Tuesday, February 5, 2013


What a great way to spend the day......
With wonderful Blog friends.....great food...and all for a
Great Cause....
Invited to Joyce's house (our ex-Flour Power Blogger)
she announced we would be lunching for Charity....
Especially told not to bring any food...she gave us a list
of suggested items we could donate....
It was Valentine's Day early at Joyce's beautiful Home....
I mean everywhere...
anybody out there who knows Joyce would not have been
surprised by this!!
And then the ladies arrived.....
Sorry Rose to put you right under the bathroom shot...
Here is the lovely ever popular and party animal...
"The Santamaker"....
I think you could call Rose at midnight to come join a
party and she would show up 5 minutes later in her pajamas...
Rose IS the life of the party...
One of Two very sweet ladies....that I am happy to call
my friends....
Cheri from "Chez Cheri"s
she's ready to say something....This must be
"The Chatty Crone"
sweet sweet Sandie...
Don't you just love her new haircut.....
And we all loved the color....

And Cheri was sporting a new haircut as well...

hearts were everywhere!
Who knew Joyce was Crafty??
She made those boxes out of one sheet of  scrapbook paper...
sort of like Origami...inside we were all gifted
with beautiful dish towels....
Mine came from the Culinary Institute of America!!
how many of you saw these cute glasses at the
Dollar Tree....I saw them and don't know why
I hesitated to buy some....
Red and pink were everywhere you looked....
See how cute they are with their little
lady bugs..
enough with the chit chat....it was time to
sit down and eat.....
because Joyce just isn't a Baker she is one heck of a cook...
There's Sandie and and look who else came....
Miss Linda from A La Carte....
We talked a lot about Linda's fall trip to Paris....

A gift from her daughter Ashleigh....
She is brave to be going alone on her first trip to Paris.......
But we were all proud that she's doing it....She called 2013
"The Year of Linda".....
I love it!
Here is Cheri.....and Rose.....and in the middle
that beautiful Lady who seems to be getting younger each time we see her is Cheryl of "Jo Jo's Joys"....
We got to hear all about her recent trip to both Africa
and Mexico....She is a real World Traveler....
Cheryl spill your secret how you look so fabulous....
is it from Jet Lag in reverse?

course your all waiting for the food....
We had a wonderful salad with pears and apples...
grapes and nuts and a great apple cider vinaigrette....
Joyce billed this luncheon as "Comfort Food" and
she certainly delivered....
Ina Garten's individual chicken pot pies....
The Best...
you can't say comfort food without
Mac and Cheese.....this version done in the
Crock Pot....
As good as it looks....
Dessert were Linzer Cookies.....made with with
hazelnuts and raspberry jam....
Brownies with walnuts and Espresso sugar on top.....
And a very fancy poundcake which I forgot to photograph...
Time to leave I had to get a group shot....
Cheryl had to get back to work so she missed the picture op..
I was trying to keep order....you can see how much fun
this crazy group has together....
 Look at that get-up on Joyce....
She had gotten back from a work out right before we got there
She showered and put on jeans and a tee for comfort....
hiding the jeans and tee shirt this is what we got....
A blanket as a shawl and a funky hat....
You know I had to get in on one of the pictures....
I can not tell you how lucky all us Bloggers are everywhere....
Who find other people that can make you feel like you have been
friends all your life....
That is how our little crazy group is and I love them for it...
I never would have met Sandie if it were not for our Blogs and
early on we discovered our children were in
the same middle school class together some 25 years ago.....

And now I'm sure your waiting to hear what we all
got together for....besides the fun and the food....
Joyce is a very special person who is one of the most
generous people I have ever known...
She asked us to all donate items....
To a local women's and children's shelter here in
There was a Lot of Stuff......
much needed and I'm sure much appreciated to receive....
Us women have to help one another......
I just read a quote on Facebook and although I probably
won't get this completely correct it said something to the
effect of
"there is a special place in Hell for women who won't help other
I hope this little gesture of ours at the encouragement of
Joyce....Help out these ladies and children in need...
And lastly.....I baked the cookies....I think they were a hit...
So my next post I will show you how I made them and give
you the recipe just in time for
Valentine's Day.....

I hope this post gives you a good idea the next time you get together with your Blog friends and do something for the less fortunate women in your community...
We are truly blessed so let's spread it around a bit....

And as for spreading the Joy.....
My dear friend from South Jersey
Deborah from The Fairfield House....
sent this great Susan Branch calendar to me which I received
in the mail today.....
If you look up the word "Blogger" in the dictionary
You will find a one word description....
Thank you Deborah..
Stop by Deborah and say hello....she writes a very
lovely blog....


  1. Your post reminded me how much fun we had ... Let's do it again soon! My son had to listen to me carry on about those cookies last night...omg....they were incredible!

    And speaking of incredible, I would say that your are looking smashing yourself!

    Can't wait until we meet again. So much fun!

  2. Love this idea! If we all helped one another wouldn't the world be a grand little place. :-)

    'Course I can't end without commenting on the cookies. Love me a linzer!

  3. What a lovely luncheon and all for a good cause too. Wish I lived near you.
    Happy Valentine's day...or as we say to me in my house...'happy birthday' :)

  4. You did a fabulous job describing the lunch and wonderful pictures to boot. You are becoming quite the photographer.

    Love getting together with you gals and am so glad that I have met you all (just wish I lived closer). Fun...fun...fun.

  5. Sue,
    At the risk of repeating other comments; I too, wish I lived closer. You girls always have such great get togethers. Lunch looked delicious and your cookies scrumptious. Glad you received the calendar. I'm sure it will soon be filled up with parties and travel! :D
    Your Friend,

  6. What a wonderful gift to these women and children in need...and a great excuse to get together with friends!

  7. It was a wonderful get-together and as always fun to enjoy the great company and wonderful food. Your cookies were amazing and I enjoyed them very much. I liked that we did a charity event also. So many fun stories and good laughs with all of you!

  8. A treat all the way round ... great food, much needed items for the shelter, beautiful faces (a few I recognize.) I love your photos and the words that go with them.

  9. I spent so much time looking at all the photos and reliving the fun we had on Monday. There were a lot of good stories and conversations going on - I had to look to the right and then the left and listen fast. It was so much fun. Joyce- did a great job - it was lovely! I went to the dollar store and bought those glasses! And you did bring food - which I ate too much of! But we had a great time. sandie

  10. I so would have loved to come to that party!!! Tell Joyce I need that crock pot mac and cheese recipe. My daughter, the new mommy, is wanting crock pot recipes and mac and cheese is her favorite comfort food. Maybe you can get Joyce to post it on her blog... tell her it wouldn't hurt if she added a post here and there. It looks like it was a wonderful party and isn't it great you had fun AND helped some other women who needed it! You all are the best!

  11. Joyce is such a generous person! I was amazed that she sent a little outfit for my 5th gchild~ My dil couldn't believe it came from someone I never met!
    What a fun time you all must have had, it looks great! The hostess with the mostest!

  12. Hi Sue...I had to stop by and see about your luncheon. I received the envelope full of Valentine wishes. Thank you so much...I love the bloggers...they truly are generous!
