat half the pizza......

ofcourse popcorn and coke was involved.....

Hey's Ken. Prom King and Barbie's Main Squeeze for the past 50 years..
I did hear that they had a falling out back in 98' but got back together...
Thank Goodness.....
but why no children?

Do you love how she has kept that lean figure for all these years....
Do you think she does Weight Watchers?
Plus she has a strange resemblence to Debi Mazar from "Entourage"
Remember poor Pointdexter.....he was a real loser.
Just like the guy I ended up at the prom with....
And not to forget the Tablescape....I love clear glass plates....You can do so much with them.....
Here I used 78LP's as chargers and just put the glass plates on top.

Here's that famous box......the best packaging of a toy ever made.....I love that box!

I love board games....only because I have made an art of cheating......

Barbie seemed to be having a good time but wanted to know "Where is the cake?"

Will a cupcake do??

Looking down at the fun.....I wonder what she's going to look like at 100?

That was my birthday party for the most famous doll ever made. I hope you got a walk down memory lane and I hope all the grandmother's out in blog land continue the tradition of grandmother's everywhere....
Making little Barbie doll clothes for their granddaughters....
I know I can't wait to make those little outfits for Miss Sophie....
So Happy Birthday Barbie.... I don't know how you do it but you look pretty damn good for 50..... I guess it's because you never got married to Ken......
**the doll and game in the pictures are the 35th. Anniversary reproductions of the originals.....I don't know what ever happened to my original game and doll....I can only imagine that the poor doll at some point had that adorable pony tail cut off......


  1. Hi Sue! Your tablescapes are always so imaginative!! Love using records as chargers! And happy birthday to Miss Barbie! I didn't look that good at 50! Come to think of it, I didn't look that good at 16, either!! lol Have a great evening...Debbie

  2. Sue,
    You are so creative! Cheers to Barbie and this ever so fun tablescape. I suppose your hubby won't be having the guys over on Barbie nite. LOL, Cindy

  3. Sue! this is fabulous. Would you believe I never owned a Barbie. I was born in 1951 but luxuries like a Barbie doll were out of my families reach :0)
    Your table setting is great!!

  4. What a great idea to use the records as chargers! Genius! What a fun nite.
    I'll be right over to play the game, but mostly to eat that, my that is a nice looking pie.

    Yes, of course I watched our show last night, girl... it was hilarious. Omg...first off.. Bethenny...
    "if I wasn't me, I'd be impressed with me!" Are you kidding me?!?
    Then the countess... don't get me started. I was kind of glad that Ramona knocked her on her butt with that comment about her husband. And yes, of course the classiest couple ever, Simon and Garfunkle, or whatever her name is..LOL.. that kiddie pool was a joke. Great night of entertainment! :O)

  5. Fun post!! I was already married when the first Barbie came out, but for some reason I had to have one of those original dolls. Bob bought me one and I kept it for quite a few years, but then sold it about 20 years ago for $2000. Put the money down on a new car. No regrets, just a little nostalgia. Great tablescape. Sally

  6. Great tablescape! Love the whole Barbie Theme!!! And the records as chargers is fab!

  7. sue you are just over the top FUN FUN FUN! what a great post, and wow, even better memory! i adore your tablescapes, you are truly top notch in this division! its all PERFECT!

  8. I just love this one. I got my first Barbie when I was nine years old and it was my favorite,most memorable gift as a child. A very happy 50th to Miss Barbie. So cute!

  9. This was marvelous! You did a fantastic job honoring our Barbie! Man, she looks good. This isn't the one you played with was it! And you have the box too! Oh, my! What a treasure! This was so much fun and thank you for sharing.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  10. What a clever idea. I was 12 when Barbie came on the scene. I guess I figured I was out of the doll scene, so I never had one. But my sister did. My aunt even baked her a doll cake one year, using Barbie. The cake formed Barbie's skirt, and Barbie was stuck in the middle.

  11. What a fun tablescape, Sue! Very original and what a great idea to use records for plate chargers!...Christine

  12. Great idea! Very creative...
    Have you done the Barbie Cake? I did one for my gdau's bday..the pic is on the sidebar on my blog...
    Fun post, Sue..

  13. I got my first Barbie when I was 7 years old. My sister and I both got one and we loved them so much. A sweet neighbor lady made clothes for them out of her dress making scraps. So much fun. I had a great time at your party...m.

  14. Great post. I love Barbie! Hey your table is so creative and wonderful and I enjoyed all the pictures. And your little Sophie on the side panel is a cutie too!

  15. So adorable Sue! Barbie was one popular doll I did own, along with Patti Playpal.
    I don't know what happened to my Barbie and Ken either, but I still have all that belonged to my my daughter.

