Wednesday, July 30, 2008


It's that time again....another trip up to Jersey to visit with the daughter and Miss S.....daughter is taking a refresher law class all next week and we have been summoned to, not the cat, the actual granddaughter. She's walking now so she should give us a run for our money. Ofcourse the Boo is not happy with the prospect of spending another couple of weeks with the Ropers. He will be celebrating his 10th. birthday on August 23rd. so the big guy is getting up there in age, he likes to spend his days holed up in the bathroom where the air conditioning vent blows on his fur and the floor is cold.......On a smart note.....I have finally figured out a way for the husband not to complain that I pack too much stuff when I travel....If it was up to him I would wear the same thing for the entire 2 weeks....Hey, isn't that what a washing machine is for? I packed up his things tonight and we will not check through any bags. We always do just carry ons. Won't he be surprised when the pilots case doesn't feel like it has rocks inside and that his little carry-on is empty, all just for him. Ladies wise up, don't all husbands complain that we travel with too much stuff..........So to avoid the grumbling I was at Fedex first thing Monday morning and all my clothes arrived in Jersey this morning....A big thanks to the son-in-law for bringing them in off the porch when he came home for lunch. Surely this will please the he has a whole bag going up empty that he can bring home all his birthday goodies.....Boss' birthday is Saturday.....On a more serious 11:00p.m. this evening J.K. our charming next door neighbor (he's from Jersey too) called to ask if we were alright....Except for the fact that we're getting old and fat, yes, we were fine....why? It seems he was out in his driveway and heard a gun shot coming from right past our house...perhaps from Jerry our other wacky next door neighbor? He said is was not fireworks, it was a definate gun shot.....Shortly after his call the husband let me go outside to take the dog for a you think he's trying to tell me something.....

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