Saturday, March 18, 2017


Let me begin by saying I have never
tasted this cake....only made it once for a
friend....but it sure smelled wonderful...
After posting a picture on Facebook I was asked
for the recipe so here it is.....
Of Course my middle name is "Sandra Lee" so
You know that a box mix had to be involved....
I started with this box of Pillsbury
Caramel Apple Cake Mix...
Walmart seems to have every possible variation
of cake mixes on the Planet....My friend who got
to eat the cake (and who I asked to critique it)
Thought it was Spice Cake....but I can assume that
somewhere it had the taste of apple...
I dragged out these ingredients with the thought
of sautéing some wonderful "Mutsu" apples
I had just gotten at the local farmers market...

I love Mutsu apples for baking and they are
exceptional in apple strudel if you ever come across them...
The Apple Strudel...BTW....I do make from scratch...
I'm not totally lazy....
Back to the Apple...A Mutsu is also called a 
"Crispin"'s half a Golden Delicious that's been
bred with some Japanese apple....In any case
it's wonderful....If you have never tried them
and you ever see some....
When baking something that you want people to
think you made by scratch it always helps
to use a fancy pan....
This is the MaryAnn pan from Williams Sonoma..
Daughter gave it to me years ago and I can't tell you
all the wonderful cakes I have baked in it...
Certainly worth buying one...You will use it
Over and Over....
You can fill that top part with all kinds of
Think flavored whipped cream and strawberries in
the summer....
Hershey's Chocolate pudding mixed with
Real Whipped Cream on top of a
Devils Food Cake for the Winter....
And sautéed apples for the Fall...
So I made the cake according to the box...
This pan does need a good spraying of cooking spray..
I use the baking kind that has the flour in the spray...

Let the cake cool before you flip it can be

I sautéed two large apples in Good
Cut in to slices....
I added a genorous sprinkling of
Cinnamon....and some brown sugar...
about 1/2 cup...and cooked them
until very tender....these apples break down
pretty fast so this did not take long at all...
I pre-cook apples when I make pies and
strudels prevents the dough
from over baking and the apples cooked

I then chopped up some walnuts for a 
fabulous topping I planned to use....
A bit blurry....
But this is a crumb cake mixture that is similar to
the Jersey Crumb cake recipe and I added the
Here's how you make this...


  1. That looks absolutely delicious! Thanks for the recipe and I think I need a pan like that! Hope you have a great night- xo Diana

  2. Missed you and your posts! Hope that all is well.

  3. Hello friend - glad to see you blogging!!!!!!!!!! That cake looks so wonderful and I know if you made it - it has to be delicious. It seems like a lot of work tho.
    Love, sandie

  4. Glad to see you posting again and with such a yummy recipe :)

  5. Sue you are one of the best cooks I know! I'm sure this was delicious. I saw where the Boss hired someone to clean your house, good going. I can't keep up mine and Mom's so we now have someone come once a month to do the floors, bathrooms, etc! NICE! Hope to see you soon! Hugs!
