Tuesday, October 7, 2008


33 years ago at 5:21 a.m. and beating the odds I gave birth to the love of my life.......The odds being beat was that it was my 25th. birthday and I had been born at 5:17 a.m. in the same hospital. We both went home to the same house at 378 Sycamore St............25 years apart. I think of her every day of my life and even though we can't spend this special day together I know she'll be spending it with her new little girl.............Happy Birthday daughter......I Love you and I miss you..........THE MOM.

1 comment:

  1. Awww! Thanks for the special post MOM!! I love you and miss you too! I love the picture of you with Grandma! Who ever knew that the Mom was once so tiny (just like Sophie was!) And, in the picture you posted of you and I, I can finally see what so many people have told us over the years-- in that picture, your profile looks just like mine now adays... LOVE and Happy Birthday!!!
