Monday, November 11, 2013

COOKING FRENCH WITH THE BOSS........A Night at the Viking School

Who knew when I got that e-mail about
a French cooking class at the
Viking School in Atlanta
that the Boss would so readily agree to go along
with me...
I told him it would be a great bonding experience to
celebrate our 43rd. Anniversary....
For a mere $99. per person they offered up a 3 hour
Hands on Cooking Class that included making
Beef Wellington...which I have always wanted to
Know how to make...and they had the Boss at
"French Onion Soup"....
Along with the class and the meal they were also 
throwing in two tickets to the art exhibit at
the High Museum titled
"The Art of the Louvre's Tuileries Garden"
How could you go wrong....

Of course this is when Daughter thought it was
either going to be tons of fun.....Or
a disaster....especially after hearing her father ask....
"Can I wear a beret and bring my knives"....
"No and No....."
Here is our Chef in Charge....
"Chef Chip"
Let me say that this guy was great....
I was recently at another cooking class at another
cookware shop in town and to say it was unprofessional
is an understatement....
The "Chef" a middle aged women who touted herself
as a personal chef........was
frazzled through the entire class...
She had to read every recipe and appeared
confused at times....Plus a class size of 20
and two islands to work on did not make for a
smooth and informative class...
You never want to leave a cooking class and say
"Hey....I could give cooking classes in my Kitchen"

The Viking Store kitchens are top notch...
Their shop has every gadget and doo-dad that you
could possibly want...
Along with those fabulous appliances....
They have added a huge showroom of sorts where they
have on display every possible Viking Appliance they Make...
Simply Gorgeous....a Cook's Dream!!
Second only to Watching Tom Selleck on the
Big Screen :)
Put Tom in there with an apron on and I would never
Okay now take a good look because this is the
One and Only time you will witness the
with an apron on....
and a knife in his hand....
He still has no idea when I bring him a meal where
it actually comes from...
Chef Chip in action.....
The menu was French so of course
There was French Onion Soup...
here we were making the "toasts" to put on top
onions caramelizing for the soup....
The school has one large island.....
A perfect size for 12 people to work around.
 With a class that size everyone got to
participate......Chip knew every step of the recipes
by heart....a True professional....
a Joy to listen to....and learn from....
Here is Rita on the right
Chip's sous chef....
and right hand lady....
This is what I came to learn....
We were about to make
Beef Wellington....
dicing up mushrooms for the

This cute little girl was there with her Mom...
I love when I see young girls
anxious to learn how to cook...
I have been in the kitchen since I was in my teens...

My Beef Wellington getting ready for
An Egg Wash.....
The mushroom concoction is under the
Puff Pastry....
The Beef tenderloin was seared on both sides
then put in the fridge to cool before
wrapping it in the pastry...
It will continue to cook in the oven
for about 20 minutes....

And it comes out looking like this....
 A perfectly cooked
Medium Rare on the inside....
This was Elizabeth and Joe....
such a cute couple....
Spinach Souffle.....
Yes....Souffles fall shortly after
taking them from the oven...
But delicious none the less!!

A fitting Finale' to a wonderful dinner....
A white Chocolate Mouse....
The Boss agreed that it was a great class...
Even though he sat down about 3/4's through the
evening....I think the onions made him woozy....
 I might actually get him to come back
for another class....
So if your in Atlanta and your looking for a fun
evening or daytime cooking class to go to with the
spouse or the Girls....This is the Place to go...
I highly recommend a class with Chip
It's like sneaking into an episode on the
Food Network...
A Chef who teaches....needs confidence in what they
do....Chip certainly fits that bill...

Viking offers a wide variety of great classes....
Including a Pasta Workshop and
an all day bread baking class...
They have a full calendar of classes on their
website....prices vary according to class and
time of day.....

You can also go here.....

To read about the last time I was at Viking with
fellow blogger and troublemaker....Joyce....
I'm surprised they let me come back!!


  1. Only time seeing the Boss with an apron on! What about all of the years at HD! ;) (I know. I know, different kind of apron!) btw-- you didn't mention the fact that you monogrammed your beef Wellington! What would Gordon Ramsey say? :)

  2. Gordon Ramsey would say...."Your going to Kill someone!!"

  3. This does look like tons of fun! Hope you and the Boss had a happy anniversary!



  4. What fun! You are so lucky to have this kind of class available to you. Nothing like it here in Portland. Are you going to make the Wellingtons and write a post about it. Say yes!

  5. OMG I can't believe John went...that is wonderful. That meal looks scrumptious and now I am hungry...thanks. LOL

  6. Hi Sue, I won a contest several years ago from Peroni beer, and it was for a bunch of cooking lessons at Viking, I went to NJ and enjoyed each and every one. We had different chefs and they were all really terrific. I think it is great that your hubby went, too. xo

  7. Just shoot me right now --- A cooking class with Bob -- he would probably enjoy it, but me, not so much. I can think of a million things I would rather do. Glad you guys had a great night, though. Sally

  8. What a fun event for you and I love that the Boss went and looked like he might even have enjoyed it! Beef Wellington huh...yum!

  9. I would love to go there! We went to a French cooking class that was a disaster! The teacher actually made us wash dishes along the way!!!

  10. Happy anniversary to you both. What a fun husband and such good food to eat!

  11. Sounds like so much fun. I am glad the Boss participated with you! Don't think Pa would ever agree to do that. He'd only want to EAT!

  12. This was adorable - I can just picture the boss there. I think it is so great that you can do such neat things together. Those onions caramelizing looked to die for. And I don't get it much - but I love Beef Wellington.

    And it looked like a manageable amount of people - perfect!


  13. The Boss looks so serious!! Love it. And that appears to be an amazing kitchen. Sorry I don't live closer to take advantage!
