Friday, June 19, 2015


It started the night before with
The Cake....
I took advise from the cake master....
aka: Chicago Joyce....aka: Betty Crocker...
and I went with real whipped cream instead of
cream cheese frosting on the strawberry cake...
you can't work with a whole quart of fresh whipping cream
and expect it...even with a stabilizer to hold it's shape...
Not in the summer....
but it held up okay in the fridge overnight so
then I moved on to baking the Madeline's that would the party favors.....
It was Linda @ A La Carte blog....
Necie....the previous next door neighbor and dear friend for
30 years...birthdays
We celebrate every year and I host the luncheon...
mini chocolate chip Madeline's
By Ina....
I always try to bake a little something for the Peeps
to take home...
The Table was set weeks in advance....
I was going to go with a Paris theme for Miss Linda...
But then I changed to Birds!
color theme would be green and purple....
Using my mother in laws china...and silver...
I used purple ball jars to hold votive candles....

I found these cute little boxes at every bloggers
favorite go to store....
The Dollar Tree...
inside are the Madeline's....

I love my little wooden bird....she travels all
over the house...wherever needed...
bird flower pots found at T.J. Maxx
artificial plants from Ikea... 
If anybody can tell me how to easily get
the now melted wax that is stuck at the bottom
of the ball jars would be greatly
Green napkins....Ikea...
paper place mats with a plate and silverware design
MIL Marge's lovely china and silver... 

A nice spot to park birthday gifts for the

Wondering how I was going to pull off having lunch
ready for when the gals showed up...I realized it was impossible..
You will see why in a minute...
So....I decided to feed them first...before lunch
That's correct...we basically were going to eat twice!
Food that could be ready when they arrived.... I filled the
kitchen island with goodies to keep them busy
while I prepared lunch....
We had Brie and peach jam baked in Phylo Cups...
hummus and chips and crackers...Olives...
Cheese...Tomato and Mozzarella....
And something I experimented with making...
Lemon Pepper Orzo Salad...with shrimp...
fresh pepper and basil in a lemon
It turned out to be a big hit and everyone wanted the recipe...
everybody loves tomato and mozzarella!
Next time you have a party...forget that fresh veggie platter
with dip...nobody really likes raw vegetables.....
Try the tomato and mozzie on a skewer...
Ask first before pouring on the Balsamic Vinegar...
This crowd loved both the Olive Oil and Vinegar...
This was lunch....
Croque Monsieur
Spring Salad with orange poppy seed dressing...
Both the salad and the Croque Monsieur had to be made
and eaten right away....
Hence the reason it could not be made ahead of time...
What your looking at is a Croissant....
toasted then filled with Honey Ham...Gruyere Cheese..
Then topped with a Gruyere/Swiss cheese/Asiago/Parmesan
sauce....then covered with grated Gruyere and
put under the broiler.... 
I know....That is A Lot of Cheese....
And it got rave reviews...
I think the last I heard Rose saying...
"Oh I can't possibly eat that whole thing...I'll take half home..."
The last thing I SAW was Rose finishing off her last bite...

Here are my favorite ladies....the "caring friends"....
Everybody needs them....
But I happen to be lucky to have them....
That would be from left to right....
Sandie @ The Chatty Crone....
My new friend and neighbor and wonderful artist....Maureen
Miss Linda...who drove all the way down from Athens...
But she knows I always throw a good party!!
And Necie....the old neighbor who I miss dearly...

We missed our friend Cheri...she couldn't make it
But we will be lunching with her soon...

It's not a party if Rose doesn't show up....
One of my favorite Bloggers of All Times...
This lady has more talent in her pinky then all of us ladies
And this is where the "consolation" comes in to play...
Three years ago I had a party and I gave away "door prizes"...
It was a large party...I think 28 ladies were in attendance..
I gave out slips of paper....7 of them had numbers on them
and the rest were blank...
Rose got a blank...
And very loudly said....
"Mine doesn't have a number on it!!"
To which I yelled back...
"You Lost Rose"....
We still laugh about that to this day.....
with a much smaller group I had two door prizes to give out...
Having a feeling that once again Rose would not win...
I had the perfect gift waiting just for her...
Of course she didn't get win...
Looking disappointed I left and came back
with Rose's Consolation Prize....
Martha Stewart's Entertaining Book...
I know Rose will get a lot of use from this book...
She throws better parties then I do...
Enjoy the book Rose!!
Here are the birthday girls....
I think I can speak for all of us and say we all look
Forward to this yearly party....
and to finish off the day....
They all got to step outside in the horrible scorching heat....
To pose with the new car....
And here we all are in the picture Rose refers to as....
"The Sister Wives".....
The Boss looks forward to this party too!
Happy Birthday Linda and Necie....
I hope you both have a wonderful year....


  1. Lunch looked wonderful and it's great that you all enjoyed each other's company and had lots of fun. You know how to entertain, Sue! If I lived closer- I woulda crashed the party! LOL

  2. Lunch looked great. What an assortment of foods, and your decorations looked wonderful. I wish I lived closer, I'd like to be your friend and be invited to at least one of your parties.

  3. The party was lovely! The food was out of this world and the company and conversation was priceless. It's the simple things in life that make it special. Thanks again!

  4. We had another amazing time together! Great food, Great conversation and most importantly Great friends!! Thank you for doing this each year, I look forward to it! Loved the food and that Orzo salad was a big hit, but the CHEESE of the Croque Monsieur made it the best sandwich ever! Worth the drive for sure. See you soon as we lunch with Cheri!


  5. You ladies have far too much fun! It's so nice that you all get together at least once a year. Lunch looks delicious.
    Have a great weekend, Sue.

  6. Missed you gals and it looks as though I missed a fantastic party too. Can't wait to meet soon. Love you gals.

  7. I have to tell you - your description was great and true - but it was even more wonderful than that. You always go to such a WONDERFUL length to make everything perfect - from the decorations to the delicious food - to the party favors... I am nicknaming you Sunshine, because that is what you bring to all of us. I am so lucky to be a peep of yours Sunshine.
    That is the closest I will ever be to a real Ferrari! I touched it and the steering wheel!
    Happy birthday Denise and Linda. How many years have we been meeting now - I was trying to figure that out. Years I know.
    Anyway thank you for all you do - it is appreciated immensely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Love, sandie

  8. Looks like a great time was had by all with a delicious lunch too. Happy Birthday to Linda and Necie!

  9. Hey girlfriend,
    You are definitely the hostess with the mostess! I envy your ability to cook and feed people with ease...and thanks for the cooking lesson ! Everything was delicious and your table was tres chic! LOVED my consolation prize! WOW....I was definitely consoled about losing for the last 3 times! Always enjoy your company and and chance to pose with your new toy! You deserve it!! Rose
