Thursday, August 21, 2014

A Random Act of Kindness...........

We all do our best to raise our children the
Best we know how and then hope for the
We try to teach them to be responsible adults with
good values and a kind heart....

Daughter called last night after getting a
Thank You note in the mail from a stranger....
It seems she sold a sweater on E-Bay to a women in
Soon after she heard from the women saying she never got the
package and in typical fashion these days the
women thought daughter took her money and
never sent the item...
Daughter has been selling on E-Bay for years
and has a satisfaction rating of 100%...

Daughter had the tracking number from the post office
but she went ahead and refunded the money to
the lady and then put in a claim with the P.O.

Enter the Thank you note...
From another women in California...
It seems the package was mis-delivered
by the post office....Oh what a shock I can't believe
the Post Office delivered a package to a wrong address....

The note said that the recipient had received a lovely
purple St. John knit sweater from daughter's address...
She wanted to know who she could thank for this
unexpected gift...
 Daughter looked up her name and address online to discover
The women is 93 years old...

The original purchaser was notified that the package went to
another address in error....
Last night the women's husband went to pick up the
sweater from the other lady....
They promptly re-paid daughter using Pay-Pal....

Feeling bad that the 93 year old women was so kind as to
write a letter thanking the Un-known Sender
and not wanting her to be disappointed
That this lovely "Gift" from a stranger was taken away...
Daughter had flowers delivered to her today....

She thought it would make her day....
I was so proud....
Thanks Daughter for having Good Values
and a Kind Heart....


  1. Good job mom. You raised a keeper.

  2. That sweet apple didn't fall far from the tree!

  3. Beautiful! What a great example of the importance of parents teaching children good values. Your granddaughter will be the same...

  4. Your daughter is so sweet! She could really be making a difference in that ladies life, you never know what's going on with someone. I know you're so proud and should be!
    Marie :)

  5. Well kudos to you, Sue, for raising a wonderful and thoughtful daughter and to you, Heather, for doing such a very nice thing for this elderly lady. I am sure that it made her day. It is so nice to hear things like this.

  6. This just makes my day! I love knowing that there is still kindness and generosity in this really rough world! You did good Mom!

  7. Sue you did a great job and she is doing a great job with her little one! Paying it forward.

  8. What a nice post.
    No good deed goes without notice somewhere in the universe :)

  9. Oh my gosh, that is so precious! You did a good job Sue. What a wonderful story. Thank you for sharing it!

  10. Sweet story! Kudos to your daughter for her kindness and sensitivity.

  11. You really raised her right then! That was such a nice gesture. I bet the lady loved the flowers.

  12. Like mother, like daughter.

    You raised her right, Sue, and it shows!


    Sheila...who has been AWOL for a bit! ;-)
