Monday, May 5, 2008

MIDNIGHT RUN..........

Let me begin this by saying...."this could only happen to us"....We live in the South and on occasion strange and unexpected things happen. Tonight was one of those nights. I went into the bedroom around 10:00 and was swarmed by a gaggle of flies...More flies then I cared to count. Now, this might not seem odd but there was no apparent point of entry. They just showed up, un-announced. I started to swat which kinda pissed them off. The more I killed the more appeared. They hid in the lamp shades, behind the mini blinds and on the ceiling. I sprayed, I swatted and I broomed. Forty five minutes later there were alot of dead flies....I called for backup and the husband helped to clean up the dead carcases....I then had the brain storm to go buy "fly strips"...Well what? I wasn't about to go to sleep in a room that was invaded by killer flies. So in comes the famous "Midnight Run".....this goes way back to our Jersey days when for excitement we would go over to the Shop Rite at 3:00a.m. just to walk the aisles. But like I said we are in the South so the next best thing for an open all night experiance is the 24 hour Walmart up in Woodstock....We even went out in sweats which shows that we have either lost the will to live or in this case we were the best dressed people in the joint. Walmart had a wonderful assortment of bug killing products and we decided on the "Fly Motels".....we bought 2 along with some sticky stuff that sticks to your windows but you can't see them....I guess to fool the flies. We found the one lone cashier in the place, by this time it was almost 1:00a.m. So here we are, two smucks from Jersey in sweat pants after midnight buying Fly Motels from a women that had more tattoos then the "Enigma"......she didn't look at us odd, didn't ask why we were buying fly products at this time of night..infact she didn't even bat an eye......That pretty much describes Woodstock, Georgia......

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