Monday, October 13, 2008


In the interest of the good of the country and certainly not wanting to discuss politics I must pass this story on to the people because it's just too crazy........and just in case you missed it on the news tonight. It seems up in Ohio the more you vote the more your guy has a chance of getting elected......On tonight's news they interviewed 19 year old Freddie Johnson who said he didn't know it was against the law to register to vote 73 times.....73 TIMES................he was just helping the folks out. The folks being the Acorn organization. They had hearings today in Ohio and Freddie was not the only one to come forward. Some people registered 18 19 times...What they forgot to tell you was that in Ohio you can now register and vote in the same day, no ones checking the I'D's.........So I guess they are using the American Idol voting system.....there's only one major difference....American Idol doesn't tell you who to vote for.......and that's the last I'll say on that subject.

1 comment:

  1. I find it interesting that the conservatives are up in arms over ACORN but have somehow forgot about voter fraud in the past 2 elections, even going as far as letting the court decide on giving Bush his second term! Bush was not a legitimate president, but you better believe Barack Obama will be!!
