Tuesday, July 12, 2016


This here is the Boo Dog.....
Named after our dearly beloved Great Pyrenees "Boo"
who passed away 5 years ago....
Now the original Boo was the sweetest dog you can imagine...
This breed is called the "Gentle Giants"...
with the males getting as big as 150 pounds....
So why would we think otherwise when we Lost Our Minds and
decided it was time to get another Boo Dog...

I mean how can you possibly resist this face....
and he's soft and fluffy too!
Like a stuffed animal who came to life...

We actually considered calling him 
After the German stuffed animal maker...
Or so we thought...look at that innocent face....
He wouldn't hurt a fly right?
In our three weeks as new parents he doubled his weight...
He loved to roll in the grass....
Of course he listened to and followed the Boss....
Me...not so much...
But I was okay with that...I was also okay with his
sleep schedule...
going to bed at 9:30 on the dot and getting up at
5:00 a.m. ready to party....
I'm used to sleeping till noon....
But he was so cute how could you complain...
And let's not get into the fact that we covered all our
"Good Rugs" with plastic runners
(that I kept tripping over)

And let's mention how the Daughter had a stroke
When I sent her a picture of him lying under her piano
On the Real Persian Rug...
 The little bugger would pee on the inch of carpet where
there was no plastic...
I have never seen anything or anybody pee as much as this dog...
He peed more then me and anyone who has ever
spent the day with me knows how much I pee....
In all fairness I do drink a tremendous amount of
iced tea...
things were going okay.....
the Boss took him in the pool to get him used to the water
Since on "day one" he got a little too close and fell in....
Luckily the Boss jumped in after him but the little guy
could do a mean doggie paddle.
He was extremely smart....learning to sit and give his paw
within days of coming to his new home...

He knew his name...
There was just one Tiny Problem we ran in to....
Now we are the same people who managed to tame a
"feral cat"
so we treat animals pretty darn special....But...
We expect them to appreciate our sacrifices for them...
Like missing all the Housewives Franchises
because your too exhausted from getting up at 5:00 a.m.
And what about missing the season finale of
Southern Charm....
But that was okay....we have it all on tape....

I  made my homemade dog biscuits and was fully prepared
to cook him a chicken...
But we did not expect what happened to
Here I am waiting for the bite....to my face...which was coming...
Boo turned out to be a world class
Oh not just puppy teething...
Not "mouthing" as they call it...
No this dog meant business....

He had a jaw like a steel clamp....
We should have suspected something was afoul when
on day 5 he consumed a Chipmunk Whole...
that's right...the Boss caught him with a chipmunk
that the cat had killed...in his mouth...
When he tried to get it out the dog growled and bit him...
Then in one gulp he swallowed the thing...
Gross right?
We had to rush him to the Emergency Vet Clinic
on a Sunday night for them to extract the
Chipmunk the same way it went down it came up...
The lady Vet was even grossed out by it...
So for everyone who says it was merely puppy
Does Puppy Nipping do this????
the only time this dog licked me was to lick the
blood off my arms after he bit me...
this is nothing compared to what he did to me and
the Boss....He counted over 50 puncture wounds on his arms...
We talked for days about what we were going to do... and it was one tough decision to make...
Our Vet said never to have a dog touch your skin with his teeth...
I called a representative of the
"Great Pyrenees Club of America"
to get their opinion of the situation...
I spoke to two women who have owned this breed for over
30 years...They were both horrified that Boo was
an aggressive biter...
They advised us not to keep him that it was totally
against the breeds behavior and he would never become
a trusting house pet...
They blamed it on the Mother Dog getting sick at 4 weeks and dying when
Boo was only 5 weeks old...
We have no idea how he was treated on the farm where he came from...
But by his eating habits I would think he had to fight for
his food....

I consulted with a H.S. friend on Facebook who
has had many a Pyrenees...
The consensus was all the same...
Send him back where he came from...

We even asked the breeder to take him back for one week and
see if she could break him of this horrible habit...
She appeared to be experienced with animals...
She sent us an e-mail saying all was fine and he was
lovable and sweet and she didn't have any issues with
biting in the few days she had him in her home..
It must have been US??? she claimed....... we weren't "rough playing"
with him enough...

