Sunday, July 27, 2008


Okay, I will never again waste weeks of my time watching "The Next Food Network Star"......If ever a contest was fixed this is the one...I have been rooting for Lisa Garza since the beginning and knew she would go far. The husband thought for sure she would win. She is as classy as Ina Garten and just a pleasure to watch. As soon as I saw last weeks episode I knew the fix was in. When the last three contestants had the Las Vegas challenge Lisa shined and wacky Adam did pretty well also. In fact Adams food was the favorite with the L.V. performers. On the other hand Aaron's little act was an embarrassment and his food was something that all of America would serve up at a backyard BBQ.......I mean come on, three pasta dish's on a buffet bar..But as soon as they announced that no one would be eliminated I knew he was the winner....I also thought something was up when the viewing audience did not get to vote. Oh, they made it seem like you were voting but it was for a contest not for the actual winner of the show. How lame. I still didn't give up hope as we tuned in tonight. Lisa's pilot video was great, she comes across really well and is someone you would certainly tune in to watch. Not only to see what she's cooking but to see what she's wearing! Adam, I thought, did terrific. He's funny and was excellent playing to the camera. I was even interested in the beer can chicken he made. I thought maybe he had a chance. I would certainly tune in to watch him again.......But, when it came down to it I was right....first, when they didn't eliminate Aaron after last weeks horrible performance. And second, when I saw the viewers couldn't vote.....I just have to say that I hope Bob and Susie are happy with their choice. They have two hurdles to get over if they expect this show to fly....First, they are going to have to have sub-titles on the screen or perhaps dub in his voice with James Earl Jones and second they are going to have to find an audience that would actually be interested in cooking up collard greens.....


  1. Unbelievable! Aaron was not even close to being as knowledgeable, presentable or talented as either of the other two - their move last week reaked of a fix! Aaron failed miserably and yet the decided to "break all the rules" and allow him to go forward to the finale? There is no explanation for that move other than it's all a fix! Is this all in the name of "diversity" on the food network? They are trying to hard and their viewers are smarter than that. I'm quite embarrassed for Bobby Flay and the others who took part in this bizarre waste of time.

  2. Lisa is pretentious and totally unwatchable.

  3. I agree being embarrassed for Bobby Flay...I would think he would be above all that. As for Lisa being unwatchable, she grows on you...I guess it's a women thing but then again my husband thought she was very classy...I would have been happy if Adam even won. He turned out to be very entertaining...I'm very diaspointed in the Food Network.

  4. Yeah, they had it fixed for Aaron since early on. If this were a real competition, he would have been thrown out after his disastrous performance last week, but they wanted to see him win, so they decided no one would be eliminated and they would have all three into the final.

    Almost the same as last year when they obviously wanted Jag to win, when he should have been tossed after the Iron Chef challenge, and they set it up to be him vs. Rory and he woudl have easily won a vote. Of course that one backfired when he had to withdraw.

    Lisa was great, clearly the most knowledgable of any contestant they've ever had. The way she gets flustered in trying to appear human made her even more endearing and appealing to me.
