Saturday, May 10, 2008


Yesterday we took the Junior Fam to the airport for their long awaited trip to Paris....Having more nerve then we ever had they took along Miss B...... Flying in business first class they were whisked away from check in to a special security line and Miss B acted like a seasoned traveler. We were 2 very proud grandparents as we stood off to the side and watched as they went through security and out to the gates.....I kidded for some time now that me and the husband would walk back to the car for the ride home and find Miss Baby strapped into her car seat in the back seat......but baby goes where mom and dad go....and after talking to daughter today after their arrival it seems baby did terrific on the flight. In the meantime we are baby sitting Miss Kitty and enjoying being able to eat Jersey food again.....We have already hit up the White Castle, the White Diamond and on the schedule for next week is Stewarts Root Beer and some clam chowder down on LBI......Also on the list is some of the Jersey diners seen on "Diners, Drive Ins and Dives"......and ofcourse we have our daily runs to Wegmans for hard seeded rolls....We should leave here in 3 weeks about 50 pounds heavier......


  1. Don't forget Mustache Bills on LBI...they are opened weekends only, I think 6-3, so make sure you hit it on a weekend. (this was one on the show that was featured!)

    I Love LBI..sigh.
    Here's my site on it...(not a link)

  2. WE just were there yesterday and Mustache Bills was locked up tighter then a drum....Very dissapointed...We ended up eating at Burger King off the Island. Thanks for the link!
