Friday, August 9, 2013


I just read this story on Facebook.....

A small Missouri town is looking for a man not suspected of a crime but, rather, a miracle.
An unidentified allegedly drunken driver hit Katie Lentz, of Quincy, Mo., head on Aug. 4 while traveling on Route 19 near Center, Mo., pinning the 19-year-old in the front seat of her convertible. With her vital signs failing fast, she asked rescue crews to pray with her. Read more here:

On a highway somewhere in Missouri It seems out of nowhere a priest appeared at a crash site........
even though a large 2 mile area around the crash had been
closed one saw where he came from and
no one saw where he went after he stopped to pray over
the young women and
 anoint her with holy oil.....
I always get a chill when I read things like this....
Much like a photo I took one month before
9/11 of a headstone in the cemetery right across the Street
from the World Trade simply said...

"They are at Peace"........when I found that picture
years later in my picture box I got a chill....

Many years ago while on the great East Coast College
Tour the daughter was behind the wheel of the rental car when she pulled off the highway to stop for gas and our tire blew out.
We found ourselves in the parking lot of a Mom and Pop
gas station with no one to help ....
This was in the day of no cell phones.....we were
pretty well screwed.....there wasn't a man in sight who would offer us help in changing the tire....

Out of nowhere this man appeared........we still
don't no where he came from....he didn't have a car....
He quickly changed the tire and as I went to give him money
for being so nice he pointed at a necklace
I was wearing....A gold half moon....

He then pointed to his own neck.....not saying a word...
He was wearing the same exact half moon....only it was
the other half....or it seemed to be the other half......but because we were standing in front of each other they formed a whole moon...
And then he was gone......
he didn't walk away....he didn't drive away...
He was just gone....

We still talk about this all these years later.......and this
story reminded me of that day back in 1992....The mystery
man who came to help two helpless ladies and then just disappeared....

A very comforting thought to know we all are being watched over......and that everything is life happens for a reason....
How about you....have you ever had a mystery
encounter with a stranger....???


  1. I think that is called a miracle. And it was probably an angel unaware. I do believe in angels and miracles - I am going to write about that a little tomorrow in fact.
    Hope you are doing okay - daughter too.
    Love, sandie

  2. I believe in angels and miracles and definitely believe you met an angel.

  3. Beautiful story, Sue. I most definitely believe in angels!

  4. I can't control myself now...I have to say, "It Could Only Happen To You, Sue." I have never had an encounter that I can remember like you have had. A miracle for sure.

  5. Absolutely, Sue! I believe in angles, miracles and Divine Intervention. One time my mom fell in front of church while carrying a shopping bag of small glass vases (from an event we were running). She had quite a gash and was bleeding profusely. All of a sudden, a young man appeared 'out of nowhere', and handed me a clean white towel. I wrapped her wrist and off to emergency. Someone later asked where I had gotten the towel from......had not seen the young fellow. I can tell you also about my former tenant who was escorted out of her building at the WTC on 9/11, by a well dressed man in a business suit, whose white shirt was still, well, white. When she arrived outside amid the devastation, this man simply vanished. xo

  6. That should be "angels" not angles. :(

  7. Wow Yes, there are angels. I have no doubt.

  8. That was quite a story in Missouri and yours too. One time when we were driving in upstate NY several years ago, my husband had a seizure. The first car that came by was driven by a nurse and the second had a cell phone to call 911. Those people were placed there for a reason.

  9. The angel has been found!

  10. Sue, I always love your posts. This one is especially nice. I also liked the one about compliments. Great job... keep 'em coming!

  11. Oh my. . . your necklace connection story is fascinating! How eerie that he would even notice yours. Had you noticed his before he pointed?

    I hate to send links, but this story is too long for a comment. It's not a face-to-face encounter, but it certainly was welcome at the time.

  12. This happened not too far from where I live. It was such a great thing to hear on the news rather than all that other bunk we have to listen to...