    I love your LP chargers and did you make that yummy pizza? mmmm

  16. Hilarious! I'm sure her never marrying Ken is the reason she's kept her figure. She didn't have to cook!!!! LOL!!!! Love your table and the clear plates on the Lp's. Deb

  17. Wait just one minute here. How can she be 50? Her boobs still look mighty perky. I wanted a Barbie so bad and my mom would not get me one. She was way ahead of her time and thought little girls should play with dolls that looked like babies and not hookers. Needless to say my daughters all got plenty of Barbies. Your Paris pictures make me want to go there. Mimi

  18. Oh how creative, cute and different is this.

    Great job!!

    Barbara Jean

  19. Happy Birthday Barbie! I'm sure she had fun at your party!

  20. Sue, this is just a scream, and yes, I remember my first Barbie. My aunt got her for me because she was the hot ticket toy! Mine was blonde with a pony tail. And this game night looked like a lot of fun. Love your record chargers! And the sprinkle cupcake, and the Queen of the Prom game. LOL! Just a lot of fun.

    Happy Tablescape Thuraday...


    Sheila :-)

  21. I love your tablescape. My DH would have a fit if I used any of his 78's for chargers because he has a 78 record player, but I love the look!!!! I don't remember my first Barbie, I just always had them. I had all the clothes and a Dream House. And when I went off to college, my grandmother gave them to a younger girl. I have still never gotten over that. Thank goodness I still have my Madame Alexander dolls. :D Jewel

  22. That is so cute! And she does indeed resemble Debi Mazar. I loved Barbie dolls but never had a proper house for her. I had to go to my cousin's house who had the mac daddy gigantic barbie doll house to really play.

  23. I thought I was the ONLY person who remembered Poindexter!!! What fun memories I have of those days of pink convertibles, prom dates, and dream houses. I got an email titled " Barbie is 50--Can Cougar Barbie be far behind?" LOL Thanks for sharing!

  24. Sue,
    You are so clever!!!! That is such a fun and creative tablescape...Wow! Linda

  25. I am totally green with envy over your box!
    My Barbies are long gone.. My girls.. had them.. and theirs..
    I love your Wendy story too..

    Gave me goosebumps.
    Too sweet.
    How fortunate you are to have kept some treasures.
    I had teh Barbie Fashion Show and her Canopy bed.I loved her red velvet coat and pillbox hat.The pointy high heels and the hair I stuck pins in to keep her chignon in place!
    I remember Pointdexter well.
    You will not even believe this.I dreamt of saying Ken last my dream I was telling friends I had worn of his velvet hair!
    They were cracking up..and I woke up!
    I remember Midge and Skipper and Scooter..My Midge had a brown flip:) My last one was Skipper:)
    Thanks for the delightful memories.

  26. What a fun party!!! Loved it. And her kids. I wouldn't trade my kiddo for a perfect figure...can't we have both???
    Thanks for the trip down memory lane,

  27. I am always impressed with your table settings .. truly artistic ..

    Here's a blog tip .. type in the name of the place you want to link to .. then copy the URL and then in the Compose box you will see an icon that looks like a chain link .. click it and a box pops up with 'http://' ... you can paste the URL (minus its http stuff) right there and then the name of the link you entered becomes 'live' so your readers can click it and go directly to the link.

    Or not.

  28. Now that's a creative table theme! I have that repo Barbie, too (I used to collect Barbies). Happy Birthday, Barbara Milicent Roberts!

  29. Cute and creative way to celebrate Barbie's 5oth!

  30. I love the idea of records as chargers! You can buy albums at yard sales for pennies (especially the really bad ones...but some are so bad they're good. :-). What a great idea that would be for a kid's party! You could get some paint pens and the kids could decorate. FUN!

    And...OMG....1959 Barbie looks totally like Debi Mazar.

  31. Awesome choice for today! That is a great tribute to Barbie! I love, love the chargers you chose, I think I'll do that soon!

    Great table you have there today, thanks! Happy TT!

  32. I wish I were there to celebrate wish you and Barbie!! She just always keeps her girlish figure doesn't she? can't say the same for myself! I had the Barbie Dreamhouse and hated Poindexter! Those were good times!

  33. How wonderful that you still have your Barbie and board game! I also like clear dishes, they go with everything!

  34. What a great idea! Brings back memories!
    So...did you and Wendy ever become "real" friends?!
    Have a fabulous day!

  35. You are SO imaginative! I loved playing with Barbie, although it's something this women's libber just hates to admit. :)

  36. Suz--that was the best--love the records as chargers--so awesome!!!

  37. FAB at 50 is all I can say! FUN party! Pop over for lunch and a fashion show!
    BTW... I was wondering if you minded if I painted a couple of your photos???

