Saturday, August 1, 2015

INSIDE OUT CAT..............The Tail of Two Kitties.

Almost four years ago this showed up on our back porch....
Four years later I'm here with an update...

Which I'm sure your all dying to hear...
Those who follow me on Facebook
already got their good laugh..
Now for those of you
Who need a good laugh...
For years she would tease us with her presence.....
Not coming too close...but wanting attention...
When cold weather hit we became humanitarians
and bought a canvas "dog" house so she wouldn't be cold...
At Thanksgiving I would buy "canned turkey" cat food...
as a treat...
Time went by and little by little she became fond of the
He loves cats so they got along marvelously.....
One day he decided to see if she would come inside...
 She wanted no part of that....
When she realized we closed the front door behind her she starting
crying out loud like a baby in pain....
She freaked out....We let her out....
More time passed and she decided to give it another go....
"Maybe these two big fat "Cats" weren't trying to eat me"
She thought...
So she settled in....
still a bit unsure of me...
But loved the Boss....
So much that she would follow him to the bathroom
and wait outside....
she adored him...
I thought for sure it was his mother re-incarnated.....

(btw....isn't this a fabulous picture)
She discovered the Fluffy Rug in our
Bathroom....and posed like she was at a
Sears Portrait Studio....
She was getting used to having her picture taken...
She then made the OverPriced
Pottery Barn Faux Fur throw her own....
Sleeping on it at night folded up on my recliner in the
upstairs t.v. room.
Waking us up about 5:00a.m. to go back out in to the Wild....
Oh...I guess I failed to mention to the few who might not know
She is a Feral Cat....
She was born and grew up in the Wild....
Not on a Pottery Barn Throw...
You can see her clipped Left Ear in a few pictures...

People say that Feral Cats are very hard
 to turn into a house cat....
Not this cutie.....
She began to adapt to house life..
And then....
She began to take control of household items....
Like the remote Control.....
She found her favorite show to be...
"The Real Feral House-Cats of Atlanta"
she seemed to love watching all the
Cat Fights....
During the day she preferred the more colorful
furniture in the Family Room...
Sometimes sleeping for hours....
Or just lounging around and chilling
like a human on the couch...
I put my foot down when she asked for
Pizza and a Beer...
 Then one day she came home and appeared not
to be feeling well...
Convincing the Boss that if we tried hard we could bag her up
and get her to out vet...Her eye was looking bad and unlike the
Snake Bite from last year that nature healed....
Her eye was not looking good...
So with a soft sided carrier from Walmart and two determined
people who didn't want to be clawed to death....
After about 1/2 hour she gave in and walked right in to
the carrier....
Not making a peep all the way to Woodstock...a good
half hour ride....
We made it in one piece to our favorite Vet...
She was the perfect animal....He was even shocked....
After a little running around the tiny exam room she
let the Boss pick her and put her on the table....
She sat still for shots....she had her temperature taken without a
And even let him put medicine in her bad eye...
This was too good to be true....
What a good "Miss Kitty".....
Or Maybe Not.....
Upon further inspection of her under carriage.....
Doc gave us the news.....
Miss was indeed a Mr....
Having a quick wit he promptly said her new name should be
"How stupid can you two people be not knowing
I was Manly....How many females do you see hanging out on the
couch in this position...Please"......
But in the end.....we didn't want to further confuse the
situation.... so we have decided to continue calling her
Miss Kitty....and saying "What a good girl"...
But that's not the end of our Cat Tale....
You see she/he has a good friend....
Now I have grown to love Miss Kitty....
But on the other hand....
Here is the one that gives Cats a Bad Name....
Having no idea if she's someones cat she shows up
here every single day...she knows how to open our
she/he (don't want to make that mistake again)
Harasses me daily....
"What do you mean don't like cats....
I refuse to leave until you make me
a House Cat too"....

She won't shut up constantly meowing to get
your attention....
 As of today....we are assuming this Kitty has no home...
she isn't going away...
She sleeps on our patio furniture...
when I'm in the pool she sits and watches me from under my
when I get up she runs to the back door...
She runs around all beat the band...
Like a nosey old lady who doesn't want to miss
So as you can see I broke down and we now feed her too...
Or maybe she's a He....who knows...
But I do know I can't let an animal go hungry...
Or go without water...
She does not come inside....
Hense the "Out" part of
"Inside Out Cat"...
I caught her today dipping her paw into
a bowl of ice water the the Boss put out for her...
she would dip one paw in and then drink the
water off her paw...
I was hooked....
I'm a sucker for animals that do
Cute Stuff.....


  1. I am relieved you got Miss Kitty to the vet for shots!

  2. Both beautiful cats. I guess the word got out among the cat world that you are a sucker for a hungry cat. Won't be long before you take this one in. After all, Miss Kitty needs a playmate. Two cats aren't much more trouble than one cat.

  3. Well you know I adore Miss Kitty and with your attention and patience she has become a great house pet. Now the new guy/gal is well on it's way to your heart also. Not as feral I would say but in need. People dump poor animals all the time and so it seems this kitty has found a new home.

  4. Thank you for caring for these feral kitties, Sue...they have found a great family. Once tamed, they make the best pets. I have a couple that I wouldn't trade for any amount. The male thinks he is my guard cat and is never more than a few feet from me and the female sleeps at the bottom of the bed and sits in the sink while I take my shower!

  5. You certainly have a way with words, Suzanne! I really laughed when you showed the picture of Miss Kitty in that distinctive male pose on your sofa!

  6. Hey girl -you sure do love your cat - he has you wrapped around your little finger - and now there is two. You are going to have three soon! Hey I go to the same vet!

  7. Better get the new Miss Kitty to the vet for a clip-clip procedure before you let her in the house or you will have a house full of little Cat-lyns!!!! I can see it now -- a houseful of lounging cats all wanting pizza and beer -- An Italian cook's dream. Take care. Sally

  8. He/ She knows a good home and probably invited the know how kids are.

  9. Cats'll perish, dear, human beings live forever, either Upstairs or in the Abyss. Your choice. Not God's outta free will. God bless you.

  10. lol!!! our Fox was originally Foxy! yes, we share the same hilarious experience! lol you're a sucker with a big heart. :) love all these pics...especially the one with the white run and the couch, sitting like a human..too funny! years ago I had fluffy white rugs in my bathroom and loved them! now four pups later and one kitty, no more white rugs. :( but, it's all good I wouldn't change a thing!
    hope you're having a great week! look Fabulous!!
