Sunday, January 18, 2009

TRIOS...........A delectable little cookie!

Today was a good baking day...... we need to eat something loaded with calories like we need a hole in the head......... but I just felt like making cookies so I made a family favorite.....something called "Trios".....the recipe came from Gourmet magazine and I must say they are very delicious. I baked up only half the recipe which made a dozen cookies, just for me and the Boss....Tomorrow with the other half I think I'll make some spritz cookies with the new cookie press that Necie got me for Christmas....It's Oh so nice to have such a good neighbor and friend....Thanks Necie!!! Here's the recipe I hope you try them.....

2 1/2 cups of all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon salt
2 sticks of unsalted butter, softened
1 cup sugar
1 large egg
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
about 2 tablespoons seedless raspberry jam
about 2 tablespoons of peach or apricot jam
about 2 tablespoons of blackberry jam
whisk together flour and salt. Beat butter and sugar with an electric mixer until very pale and fluffy, about 4 minutes, then beat in egg and vanilla. At low speed, mix in flour mixture in 3 batches until a dough forms. Divide dough in half and form each piece into a 6 inch disc, then chill, wrapped in plastic wrap, until firm, about 1 hour.

Assemble and bake cookies:
Preheat oven to 350 with rack in the middle. Line baking sheet with parchment.
Roll 3 separate level teaspoons of dough each into a ball, arrange them in a triangle on a baking sheet with edges touching in center, then make a deep indentation in the center of each round. I use my index finger that I dip in water with each cookie. arrange 1 inch apart on baking sheet.
Fill indentations in each cookie with a tiny bit of each of the jams.
Bake until cookies are baked through and golden brown on the edges, about 15 minutes. Cool on baking sheet then sprinkle with a little powdered sugar....... Make some hot cocoa, don't forgot the whipped cream and chocolate jimmies and Enjoy!!!!!


  1. They look delicious! I will give these a try. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

  2. These look really good and something my grandmother made. Oh, by the way, I tagged you for a meme. go check it out!

  3. I enjoy any type of jam cookie, cause it gives such a variety of flavors from one recipe.

    I agree on the convertible truck idea, although I'm not sure how practical it would be in the Northwest,lol!

    The herb pots were such a creative solution to growing herbs and having them look decorative.

    Sweet wishes,

  4. They sound wonderful! I am always looking for a good recipe for my preserves!

  5. Yum .. and way less caloric if you just lick the computer screen ...

  6. Are you trying to make me cook again? Actually, I cook all of the time - just don't get a lot of joy out of it. I've got potato & bacon soup going right now - smells pretty good. Take care, Sally

  7. Me again-- the desk in the background of my post belonged to my great grandmother and I have had it for 55 years. Bob did refinish it about 40 years ago. He's a jewel - I'm very lucky!! Sally

  8. Hi Sue, I would like to try these cookies that seem to be delicious. Could you please tell me how many oz. are 2 sticks of butter? Many thanks.