  38. Sue, Thanks for the memories. I remember playing this game hundreds of times. I always ended up with Poindexter. I can't believe you have this game. Cheers to Barbie on her 50th. Very creative tablescape. Suzanne

  39. Oh this is so darling! And a great way to honor Barbie, she and I turn the same age this year!
    My Mom tells the story of how I also begged for a Barbie when I was about 3 or 4 years old. So my first was the Bubble Cut Barbie and I still have her and some of her clothes too.
    This was way fun this week Sue.
    Linda Q

  40. All hail the beautiful barbie and all hail the great table you set.

  41. Fun! Different, too. Happy Birthday to her. How she keeps that figure is all in the plastic . . .

  42. Happy Bday Barbie you lucky girl and Sue gave you a great party!

  43. cute table! Happy Tablescape Thursday ~ Susan

  44. Loved, loved, loved this post. So imaginative. I love Barbie. I only wish I looked that good when I turned 50 last year. Heck, I didn't even look that good at 25. lol. I love the LP's as chargers. Loved it!!!!

  45. OMG, she does look like Debbie Mazar!! You really crack me up! I love that table. How fun to have all those cool things on hand!

  46. I like your twist on tablescape Thursday! Oh the memories of Barbie...she was my best friend growing up...her and I only pretended to like Skipper and Midge!

  47. Sue! You have to be the most talented and creative tablescaper of all! It is always such a treat to come and see your ideas! This is fantastic! Grace willlove it when I show it to her in the AM over breakfast!
    Yes, I had one of the Prom Queen games. I also was given the first Barbie doll the year they came out! I was waaay too young to play with her but my Grandma just HAD to get her for me! *grin* I had two versions of the Dream House and one of the dream cars. I had a Skkipper and a Tutti but no Midge. No Alan. But I did have a Ken.Ken with his flocked blonde brush cut.

    Using the records as chargers is a totally inventive idea and I love it!
    You are the Queen...The Prom Queen at that! Barbie won't mind. She is off getting tatooed I hear!


  48. I wanted a "real Barbie" when I was young, but got a substitute instead. It wasn't until years later that I found out that my parents couldn't afford a real one. No biggie. The doll I had was fine, except that she didn't have the correctly jointed legs and when you sat her down, she spread them like a cheap hooker.

    I did, however, get Ken's friend Allan who I think was way cuter than Ken.

  49. Oh, this was such fun! I love that you used the 78LPs as chargers with the clear plates. Very cool. And Barbie, she looks good for 50. My guess is that since she never married and had kids, she has had plenty of time to go to the gym and pamper herself. LOL!

    Great job!

  50. Good morning Sue :)

    Great tablescape!

    I don't remember when I got my first Barbie, but I do remember getting a barbie sized closet full of clothes for her at Christmas one year.

    My great grandma had a heart attack when my mom got her first Barbie and Ken. She apparently couldn't get over the fact that Ken had a bulge LOL She was 90 something at the time. Poor woman ;)


  51. That is great. Barbie is lookin' good for fifty. Since I just turned the big 5-0, myself, I am a little leary of anyone that looks that lean and gorgeous at fifty.
    Sweet table. Ypur granddaughter is a lucky little girl. My mom sewed so many darling outfits for Barbie and I am sure you will too.

  52. Sue you have me grinning from ear to ear!

    Yes, yes, yes ~ Love the memories you evoked. I remember how we would squealwith dismay if we picked Pointdexter! lol.

    Such a clever tablescape, as always ~ love the "78rpm" LP chargers with the glass plates!


  53. LOL That little sneaky Wendy Combs! :-) What a cute story! And albums for chargers...what a superb idea! Couldn't get DH to play, huh? I think that might be asking too much of any guy! Hee, Hee... Love this tablescape and the story behind it! Susan
    P.S. I never had a Barbie, when my son got invited to birthday parties of little girls when he was little, I always went out and bought them a Barbie...just in case. Every little girl needs one Barbie. :-)

  54. Great Post Sue! Love your table.
    Oh Barbie...the memories. I even wore my Barbie shirt to work the other day, and didn't know it was her Birthday. I guess a real Barbie lover just knows these things.
    My mom used to make those Barbie clothes for me. I remember her struggeling with those little arm holes :0)
    I had a friend that lived next door, we would play Barbie's all afternoon. She had a Mary Poppins Barbie, I was so jealous!
    I passed the love on to my own daughter who still won't part with her Barbies, and she too had a best friend that she played Barbie with all afternoon. When Melissa was little I loved putting her Barbies away with her, combing their hair, fixing their outfits. ha ha.

  55. Barbie has played a huge role in millions of people's lives as they were growing up, including mine