He was not meant to just sit around on a couch...she said....
On the phone her story changed and she admitted he bit
both her and her 3 year old daughter...
She also decided along with her parents.... who own the
farm.... that they would refund our money and wished us good
luck....Basically they didn't feel we were the right people for
the dog...
He came from a filthy farm where all the dogs were matted and
They lived among Donkeys and lamas...And Goats...
No air conditioned runs or pens in 90 plus degree heat...
No signs of water anywhere...

Goat crap everywhere you walked...

Compared to a beautiful home with a pool on an acre
all fenced in...with two people
dedicated to giving this little guy a wonderful life...

We were basically insulted...

And believe me it takes a lot to insult an Adivari...
We decided to let her keep the dog...
We are still waiting for our check to arrive in the mail...
You all know the Adivaris
If it doesn't show up soon we will be going down to
small claims court....
The only one who is really really happy about this
out come is.....
Mr./Miss. Kitty....
Here she is saying....
What in the hell in that furry thing in "My House???"
"is it gone yet???"
Cudos to the Cat for turning me from a Dog Person
in to a Cat person...
This wild animal.... who took over two years to trust us... and
enter our house.... is the sweetest most lovable animal
She/He has never hissed or scratched...
No litter box...just a quiet meow at the door...
Comes and goes as it pleases...
She...unlike the Dog...knows a good thing when
she/he has it...
We Love you Miss Kitty....

As for getting another dog...
We may or we may not...In any case the good thing
with Pyrenees is they all look alike....
So we could find another that looks just like Boo #2
We will not name him Boo next time...
 We decided there will never be another Boo......
We will be more selective with the breeder next time...
If there is a next time...
I still have to recover from a lack of sleep and

there's that whole Housewives thing to
catch up on...


  1. Sue you did the right thing. A dog that bites is just not trustworthy and is a huge liability. Its hard to love them when they don't treat you as well as you treat them. I'm glad Mr/Miss Kitty has showed you how sweet a cat can be. As for me, I know I'm too old to have a kitten/puppy. My next cat will be an older rescue. I'm just glad you are OK and just keep looking for that check!!

  2. Sue, you had to make the decision to protect yourself and others from that little biter. I hope he will live a good life, wherever he ends up. You tried, but to no avail. Love on that cat and go watch your series. I, too, am addicted to those darn reality shows!

  3. I know this sounds weird, but I had a bad feeling when you mentioned this dog. I myself am scared to death of large dogs. Since forever. I am also a believer, that after a certain "age", one doesn't really need to deal with new pets. JMHO. Can you imagine if Miss B. was there when he was? (shudder). Think extra long on this one, please.

  4. I know that you really wanted to make this work and gave it all you had. I'm sorry that he was such a challenge, those bites were horrible.. After you heal, if you still want a dog, go for a smaller more gentle kind. We couldn't live without our Louie! I can hear Miss Kitty from here, "Winning"!!!!

  5. So what is your next adventure into the wild animal world? How about another taxidermy to hang on the wall? Or another trip to California to meet an old, grouchy primate? Or I'm sure Miss Kitty has a friend you could tame? Whatever, it's always a fun adventure to write about for us to enjoy. Take care! Sally

  6. GET A PUG - they love kids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. You did the right thing. There are some animals that cannot live with humans, it doesn't matter what breed they are. I had a cat that attacked us several times, I hated to do it, but we had to put him down.

  8. You did the right thing by returning him. I am an avid dog lover, but biting should not be tolerated. I hope that you do eventually get another dog. After my Schnauzer died, it took me almost 20 years to finally get another dog...then another one. That's right, now I have 2...Chihuahuas ( A breed I thought I liked the least!) they were both "rescues" and have turned out to be the best decision I have ever made! :-)

  9. That is terrible. Something was not right with that animal. My daughter had a rescue cat that peed on the bed. She had to take it back. So sad when you want to help them but you just can't.
