Monday, October 13, 2008


Yes.....I made a whole roasting chicken for the dog. Yes I did.......Poor Boopie has been under the weather the last couple of days. I was telling Necie on our walk yesterday that he just wasn't looking right. You could see it in his face and in his eyes. She thought I was totally crazy and asked how can you tell that a dog doesn't look right when all there is is a big black nose, 2 eyes and lots of fur......She's not a dog person. Dog people will understand. You can just tell.....Late last night we discovered that the mystery allergy rash is back....all over his under carriage. Not a pretty sight. I was able to get an appointment at the Lady-Vet today and I must say....all vets should be women. They just have that special something that animals trust them completely. After some shaving and some spraying, lots of meds and one of those wacky collars so he won't bite at himself I just had to stop at Publix on the way home and get him something special for dinner. He has lost 5 1/2 pounds in the past 2 months for no reason so I want to make sure he's eating good.....Not that 5 1/2 pounds make a dent when your 135 pounds to begin with.......He spit out his first 2 pills after he ate, I then out smarted him by putting the pills inside 2 more pieces of chicken.....he thought it was an extra treat.....He's cuter then me but I'm a little smarter then him......


  1. yeah, you gotta be sneaky when trying to give meds to the dog. I remember that from our pet growing up and our family pet when the kids were growing up. Using the chicken was a flavorful sneaky way to do that.

  2. Your pooch is adorable! Hope he's feeling better soon. I always put pills in treats when I feed them to the my dogs, goes down better, and they love treats.

    Thanks for visiting my blog. I noticed you have a red VW bug. I have a green one (chartreuse). Love it!

    Have a great week!

  3. Aaawww! Our golden, Maxie, had to wear one of those collars once and he acted sooo funny with it on. He couldn't walk unless you were next to him, he'd just stay motionless and look pitiful! And he always is able to spit out his medicine - I have to had it real good. I hope your furry baby feels better soon!


  4. Thanks for popping by my blog, what a lovely dog you have, hope he is better now. You do have to be sneeky with tablets, our dog has cushins disease and needs tablets every day and the only way I can get her to eat them is to put them in pate! How decadent is that!
    Love the diner china too. Jane x

  5. Poor know your baby! You knew he did not feel right!
    I hope I he gets well soon...he is just a beautiful boy!

