Sunday, May 20, 2012

A SOUTHERN SHOWER........Jersey Style.

The one nice thing about our new life on the West Side is the Neighbors.....
We unfortunately are the oldest.....but the ages of everyone varies from their 20's up to US in our 60's.....
So when we heard that our neighbors Stephanie and Jared were about to tie the knot
What better way to celebrate then with a little impromptu
Bridal Shower.....
Because this little Sub-Division at the foot of Kennesaw Mountain is
Party Central....

Deciding to have the party out on the deck it was the perfect day except for the fact
That the heat got a Bit Much and half way through lunch
the candles on the table.......which weren't lit.....turned to liquid...
Someone commented......"And it's only April"....
Mr. Pig was dressed up for the occasion and presided over the dessert island....
When I couldn't find chalk anywhere in all of Atlanta I opted to
borrow a picture of the crazy couple from the
invitation to their "cocktail party" that the
Gittleman's were throwing for them the week later....
I told you this is Party Central....
Tables were set in pink and blue.....
I gained custody of Daughter's China in the divorce settlement....
Hey......the Mother should get something for putting up with the
Jackass SIL for 10 years!!
It was just the perfect setting.....
Blue stemmed goblets......Can you Believe the Dollar Tree....
Blue water glasses.....Yup......Dollar Tree....
Candles and glass holders.....IKEA.
Now Let's talk Food because  you know that's what I'm all About.....
We had everything A good Jersey party should have and Lot's of it....
From pesto pasta salad to Ham and Cheese Popovers....
Brie and Peach in Phylo cups....
Fresh fruit salad.....
There was ALOT of food....

Of course Being in the South we had to have
Chicken Salad in Croissants....
The recipe I stumbled upon......when I had extra cream puff dough....
I just took the dough and added 1/3 pound of diced ham....a 1/3 pound of Asiago Cheese
and a good handful of Parmesan.....
Baked in the wacky little cupcake pan from Ikea.....
They are my new "Big Hit".....
Fresh Fruit salad with fresh mint from the garden!
I swayed away from my usual ham and cheese quiche because of the Popovers and opted to
try a more traditional combo....
Bacon and Spinach....
It came wonderful......
Secret ingredient......Mayo.

Let's not forget the Dessert Table...or in this case the Dessert Island....
Miss Lucy my co-hort from Jersey was in charge of desserts and she did a great job.....
Everyone enjoyed themselves even though we all almost melted right off the deck.....
Above is Me with the Lovely Bride to Be Stephanie and Miss Lucy.....
Lucy is next up for a party.....We are having a Baby Shower for her on
June 23rd.......
I had some explaining to do to Stephanie's friends when they saw the Buffalo head.....
opening of the gifts.....the best part of a party!!
Almost all the gifts were from Pottery Barn or Crate and Barrel.....
She got some great stuff....
And Stephanie is a Decorator by Trade so her home will Embrace all these beautiful additions...
a Big White Tureen......
The Happy Couple.....
Jared and Steph....
Of course everyone has to go home with a Party Favor....
I'm all about the Party Favors......
And What is in that little box....
A Cupcake Of course!!


  1. I have to tell you that was just beautiful. The gals looked like they had a great time. The food was delicious looking. And that last cupcake to die for. Lucky group of gals is all I can say. You looked great! sandie♥

  2. Sue, That looks like a spectacular gathering and the food, of course, looks scrumptious!!! I didn't even recognize you in the photo. You look smashie!!!!!!!

    Thank you for your note last week. I still owe you an email and want to catch up. So glad to see your post!

  3. I've said it before - no one does food better!!! One of these days, I'm going to show up on your doorstep wanting to be fed in your spectacular manner!!!! Sally

  4. Ooooh, so beautiful and romantic,Sue! Your food looks great and all arangements too :o) And all gifts are stylish. Almost bride looks very beautiful and so happy = great party :o) Thanks for sharing.
    Have a nice day

  5. It would be a real treat to live in your neighborhood, Sue! Just look at all that wonderful food and all the smiles on your friends' faces.

  6. Party Central is right! What an amazing par-tay you put on, girl... Food looks and sounds scrumptious and I know everyone had a blast! Oh to be your neighbor. Oh wait.... We would probably get arrested! LOL
    LOVE YOU tee hee Sue

  7. Sue you do know how to throw a great party! Love the cute decor and yes the food!! Hope I'll be home by the end of June and we can still have a get together! Hugs, Linda

  8. That looks like a great shower - you outdid yourself, but now they all know how someone from NJ throws a party. You've set the standard pretty high!

  9. Sue, OMGosh! The food look fabulous and so does your table. How neat that you got the china in "the divorce settlement". :) Whoo hoo!
    Thanks for sharing the fun shower pics,

  10. Sue, I wish I lived in your neighborhood so I could come to all the parties. The food looks wonderful. You outdid yourself. Glad to see you posting again... I've missed you!

  11. A neighborhood like that will keep you young! I hope they can keep up with you.

  12. You gave Stephanie such a wonderful bridal shower, Sue! The food looked divine and I loved the favor. Love is certainly int he air this season ...I am still on a wedding high from my daughter's wedding. My knees are just beginning to recover from all the dancing I!

  13. Sue,

    Looks like a wonderful time was had by all. You are a wonderful hostess. The table and food look spectacular. I am in the process of planning a birthday party for my mother. Hope it turns out half as nice as yours did.

    Your Friend,
