Sunday, January 20, 2013


pink and gold....
really.....a nun with sneakers

the famous Paris rooftops
the street where you shop til you drop!

our view.......
from the top of the tower...
the apartment kitchen
the girls!!

remember this cutie....
our waiter at the Cafe Marley at the Louvre

Notre Dame

more rooftops.....
this made the best grilled cheese
Miss Liberty.....half size.

every hour on the hour....
twinkle lights!!
look....I'm like a giant invading the city...
pastries.....their specialty..

the new york diner....
gotta love the
"chuck norris burger"
inside the dreaded subway....
more stairs then the
Washington Monument

sorry.....couldn't resist...
Our "Miss B"......
just being cute....
pictures taken by myself and daughter.....Nikon 200D and Nikon 300D cameras....


  1. Wonderful photos. Love the one of Miss B. And "giant" Sue!

  2. Hi Sue! I've been catching up on your Paris posts and loving the great pictures! All I have seen of Paris in December is the airport on my way to and from my little town. I have imagined the Champs-Elysées all decorated with lights. Was it beautiful? I have promised myself to stay in an apt next time, too. Were you in the 7th arrondisement? So pretty! Can't wait to talk in person! Hugs...Debbie

  3. The pastries...the flowers outside every little shop...the chic coffee-drinkers....sigh....wonderful!

  4. A great photo tour! Can't wait to catch up soon!

  5. Beautiful photos, especially the last one! She is adorable, Sue!!!

  6. Miss B is getting so big! She is such a cute charmer!

  7. Sue, these Paris posts are making me long for a trip to Paris. Great photos! I'm so happy you stopped by tonight. I recently lost all the links on my sidebar to the blogs I follow. Now you are back on. Yea!

  8. Hi Sue! Oh, I love your post and all the snaps of Paris! YOu're so cute popping out of that building!
    Thanks for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  9. What amazing photos! I've never been to Paris at the holidays, it must have been even more special! Love all of the rooftops. Rue Mouffetard is one of our favorite ares of the city. The market there is the best, isn't it?

  10. Well of course Susan I like Miss B the best. I know you had a great time there. So many beautiful and wonderful things to see. And the food there is awesome also. It was cute the way the girls were posing together. And it was very interesting in seeing the Eiffel Tower next to the Statue of Liberty. Puts things into perspective. It was a pleasure to see you this past week. Thank you for everything. Hugs to you my friend. Love your photographs. Oh yeah the waiter was cute too.

  11. Y'all took great some great photos and it looks like you had the most fun ever.
