Monday, February 2, 2009

IT'S A DOG'S WORLD...................

I thought I would do a short blog today in honor of that wonderful Pedigree Dog food commercial that was aired during the Super Bowl just made you laugh out loud....and I wanted to share this wonderful cookie jar that I special ordered from the Milkbone company. The ceramic cookie jar comes with a picture of your pet featured on the box....This is my favorite picture of Boo and the daughter that was taken about 8 years ago. I ordered it for the Boss as a Christmas present and he really enjoyed fits a full box of milkbones. It sells for $27.95 plus shipping and takes about a month to get. The picture is actually just glued on but it's made very well. The only bad thing is that it cannot be ordered online. You have to send in 2 proofs of purchase and the original picture that they do send back with the finished jar....I think it makes a great gift for anyone that's a dog lover.....

if you missed the commercial for Pedigree I did try my darndest to link the video but was unsuccessful....but you can find it under Pedigree Super Bowl commercial on


  1. Too cute! I will go check out the commercial now. Thanks for the link.

  2. Wow, that is a really cute cookie jar! Do you keep people cookies in it now ,or dog treats?

    I wish there was a cat version...I'll have to check!

  3. HI Sue!

    Thank you so much for coming to Beyond Pots and Pans! This is something new for us and we are so excited that you were our first follower! Continue to check us out, we will have recipes, new gadgets and other kitchen ideas. Today is our Mixer Wars, so don't forget to vote!
    Thank you Sue

  4. Hi Sue. The box is soooo cute! No similar one here in Italy. The picture on it is delightful. Thanks for your last post on my blog. We are fine now. Hope all of you are fine too. Talk soon during the week. Take care.

  5. I did like the commercial a lot. There weren't many keepers this year, but that was one of them for sure!

  6. I missed the super bowl (on purpose!!), but will check out the commercial. Have a good week. Sally

  7. This is great!! I would miss the one good commercial wouldn't I?

  8. How cute!

    I'll have to check out the commercial ~ I didn't see it.


  9. i love that cookie jar! i'll check out the commercial. i can't say that i was at all interested in the superbowl this year since the stupid panthers gave their game away to the cardinals and we were out of the running. i'm not the most gracious loser....
    but the cookie jar is awesome.

  10. It was my favorite super bowl commercial. Very funny. That container is a great gift idea. Mimi

  11. Very cute, but my Kittie might not appreciate her picture on a Milkbone jar...although if i fill it with catnip she could be convinced....

    Sweet Wishes,

  12. Ohhh! My daughter would love that! With her 6 dogs, she could collect the necessary proofs of purchase in noooooo time! lol Thanks for the idea...Debbie

  13. What a great idea ... love the photo.. did you see this post in my series 'waiting, impatiently'?

  14. love it and i missed the commercial, i'll have to go check it out.

  15. That's so cool! There are quite a few people in my family that would like this as a gift. Thanks for sharing!

  16. Thanks for pointing out the commercial! When I was an advertising major in college, we lived for the Super Bowl so we could critique the ads. These days, I couldn't care less but that one was hilarious! Cute jar too!
