Friday, January 30, 2009

A DAY OUT WITH THE BOSS.................

The Boss wakes me up the other day and announces that it's "My Special Day" get up and get dressed because he is taking me out for a sumptuous lunch and a day of shopping!!! That sounded good to me....I hadn't been treated to a day of shopping in a long time....This would be fun! Come along and live vicariously through me....Our first stop......Chick-fil-A.......not my idea of a fancy lunch but it is good for fast food.....They did let me take this adorable clock home.....So I knew the rest of the day was going to go well.....Let the Shopping Begin!!!!

Here's the Boss all dressed up with a belly full of fries gearing up to spend some money on me...

Wait a minute??? This doesn't look like someplace I would shop.....I didn't get up before noon for this!! Where's Lord and Taylor??? Where's Ralph Lauren?? What about Brooks Brothers...??

These look like motorcycles to me.....Hey wait, you have two of these at home..... Where is stuff for me.....It's suppose to be my day....where's the stuff???? I admit you have to give credit to a company that actually has a product called a
"Fat Boy"......yes, they actually sell a motorcycle called a Fat Boy, and no they didn't name it after the big guy...........Let's see what other gems they have for sale...

What every women needs....a T-Shirt with a skull.....

No shortage of skulls at the Harley Davidson....there were skulls everywhere.

and offensive dolls...............dressed in little leather outfits. Folks, this is how it was sitting in the display area.....Can you say "pervert shopper was here".......

The Boss suggested perhaps a leather Bustier......oh sure, just what I need, a piece of leather clothing is size XL................

of course more motorcycles......Unfortunately nothing appealed to me so we moved on to the next store.....

On to the Target' where we saw this cute little stool that would be great for Miss Baby....Notice the Harley sweatshirt on the big guy.....he wears it everyday....Like a freakin body tattoo

His idea of buying me a new piece of furniture for my upcoming bedroom re-do.

Worried that the Gourmet Lunch might not have been filling enough I was treated to a bagel on the way home.....

Followed by.....what else......a DQ sundae.......

I know your all's this kind of special treatment that has kept me married for almost 39 years.....
**to be fair the Boss treats me every year to a Hermes silk scarf and I do have a closet filled with Louis Vuitton....compliments of the husband.


  1. Hey-- It was worth it to go to Dairy Queen! I only allow myself a trip to DQ once a year after my annual trip to the Doctor. I know I have such restraint!!!! But you should see what I eat on that once a year trip. Have a great weekend. Sally

  2. Well, it's almost an ideal day! My hubby would kill for a Harly, but I think he would kill himself and he cannot leave me with his mother! So he went all out with Chick-fil-a, huh? Big spender! I would have held out for Mittie's cafe.
    Sounds like you had a great time anyway!

  3. At least he wanted to take you someplace. My hubby woulda said, "you wanna go or not?" He must love you to invite you along. Hermes AND Louis V. The Boss needs to teach my hubby something!!

  4. Usually a day out with the mister is a trip to Home Depot and lunch at Taco Time. I guess I've always been a cheap date. Maybe they went to the same class on "How to Treat the Missus". Mimi

  5. Hey, this was funny. I can't believe he took you to the Harley dealer! And to a fast food restaurant.

  6. Wow, what a day!

    you are a good sport!
    funny post.

  7. Dairy Queen alone made it worth while! But I love Chi-Fil-A too :)> That is about as close to a Harley Shop that I have ever been!LOL! My hubby likes to drag me through Home Depot and Auto parts stores... We both love Target though (who doesn't??) Looks like a fun day!

  8. Hey Hanging out with a cute guy all day is pretty darn good! And it sounds like he spoils you so you're a lucky girl. Got any scarves or purses you're putting out at your next yard sale??????

  9. that's the height of marital bliss right there....any man who will take you for chik-fil-a, a bagel AND dq? sounds like a keeper for sure.

  10. I think you should have thrown a fit at the Harley store and not left until he bought you a pink Harley. Sometimes you just have to call guys on these shopping stops.
    Cute clock!

  11. It could be worse. Your husband could be spending the weekend at Lake Cuomo (yes, THAT Lake Cuomo-where George Clooney resides while in Italy)and you could be left behind in the zero degree weather. In Michigan. True story. ***sigh***

  12. You still had a good time right? Especially with a stop at the DQ. Yummy!

  13. Hi Sue...Looks like a fun day, actually!!! lol Hey, you got to go to DQ so it can't be all bad....Debbie

  14. My main question is.... what the hell is a fruit and nut powerbagel???

  15. LOL! My husband has wanted a motorcyle for years. Every time we pass that Harly place on S.Cobb Drive we come to a crawl! I told hime he could sign up for lessons but that's it. DQ is my favorite. I like it much more than Brusters. So you had a wonderful ending to your day!


  16. Well you are a good wife to put up with a trip to Harley Davidson!! thank God my hubbie is not into motorcycles-YIKES!! Do you ride too?? My husband's toy is his boat!! And you know what they say about boats-the best day is the day you buy one and the best day is the day you SELL IT!! At least you got to go to TARGET!

  17. Sounds like a terrific day out! What more could a gal ask for:))

  18. Hermes and LV? Way to go, hubby!

    Loved the photos...I feel like I had an outing myself...awesome...



  19. Oh Sue re cooking school. Just tell him it’s a menopause convention and that you’ll be attending: C-H-O-C-O-L-A-T-E; The Musical, How to Artfully Flip the Bird, Pleading Not Guilty (Due to Hormonal Imbalance) and War Is Not The Answer (but it sure takes the pressure off). That should keep him home. I’m pretty sure I’ll be going to CIA, I’m waiting for warmer weather.

  20. LOL! Boys and their toys....!
    My husband hates to shop...anywhere... and immediately starts yawning the moment we walk into a store.

  21. Looks like you were in hog heaven (hardy har har ;-) Hermes scarf every year?! Tres bien, indeed!

  22. I call my hubs the "boss" too!
    What would have been worse than going to Harley Davidson store....? Fredricks of Hollywood!!!! If your not familiar, it can be Googled. The food...always makes up for any shopping faux pas!

    Sweet Wishes,

  23. You Hhave Hermes AND Vuittan??? Egad I am in serious envy mode now! *grin*
    He actually took you out so that IS a treat right? I usually do the asking or suggesting or nagging. Unless food in involved and then HE does it. Any wonder why I am as fat as I am?? : )
    Can your handsome husband teach MY husband about Vuittan and Hermes? Bill, I am sure, has NO idea who they are. DQ he knows...*smile*

    Loved this...and besides, the Boss is a real cutie! Not too shabby there Sue!

