Tuesday, March 15, 2016


When my crazy friend Joyce purchased a new Condo
right on the beach in Florida and then
invited me to visit....I was shocked when the Boss actually
encouraged me to accept her offer....
You see the Boss....after 45 long years...
has finally found an equally nutty group of men that are not
only "car guys" but are also "gun guys"
With his newly found social schedule he could give a crap
if I'm gone from home for a month....
So with a ticket on Delta and enough clothes packed
for a trip around the world I spent last week
totally stress free and loving every minute of it...
Not to mention that Joyce is a
"one women party"
Yes folks...this is her view from her condo....
so beautiful that at the end of 5 days I did
not want to leave....

the beach was gorgeous 
and here was the Hostess with the Mostess....
a few of her neighbors were sitting down by the pool one night
having drinks and Joyce brought down her
delicious shrimp orzo salad to share with the
Group...They seemed a bit taken a back
but that's Joyce....
She loves to cook and she loves to feed people....
We spent a lot of time driving around Naples...
Much different then the Eastern side of
Or at least Fort Lauderdale where we lived
back in the 70's...
there were bicycles every where....

And beautiful flowers....
Luxurious Shopping....
This bed and bath shop had beautiful bedding....
This had embroidered fish all over... 
Another beautiful set....
We were doing good until we got to the towel section....
We thought we were reading the price tag wrong...
Have you ever seen a towel for $180.00
we quickly walked out before we broke something....
I was also getting the skunk eye from other shoppers
for taking pictures all over...
these were silk and just gorgeous...
I was afraid to look at the price!!
Okay this was a good moment....
Joyce made me get out of the car to take a picture of this
As I was getting ready to take the shot a women came jogging
down the street...I stopped to wait for her to pass.
Who wants a jogger in a picture....
She actually put her two hands up to her face like I was the
Paparazzi and she was someone important...
Oh please get over yourself....
It wasn't like she came out of that house....
Another beauty...I took this one from inside the

Not as fancy but those Palms were great....

Back at Joyce's...this was very cool....
See that green arbor...
It's a car wash...
You drive under it and it washes the salt water
Off of your Car...
How clever....
Let's talk food....Thank Goodness us two Nuts have the
Same taste in cuisine...
Hot Dogs....
For Breakfast!!
We also had peppers and egg sandwiches one morning....
That is for the Italian in us....
And blueberry pancakes...
I insisted I cook one night so I made us one of our
Ina's ham and cheese in puff pastry...
with a nice side salad...
One day for lunch we took a suggestion from one of
Joyce's friends and ate at Jane's....
wonderful quiche with a great hearty salad...
I hate these days when someone gives you a little lettuce with
some oil and vinegar and calls it a salad...
This had cucumber..tomato...red onions...
and a great dressing...
Joyce got a beet salad with mandarin oranges and
Feta Cheese with some sort of
nut bread...
equally good...
such a pretty table....and look at the size of that
Iced Tea!
Dessert one night was Key Lime Pie...
with a Raspberry coulis.....
Totally out of order like I always do....
my appetizer the same night...
Beet Tartar with fried goat cheese and
pistachio dressing...
Next day lunch was at a seafood shack....
what is better then a seafood shack!
The fried shrimp were fabulous....
I could feel myself gaining 10 pounds before
finishing off those fries...
You all know I never shy away from getting my picture taken..
And I always seem to be with people who hate
to get their picture taken...
I think this time it was because we were being blown around
by the wind...
Joyce had a surprise activity planned that she kept a
secret until we walked in to the Naples Art Center....
Not very talented where any type of art is concerned
I did my best at making this mosaic tray...
With little help from the instructor Joyce's came
way better then mine....This is how they looked before we
applied the grout...
You don't want to see how they looked after the grout...
I think I need to stick to cooking...
But we had fun!
This street reminded me of my recent trip to
Beverly Hills...
I spied this adorable dog and bone sculpture 

Again out of order....This wacky lady was at the
Art Center...
She looked a bit drunk don't you think??
Night time in Naples....
One of the shopping centers were dressed up in all
white lights...it was beautiful...

Of Course there was the beautiful sunset every night....
It was getting time for me to go home.....
I had the best time....great weather....great food...
always a fun time with the funnest lady I know....
Joyce never should have said...
"Come back anytime"....
She might just find me on her door step next week!
After all the Boss will never miss me....
Thanks so much Betty for your generosity...your beautiful
New Home...and not laughing at me in a
Bathing Suit!


  1. Sounds like you two had a great time! What fun! All you were lacking was a game of hide n' seek at the local Ikea!

  2. Such a perfect getaway! Good times with a friend in a perfect setting. Spring break at its finest!!!!

  3. Looks as though you gals had a fun and relaxing time.

  4. Another fun and funny post. With good food and shopping thrown in. Glad you had a great trip.

  5. I know you had a great time! You two wild and crazy ladies make me laugh even long distance. Lots of fun, laughter and great food!

  6. I saw that you were in Naples with Joyce and was waiting for the this. Looks like you had a terrific time and I knew you would. I saw the specks on her condo and it is gorgeous. I am sure the two of you were like Lucy and Ethel there. Glad you had fun. Sandie
