Monday, January 19, 2009


Thanks to Deb at Driven 55 I've been tagged with the meme that is making the rounds......The Six Random Things Meme. Here are the rules:

1. Link to the person who tagged you, that would be me...
2. Post the rules on your blog
3. Write six random things about yourself
4.Tag six people at the end of your post and link to them....(notice I was not able to do this, both Deb and Alice and daughter have tried to explain to me how to do this link thing....I'm totally unable to follow simple instructions....have pity on brings back memories of the first time I tried to load the old fashion 35mm cameras......the directions simply said....."load film"..I was thrown for a month!
5. Let each person know they have been tagged and leave a comment on their blog..
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.....

Sorry I always have the need to post some kind of picture...the above one goes with the first random thing and that is how I got my name "Suzanne"......It seems back in September of 1950 Suzanne Page was born....her brother Leslie was in my brothers grade school class......When brother heard Leslie had a new baby sister named Suzanne he came home and told my mother that if she had a baby girl he wanted it to be a Suzanne too......a month later I came into the world and my mother who changed her story years later did the lamest thing and named me Suzanne.....I guess she didn't think that later in life I might end up in the same classroom with the other Suzanne and this would be a problem for the teacher..... She later changed the story and told me I was named after perfume that my Father had bought her......Nice try!

Speaking of giving birth, the second random fact would be that the daughter was born on my birthday......let it be known that we didn't name her after some stranger.....Not only was she born on October 8th. but we were born in the same hospital and only 3 minutes apart.......Now that is good timing.....ever since we have been like the "Gibb twins".....we live 1,000 miles apart but always seem to be doing the exact same things at the same time.....We can finish each others sentences and when she's sick I feel it and vice-versa......Weird Huh???

Number three...and another visual..... would be by unusual attraction to Chimps.....Oh, not just any chimps....No, they have to be Hollywood Chimps.....You know like the ones in the movie Buddy....Where they dress them up in pants and little Tam O' Shanter hats with the little roller skates.....I hope none of you are Peta fans.....I swear that before I die I will travel to California and spend the day interacting with these adorable little creatures......that would be for a small fee of $600.00 and that also depends on how soon the animal cruelty police shut down the few remaining sanctuary's in the state....

As a child my mother would dress me in wool pants underneath my dresses.....I looked like an idiot but she said if I didn't wear the pants to keep my legs warm I would get sick.....Did you have a mother like that?? She also cut my hair once into a "Pixie" and another time permed my hair and left the solution in too long.....I looked like Rosanne Rosannadanna.....did I mention she would lay me up on the ironing board up against the sink to wash out the perm stuff.....I know.
A senior prom random thing.....I'm sorry I turned down the invitation from Richard "Crow" Porbansky to go with him to the prom....he was very nice and we were friends but his parents had died and he lived with his sister and I thought he wouldn't have anyone to tell him what to wear and what kind of flowers to buy.....NO.....I had to ask the town gigolo....the "professional prom escort"......what a horrible night that was....First of all, you know how the guy always would ask what color dress you would be wearing so the corsage could match.....Not this guy...I think he went to 5 or 6 proms that season, I'm sure they all got the same thing I did....a white orchid.....He probably got some kind of professional discount. Half way through dinner he leaned over to me and said "Are you going to eat that?" and proceeded to take the plate right out from under was certainly memorable...only not in a good way.... picture a 1960's version of Wedding Crashers..............and I have no idea what "Crow" meant....some things you just don't ask......

And my gosh #6 would have to be that I had an e-mail and "cards in the mail" friendship with Tom Snyder......of the Late Late Show with Tom Snyder.....he was a lovely man and he died way too soon.....we miss you Tom!!

and now I will tag......
Weef from Rue de la Clef
Alice from Simply Decorated
Liz at Mabels House
Donna at Donna's Art
and....Manuela at The Pleasures of Homemaking


  1. Well that was a fun read. Chimps and Tom are a diverse and interesting woman lol. And I had one of those prom experiences myself...just goes to show we aren't all that bright when we're in puberty! Loved the post. It's fun learning your deep dark secrets.

  2. Wow, some really interesting things about you, Sue! I love your prom night regrets. That could be a movie! I must confess that I don't know anyone else with a thing for chimps, but my thing for crows has no explanation either. Cute post!...Debbie

  3. Good job there fellow Georgian! Who would of guessed you had an affinity for famous chimps!

  4. Hi Sue, that was fun to read! That's amazing that your daughter was born on the same day, same hospital etc! I think it's sweet that you and your daughter are so linked. Frequently I'll say something out of the blue and my daughter will say "I was just thinking that!" Of course I tell her to remember that Mama ALWAYS knows what she's thinking (picture me starring at her and nodding my head as I say that LOL)!

    Anyway, thank you for the tag but I've done this one at least 7 times in the last two years so I'll have to excuse myself. BUT I do have an award for you over at my blog in today's post.


  5. Fun random facts! Boy, your mom sure knew how to bundle you up!! I also went to the extreme when it came to wrapping my babies up, but they survived!! Take care, Sally

  6. How cool is ALL of that? Great post!!

  7. Fun and interesting facts, Sue! Great photo.

    Thanks for passing it to me.


  8. That was such fun Sue...I think you are one of the most interesting people I know! I adored Tom cool is it that you knew him. You are one interesting woman ya know?


  9. So. FUNNY! This is such a great meme...And I love that you and the daughter share a birthday -- practically down to the minute!
